Looking at the big cylinder in Li Hao's hand, the whole two circles fell into a dead silence


The Viper negative prince, who originally placed the hope of everyone of the demon family, oh, no, now it should be said that the adult dragon Ao Viper who successfully turned into a dragon in the Dragon void Valley, has been cut into pieces of meat. He was put in a big jar by Li Hao and turned into a dead dragon!!

Seeing this scene, the demon family suddenly burst into a pot!

"Prince viper is dead!!!"

"God!! how could it be?! look at the appearance of Prince Viper negative. He has clearly turned into a dragon. How can he die?!"

"Oh, my God! Why do you see hope but still be ruthlessly extinguished? Oh, my God!"

Many demon families cried, while some fierce ones said in a cruel voice: "the Terran must have killed the Viper negative prince by some despicable means. We must avenge him!"



After such an incitement, all the demon kings who had not entered the Longxu Valley roared, and the turbulent power of Qi and blood and Demon power were ignored, which could explode extremely terrible destructive power at any time!

However, those demon families who had entered the Dragon virtual Valley shrank their necks in fear and did not dare to shout at Li Hao.

After all, they all know that Li Hao once defeated Prince wolf anger and the Nine Tailed Tianhu demon king in Longxu Valley, and directly chopped half a hundred demon kings and cooked them to feast the Terrans. The meat fragrance of the demon king of all ethnic groups spread thousands of miles, making all demon families really scared by the wind.

Because the meat flavor contained in the wind really makes them scared and creepy!!

No one can say whether they will be the next one to be cooked by this cruel guy!

But those demon kings who stayed in Liangjie mountain didn't know what Li Hao did in Longxu Valley!

They now see Viper negative dead. They all think that it must have been some conspiracy of the Terrans that killed Viper negative. They haven't realized Li Hao's power.

"Do you want revenge?"

Li Hao looked at several demon kings who encouraged the power of Qi and blood and Demon power. He smiled coldly, nodded and muttered: "also, when you cook soup with dragon meat, naturally there should be some small roles as side dishes. I killed and maimed most of the demon king of the demon family in Longxu Valley. Since you are also here today, you can't let go."

With that, he raised his hand and waved it in the air. A Zhenyuan force full of light golden light and Shenghui fell from the sky and rolled down hard. It was like a golden cudgel suddenly smashed down from the sky. It directly smashed a huge pit on the other side of Liangjie mountain, which belongs to the demon family territory. At the same time, it crushed countless young demons with insufficient cultivation to spit blood and seriously hurt them, I don't know.

And those demon kings showed their housekeeping skills and finally carried Li Hao's blow.

"Well, the strength is good. It's stronger than those demon kings I stewed in Longxu valley."

Li Hao nodded slightly, and then seemed to be tasting vegetables. He said, "if the cultivation is higher, the meat will be more delicious, very good!"

After hearing this, the demon kings at the bottom were even more angry and their noses smoked.

Where does Li Hao regard them as opponents?

It's clearly the meat on the chopping board!

Then their anger turned into deep fear and powerlessness.

Li Hao shot again. This time, instead of waving his arm, he poked out a finger and scratched down!

Suddenly, a golden palm roared out, and five fingers came like five golden cudgels of different lengths!

When Li haozhen reached the realm, it can be said that even if the monkey king did it, he would not do better than him.

"The mighty spirit fills the universe!!"

With one palm, heaven and earth gathered together, the combat effectiveness of these demon kings was suppressed to the extreme in an instant!

"Please, gentlemen, come into my urn."

Li Hao is polite. He clearly wants to eat other people's meat, but he seems to be inviting these guys to a good place.

These demon kings naturally struggled desperately, and none of them was willing to give in.

Every demon family who can achieve the demon king is not an ordinary role, and none of them is a guy respected by the demon family. However, in front of Li Hao, they directly face-to-face and were suppressed. Then another round, they were defeated by Li Hao's anger!

A soldier who subdues without fighting!


As soon as Li Hao raised his hand, there was a strong suction in the big cylinder in his hand, which directly sucked the five demon kings into the cylinder!

The volume of the jar in Li Hao's hand continued to expand, and finally formed a behemoth like a hill. Put the corpse of Ao viper and the five demon kings into it!!

"I'll be good!"

Everyone on the Terran side was stunned. They had learned about the domineering of the Li brothers for a long time, but it was the first time for them to see such a strong man as Li Hao!

Using the demon king as food, ready to cook meat?


"Zhang Ziyun, burn the salary and cook the fire!"

Li haofen gave an order.


Zhang Ziyun had been thinking about this food for a long time. Now he got Li Hao's order. He immediately replied in a loud voice: "just look!"

With that, he immediately spread his arms and urged zhenyuanli to take local materials around the two boundary mountains, cut down some dead trees and set up a high firewood pile on the Terran side!


With a flick of his fingers, a cluster of sparks jumped out of his fingertips and lit the firewood pile in an instant.

Li Hao didn't use the strongest Huoqi Zhenyuan, but just a spark generated by fingertip friction with his strong body and strength. Otherwise, his Huoqi Zhenyuan is too powerful and will directly burn this ordinary wood into fly ash in an instant. Where can it play the role of cooking soup?

The fire was raging. Li Hao calmly put the big jar in his hand on the fire and cooked it. At the same time, he condensed his Zhenyuan force and began to probe into the big jar to stir. He used Zhenyuan force to accelerate the disintegration of the residual body protection force on AO viper's body and demon King's body. Otherwise, if it was just so simple to burn down, After burning him for ten or eight years, he may not be able to cook these demon king meat and dragon meat.

There was silence in the two mountains, only the crackling sound of firewood burning and the grunting sound of broth gradually boiling.

None of the Terrans spoke. They were all staring at the big VAT in front of Li Hao, rolling their throats, looking forward to sharing a bowl of this once-in-a-million-year gluttonous feast.

And there was no one from the demon family to speak. They all crept quietly on the ground, dead, injured, and the rest were frightened.

"Don't you report to the ten demon kings?"

Half a day later, Li Hao squinted at the demons who didn't dare to move there and said faintly, "go and report it. I'm waiting for them to come. If it's in time, maybe I can catch up with the soup and get out of the pot!"

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