Listening to the vast voice in the sky, Li Hao's face became dignified for the first time.

This is the first time he heard this voice, but the blood of the dragon family originally given to him by AO Xing in his body began to move. It seems that he saw the ancestor and wanted to turn away from the guest and occupy a dominant position in Li Hao's body.

However, this may be a big trouble for ordinary people, but Li Hao now has a spotless heart and a feather without body. When his heart moves, he easily suppresses the restlessness of the dragon blood.

However, he was very curious. Could it be said that in this Dragon Valley, ZuLong's will did not evolve into the ignorant chaotic will similar to the operation of heaven in the world, but still retained ZuLong's own ideology?

If not, why does this sound appear at such a juncture and excite all things related to the dragon clan as soon as it appears?

A mass of golden light wrapped the Viper negative. Oh, no, it should be called Ao viper's flesh and blood body now. With the blessing of the power of the Dragon virtual Valley, he not only smoothly evolved into an adult dragon family, but also the injuries previously killed by Li Hao with the powerful stick method are healing rapidly.

"I want to kill you. ZuLong can't stop you alive, let alone the will of the remnant soul!"

Li Hao's eyes were sharp and reached forward again.

Although it just seems to poke forward with a finger, time and space seem to slow down under this finger.

Wanli haiboping!

Li Hao's fingers stretched out like a golden cudgel!

At that time, the monkey king also made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. This Ruyi golden cudgel is also the sea god needle from the original East China Sea. This kind of Wanli haiboping has a highly targeted killing effect on all shrimp soldiers and crabs, including the dragon race!

Under Li Hao's point, the whole space in front of him, including time, is like an invisible sea, which is directly settled and can't lift a trace of wind and waves.

Sure enough, under Li Hao's move, Ao viper's strength of Qi and blood surging to heal and return was also determined. Although the power of Longxu Valley guarded around and prevented Li Hao from breaking through, it was difficult to recover smoothly.

"Lord ZuLong, help me!"

Ao viper's eyes on the only dragon head flashed a trace of panic. He originally thought that after he could evolve into a real adult dragon, he could attract Zu Long's will to help him. At that time, with the blessing of the power of dragon virtual Valley, he could definitely crush Li Hao properly.

But I didn't expect that the magic wand method learned by Li Hao and the monkey king was so abnormal that he gave his flesh and blood in the original place and couldn't recover.

This is the result of the blessing of ZuLong's will and the power of dragon void Valley!

If the power of Longxu Valley disappears later, he will definitely die, and he can't avoid the miserable end of his flesh cooked in soup.

After all, before that, he had heard that Li Hao once cooked more than 50 demon kings for the Terrans.

Ao Viper knew that this eater would never let go of himself. Who made him eat Ao Xing's flesh before to achieve this?

Ao viper's prayer is still effective.

With his cry, the power of Longxu valley became more and more powerful. It really isolated the influence of Li Hao around him, and began to gather Ao viper's flesh and blood again.

"Damn it!"

Li Hao frowned slightly and looked at the reincarnated dragon egg of Ao Xing held in his left hand. His inspiration was imminent. He suddenly raised the dragon egg in his hand, used it as a weapon and smashed it angrily at the head of Ao Viper!!


Ao Xing's reincarnated dragon egg passed through the protective power of the Dragon virtual valley without hindrance, as if it had turned into a big hammer, hit Ao viper's faucet heavily, and directly broke one of its horns!


When Li Hao saw that this move was effective, he was not polite. He raised Ao Xing's dragon egg again, picked up the egg and fell, and then hit Ao viper's only intact faucet!


Just when Ao Viper was about to be smashed by Li Hao with AO Xing's dragon egg, the previous magnificent voice sounded again. At the same time, a dazzling golden awn suddenly burst out and wrapped all Li Hao and AO Viper!

"ZuLong will?"

Li HAOSI didn't panic. Her face calmly held the Ao Xing dragon egg in her hand, looked directly at the void in front of her, and said faintly, "I thought you had been scared, but I didn't expect to leave a trace of residual soul."

"Li Hao, you have too many things!!"

The void wriggled slowly, revealing a mighty real dragon in front of Li Hao. Even if it was only the ghost of ZuLong, it was still as powerful as the sun in the sky, so people didn't dare to look directly at it.


Li Hao shrugged and asked.

"Ao viper and AO Xing are descendants of our dragon clan. This is an internal struggle between the dragon clan. What's the matter with you?!"

ZuLong's ghost looked directly at Li Hao, as if to see through everything he had, and angrily said, "you are a foreigner. What qualifications do you have to intervene?!"

"Internal strife?"

Li Hao sneered and said, "ZuLong, I think you are a broken soul. Are you out of your mind?"

After that, he raised his finger to Ao viper, who was trembling next to him, and said, "this goods was just an Viper demon. Don't you know? In the sky dragon's gate, if he hadn't plotted against Ao Xing and me, this goods would have a chance to become a dragon family?"

"So, you didn't step into the realm of 'emptiness' after all."

ZuLong's ghost looked at Li Hao with burning eyes, and the anger in his tone suddenly converged.

Li Hao's eyes were finally dignified.


This is Li Hao's last mountain before he really won the holy way. Once he steps in, the magnificent scenery of the holy way is already in sight.

Li Hao knows very well that although ZuLong's realm is less than the holy way and less than the emperor, it is absolutely the most powerful person who sweeps away the invincible in the holy way and the emperor. If he can get his valuable experience in the realm of "emptiness", it is absolutely rich food for Li Hao himself.

Li Hao turned his hand and collected Ao Xing's dragon egg into the sea gourd. He asked, "what is empty."

"That is not that."

I don't know whether it's to persuade Li Hao to give up killing Ao viper, or because Li Hao's body also contains the blood of the dragon family. The remnant soul of ZuLong seems to be deliberately instructing Li Hao.

That's not that.

Li Hao himself knows this word and truth, but this sentence is too vague and obscure. Knowing belongs to knowing, but understanding is another matter.

Watching Li Hao frown and say nothing, ZuLong's ghost showed a smile and opened his mouth again.

"There was a saying in your Terran Taoist Dharma that explains the realm of 'emptiness' very appropriately."

With that, ZuLong sold a pass and said, "nothing in this party is not true, but empty!"

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