It's like watching fire and peeping at leopards.

A leaf knows the autumn.

This is the most basic realm in the realm of human beings. Only when you enter this realm can you be regarded as stepping into the threshold of human beings. Moreover, this realm is not from the beginning to the end, but will deepen and become stronger with the continuous improvement of the realm of practitioners.

Now Li Hao has entered the realm of spotless heart and no body, so his insight ability is much stronger than the ordinary cave micro realm before. If he enters the realm of "emptiness", his insight ability will be stronger.

If it is the achievement of the sage's fruit position, then you can have an insight into the past and present, and any details can be calculated clearly. You can go back against time, and even the future can't stop them!

Didn't Shennong emperor lay out his own Shennong tripod and spiritual inheritance for his pure blood descendants after tens of thousands of years?

Li Hao pulled out his cocoon and now he has locked the Viper negative, which is near the trapped Longyuan. For him, Viper negative is already the fish on the chopping board and can't escape his calculation.

"There are still subtle thunder attributes left in the air. It seems that he experienced thunder robbery before."

Li Hao didn't show his magic power of shrinking the earth into inches. Holding the reincarnated dragon egg of Ao Xing, Li Hao strolled around the trapped Longyuan, catching clues from everything to explore the whereabouts of viper negative.

"Brother Li, now Jackie Chan is very smart. In addition to his cruel nature as an Viper demon, his brain has also got rid of the stupid shackles of the demon family and become very smart."

After searching near the trapped Longyuan for a day, Li Hao received a message from Zhang Ziyun through the public jade slips: "you sent out a message in the Longxu Valley to search the Viper negative wantonly. The goblin must have heard the wind. Before he was confident that he could resist you, he must have run away with his tail. I occasionally think you'd better not waste time near the trapped Longyuan."

Li Hao pondered in his heart that Zhang Ziyun's words are not unreasonable. Zongheng Valley has been good at training counselors since ancient times. Zhang Ziyun's consideration is very reasonable.

Li Hao gave a long roar, which seemed to be a roar. He was annoyed that he was a step late, so he didn't catch the viper. Then he took a big step away, holding Ao Xing's dragon egg. His body turned into a brilliance like a meteor catching the moon and rushed to the distance!

Soon after Li Hao left, invisible ultrasonic waves came from a distance, which made the situation here clear.

Hide in the clouds and fly to the bat king. He carefully identified the echo. After listening to it for a while, a trace of joy appeared on his face. As soon as he turned around, a fierce son plunged under the trapped dragon abyss.

Through the layers of fog in the Grand Canyon of trapped Longyuan, came to the bottom of the valley, and then drilled into a secret cave on the cliff next to it!

"Lord, Lord! You're so unpredictable!"

As soon as the bat King entered the cave, he fell to his knees and worshipped the deep part of the cave. "Lord, according to what you said, Li Hao really went away according to the false clues we had deliberately left with your dragon scales, and he jumped with anger."

"Oh, that's true!"

A Yin measuring voice came from the cave. Although the Dragon Qi spewed out between the talks, it didn't have the aboveboard and righteous righteousness of Ao Xing, but it was gloomy like a poisonous dragon.

Viper negative showed the dragon's body. With the help of bat king and eagle king, he has experienced several times in Longxu valley. The speed of blood fusion has greatly increased, and the dragon's breath is obvious all over his body. The originally dense garland and snake scales have also turned into dark purple dragon scales. The snake head has turned into a dragon's head, with double horns on his forehead and four claws on his belly. The dragon's whiskers are floating, and the hair at the dragon's tail has not yet grown, But it has also begun to take shape.

If the shape of the last tail is completely revealed, Viper negative will really completely integrate the blood of the dragon family, from a snake demon into a dragon family that can carry clouds and rain and control water and fire!

At that time, the strength of viper negative will greatly increase, because he is an adult dragon. Unlike Ao Xing, although he is the blood of a real dragon, he can't exert many powers because he is a minor.

If Ao Xing had grown up, Viper negative would not have a chance.

"Lord, naturally, he knows things like God. Who is he? That's the only dragon family in the world now!"

The eagle demon king flattered him, and then turned his eyes: "but Lord, this human is too arrogant to want you so much. Let me be my subordinates angry for you! If I wasn't weak, I would kill him for you!"

"Li Hao once slaughtered half a hundred demon kings and made a demon king banquet. He has strength, but his deep blood feud with my demon family is greater than Li Jiaqi!"

Viper negative's eyes also flashed a cruel color. He knew that since he attacked Ao Xing secretly in the flying dragon's gate, he also interrupted Li Hao's way to the dragon's gate. The hatred between the two sides has been settled. Now he killed Ao Xing and swallowed his blood. This hatred will never die!

"Li Hao, when benlong really turns into a dragon and becomes an adult, it will be your death!!"

The fierce Qi in Viper negative's eyes soared. Between the opening and closing of the dragon's mouth, the poisonous fog escaped from the mouth and teeth, killing all the flowers, grass and moss around the cave, and the rock wall close to Viper negative was corroded into nothingness!

The eagle demon king and the bat demon king trembled in awe. Viper negative is about to completely turn into a dragon, and it is a poisonous dragon that can't be born and bred among the dragon family!

Like Viper negative, there was one in ancient times. A golden double horned Python once swallowed the blood of the dragon. However, because the golden double horned Python itself had dragon blood, the python turned into a real dragon and retained the snake's poison. It became the first poisonous dragon in history. It once poisoned the world and stirred the wind and rain, Finally, after Dayu succeeded in canonization, he calmed the flood and killed the poisonous dragon.

Although Viper negative is far from the poisonous dragon in those years, it is also very rare and powerful, because in addition to the magical talents of many dragon families, he also has a highly toxic attribute.

"A poisonous dragon is rare."

When the Viper held their teeth and wanted to revenge Li Hao after the success of Hualong, a chuckle suddenly came out of the hole.

Under the unbelievable gaze of viper negative, bat king and Eagle demon king, Li Hao's figure slowly appeared in front of them.

"Viper negative, you owe me a pot of snake meat soup."

Li Hao looked at the viper in the cave. With a warm smile on his face, he said, "it's good to cook a pot of dragon broth, counting the interest owed for so long."

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