ZuLong's words, like a lightning bolt from chaos, directly pierced Li Hao's heart, leaving him in place for a long time.

This sentence, like the drum of a thousand troops on the March, knocked heavily in Li Hao's mind!

He stood stunned in the temporary small world built by ZuLong, and suddenly showed a smile on his face. He kept smiling, bent over, and finally smiled so that even tears came down from the corners of his eyes.

ZuLong's words made Li Hao feel enlightened. He was like a patient who was itching all over. He was scratched to the most itchy place all at once, and all the obscure places had a new feeling and understanding.

Nothing out of nothing, nothing out of nothing, is not the so-called nothingness, but a state of vague definition and unknown medium.

All the complicated thoughts in Li Hao's mind emerged like a volcanic eruption. He remembered the concept of a cat called Schrodinger in the definition of science fiction.

The so-called Schrodinger's cat means putting a cat in an invisible closed box and putting lethal poison in the box. However, before the box is opened, no one can see whether the cat eats the poison or not, that is, no one knows whether the cat in the box is dead or alive.

Because they don't know how to live or die, people define the cat in this box as a state that is neither life nor death, but also a state that is both life and death.

This is the so-called Schrodinger cat.

Although this is a science fiction definition, it clearly appears in Li Hao's mind at the moment.

In theory, the cat is a kind of creature, a living individual. As long as it is a creature, it naturally has only two states of life or death. Even if it is half dead or dying as the saying goes, it also belongs to the category of life.

Life and death are two completely opposite opposites, and life plus death contains all of life.

But Schrodinger's cat jumped out of this circle and defined a creature as an existence between life and death, or living or dying at the same time.

This kind of thinking realm has jumped out of the traditional thinking circle. Originally, there were only two states of life or death, but now Schrodinger's cat has derived a situation that neither completely belongs to life nor death out of thin air.

This new definition just coincides with what ZuLong said?

Jump out of the habitual thinking, stand outside the traditional vision, and let their own Taoism, accomplishments and strength finally come down to the whole cultivator himself.

This is the legendary way to jump out of the three realms and not in the five elements.

This is empty!!

"Do you understand?"

ZuLong's ghost looked at Li Hao and asked with a smile.

"Emptiness is here. You ask me if I understand, but I want to ask you. In your opinion, do I understand?"

Li Hao didn't open his mouth and asked with a smile.

ZuLong smiled and nodded without talking.

He asked Li Hao whether he had realized it or not. The conventional answer was to realize it or not. However, Li Hao's answer was beyond common sense. This performance itself is the embodiment of "emptiness".

Some people may think that this practice of not playing cards according to common sense has been done by many people in ordinary life, and even many people have done it themselves. Is it so simple for the so-called mysterious and mysterious to visit the strongest state under the holy way?

In fact, it is just like this. Great complexity is great simplicity. Return to nature. Mahayana is often hidden in trivial things.

Moreover, although it is simple to say, the situation of not playing cards according to common sense is not uncommon in daily life, most of them are done by accident. If they do it by accident, they can not step into the "empty" environment.

Li Hao has always been trying his best to understand his thoughts and improve his realm while improving his cultivation. From the state of cave and micro to the state of spotless heart and a feather, Li Hao has never been slack at all.

Until today, ZuLong's sentence was made out of nothing, and immediately pierced the layer of window paper in his heart. With a lot of accumulation, he could feel that his state of leaving the air was so close.

Unlike the previous realm, entering the mysterious realm of "emptiness" is not achieved overnight.

It's like a person's feeling when falling into the water. His body is immersed in the water bit by bit, from his feet, then his legs, then his trunk, and finally his neck and head.

If the realm of water is "empty", Li Hao feels that he is the diver, moving towards that realm bit by bit, and will enter it!

Like a diver, when he has enough strength to jump from the springboard, he is destined to fall into the water!

But what is rare is that not everyone can accumulate enough strength and courage to jump on a platform ten meters or 100 meters high.

Li haohou's accumulation of thin hair for so long is tantamount to accumulating the strength to jump.

ZuLong's advice is equivalent to someone giving him a boost behind his back, which makes Li Hao really take this step.

Now, although he has not completely entered the realm of emptiness, he has entered the natural process. Over time, it will be natural and reach the realm of emptiness!!

"How do you feel?"

ZuLong's ghost smiled at Li Hao and said, "now you should be able to understand that in my eyes, Ao viper is a viper demon who turns into a dragon by any means, or a natural dragon family. This is not important at all. It can be said that there is no dragon in the world, or that all creatures can become dragons, so I don't interfere with it and AO Xing, and I don't want you to intervene."

"You're right."

Li Hao smiled and nodded. He now enjoys the feeling of gradually entering the empty world.

It's like the feeling that people fall into the water in the air, like birds approaching the long-awaited goal step by step.

Li Hao's figure is getting weaker and weaker, as if it had become a shadow. It's specious. Standing here, he seems to have become a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. He can see it, but he can't reach it. It's obviously close in front of him, but it's like far away in the sky, just a mirage.

This is the characteristic of entering the empty realm. It is not an opponent of the same realm or a higher realm. If Li Hao doesn't want to stand here, they can't touch the corner of Li Hao's clothes.

"If only you could understand this truth."

ZuLong ghost smiled and said, "I help you today because there is a trace of dragon blood in your body. Although it is said that all creatures can become dragons, I am still selfish."

"Well, I know."

Li Hao nodded again, and then his body flashed. Unexpectedly, he suddenly passed through the middle of the remnant soul of ZuLong. His body was like a stick. The tiger body was shocked. An overwhelming sense of righteousness directly turned into a storm and wrapped Ao viper's body that was recovering bit by bit!

"Lord ZuLong, help me!"

Ao Viper only had time to make such a rapid scream, and then he was beaten alive again and died on the spot!!

"Li Hao, you!!"

ZuLong's ghost was completely stupid. He stared at Ao Viper who died in Li Hao's hand and exclaimed, "how can you!!"

"Why can't I?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "no matter what between Ao viper and AO Xing, I want to kill him because he has a grudge against me. That's all. He must die whether he kills the hidden danger of the demon family for the sake of the Terran or avenge his brother for me!"

With that, Li Hao smiled, raised his hand to run the earth attribute Zhenyuan, condensed a big jar, loaded all the blood and meat of Ao viper, and said proudly, "originally I just wanted to cook a pot of snake soup, but now I have earned a pot of dragon soup. This wave is not at a loss."

"What did I tell you?"

The ghost of ZuLong was so angry that he couldn't even maintain his shape.

"I know."

Li Hao nodded with a smile and said, "but you can understand the Tao, but you can't be trapped in the Tao. Do you know why you are the oldest creature in the three realms. Why are you always inferior to emperors and saints?"

ZuLong was silent.

"Knowing but not trapped in the Tao, even the Tao of heaven is just a realm, but it is not the peak."

Li Hao was full of lofty feelings and took one step. The small world condensed by the ghost of ZuLong mobilized the power of the whole dragon virtual Valley suddenly cracked step by step, like broken glass at Li Hao's feet, and then turned into nothingness, revealing the original dragon virtual Valley world.

ZuLong's power can't stop Li Hao at the moment.

Although its cultivation and strength are much stronger than Li Hao, it is not stronger than Li Hao in realm, even weaker than Li Hao.

"Give you time, among the three worlds, you will be invincible in the world..."

ZuLong's ghost looked at Li Hao's figure step by step. His soul trembled. He could understand how powerful and profound will was contained in Li Hao's last words. Even he was shocked.

"What about invincible in the world?"

Li haotou did not return to di Lang and said with a smile: "invincible in the world is only in the world after all. But if people live for a lifetime, how can they succumb to heaven?"

ZuLong's ghost was silent. Looking at Li Hao who was drifting away, he seemed to be relieved of something. He smiled at himself and said, "it's worthy of being a natural saint. Even the sky is not satisfied."

"Not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, you are at the highest level!"

Li Hao's step seemed like a heaven and earth. The whole Longxu Valley trembled under his feet and was about to close again in advance.

ZuLong's eyes showed a look of admiration, and then the remnant soul returned to the whole Longxu Valley and disappeared.

A few moments ago, he could guide Li Hao to take a key step, but now, in the blink of an eye, he was surpassed and thrown away by Li Hao.

The natural saint's posture is dazzling!

Standing in this realm, Li Hao is no longer in awe of the way of heaven and the holy way. In the end, everything is the "I" who returns to himself.

Even the way of heaven and the holy way are just floating clouds in the journey of seeking the way, which can not cover Li Hao's eyes now, because he himself, his heart and a person's self are the real top peak!!

Light and shadow surged around Li Hao. At this moment, the holy power of the former medicine Saint nongdi and the soldier Saint grandson was completely refined in Li Hao's body and became his own inside information.

The golden clouds are rolling, and Li Hao is growing lotus step by step.

Semi holy patrol, visions!

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