The meat smells delicious.

Under Li Hao's cooking, one day later, the flesh and blood of those demon kings had already been boiled thoroughly, and the dragon meat of Ao Viper also began to emit bursts of meat fragrance and boil out muscles.

Zhang Ziyun and other Terrans who have tasted the sweetness in Longxu valley have their eyes shining, and all of them are waiting.

"Brother Li, do you want to add some salt and other spices?"

A man came together and everyone knew him. His name was Liu Xingtian. He was the leader of a small sect called food God mansion. The cultivation skills of this sect were ordinary, but he cooked a pot of good food. Any food material in Liu Xingtian's hand could burn a coveted flavor.

"Liu Zhang teaches you that you are an expert. I'll cook it. As for how to release the seasoning, I'll leave it to you."

Li Hao smiled and nodded.

Although these demon kings and dragon meat are naturally very delicious, if you can add spices, it must be more irresistible.

Half a day later, the delicious broth came out of the pot. Li Hao waved his hand again. Wood Qi Zhenyuan and earth Qi Zhenyuan were naturally like fish in water in the mountains and forests, as if they had become the Lord of mountains and rivers. Some dishes and chopsticks were condensed in the waving room.

"Divide the broth!!"

Zhang Ziyun roared excitedly. The first one rushed out of the crowd with a bowl and came to Li Hao. With a shy face, he handed the bowl to Li Hao's pot and said, "give me a bowl. Add more meat and more dragon meat. My intestines and stomach are good. I can digest more or less!"

"You don't eat."

Li Hao gave him a white look with a smile, and then raised his hand. Under the influence of water vapor Zhenyuan, the Demon King Dragon broth just cooked in the big jar jumped out of thin air, and the milk swallow fell into Zhang Ziyun's bowl like returning to the forest. Along with it, there was a large piece of meat pimple.

"Hmm! It's really fragrant!"

Zhang Ziyun sniffed intoxicatedly and happily took his bowl to the side to enjoy it.

One of the Terrans was counted as one, and all of them waited in line with bowls. Then Li Hao saw that they were waiting really hard. Finally, he lifted his big hand and directly threw the big jar in front of them into the air. Then a real yuan force broke the big jar and turned all the soup and meat in the jar into heavy rain.

However, under Li Hao's current state, the broth rain will not fall indiscriminately, but each time it falls into the Terran bowl accurately, including his own, no more, no less, and the result is just finished!


Looking at this scene, a wolf demon on the other side of the demon family snorted and trembled slightly. It was obviously trying to endure something.

"Wolf hair, don't be angry. Be patient again. Someone here has rushed back to report. Soon, the top ten demon kings will come. At that time, we will level the gate, and then rush into the world to enjoy delicious human flesh wantonly!!"

A monkey demon standing next to the wolf demon patted him on the shoulder and whispered comfort.

"I, I'm not angry..."

Langhao rolled his throat, swallowed it and said, "the broth over there is so delicious. I... I really want to have a bite in the past..."


The monkey demon was stunned by Langhao's words, then carefully sniffed, and a trace of uncontrollable desire appeared on his face.

"Human slaves die!!!"

At this time, a roar as if to shatter the sky burst out from the sky of the demon family territory!

All the clouds spread towards both sides of the sky like turbid waves. At the same time, wolves roared and mountains shook, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed!

A huge snake several kilometers long came from the sky, followed by a silver haired wolf, a huge grizzly bear, a strong bull, a fat pig demon, an eight legged fluffy spider and a monkey with pointed jaws.

Seven of the ten demon kings of the demon family have come!!

What do the remaining three statues Li haochai want is to stay in the demon family territory in case Li Jiaqi and them go to encircle Wei and save Zhao, or they are still lying in ambush in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack.

Li Hao's cave micro realm was completely released. Since he entered the empty realm and became a semi saint and a saint, these things can't hide him at all. Even the chameleon demon king, who is the best at hiding among the demon families, can't hide himself around Li Hao without being found.

"If you want to come, you'll be aboveboard. Why hide?!"

Li HAOSI looked at the seven behemoths in front of him without fear, and then stamped his foot. The mountains and rivers not far from him suddenly burst open inch by inch. A residual shadow quickly drilled out of the ground and wanted to escape, but it was no faster than the real yuan internal breathing inspired by Li Hao!

Because Li Hao also used the magic method of shrinking the ground into inches and thousands of miles idle court when he exerted his force. His Qi force almost immediately hit the figure heavily, so that it flew out directly, and then fell heavily in front of the demon kings!!

Rat hidden king!

In his scream, the demons found that his tail had been interrupted by Li Hao's blow!

Although the hidden rat King soon repaired the injury with his own power of Qi and blood, it still made everyone scared!

An understatement blow will damage the demon body of King Rat hidden, one of the top ten demon kings. This strength is really terrible!!

"Well, eight came. It seems that they still attach great importance to me."

Li Hao drank the broth in the bowl and smiled.

"You cook my son, ah!!!"

The grief and anger of the Viper demon king can't be washed away!

"Don't get excited."

Who knows, Li Hao waved his hand and said, "it's not just your son. I cooked a wolf cub in Longxu Valley and ate it. Should it be the son of the wolf demon slaughtering king?"


The wolf butcher's eyes suddenly became blood red, with a long cry and angry hair!

"Well, you eight go together and I'll solve it together!!"

Li Hao looked up and drank the broth in his bowl. The hot air rose in his body, raising his spiritual will and combat state to the peak!


After hearing Li Hao's words, all the eight demon kings were furious, and the terrible demon force rose to the sky. The eight demon kings put down their pride and so-called dignity, and decided to join hands for the first time!

In an instant, it seemed that it had become the base camp of the demon family. The evil spirit of the sky covered the earth and rushed Zhang Ziyun and Li Rui behind Li Hao back again and again!

"Li Hao, you must die today!!"

"You will die today!"

"We're going to tear you apart!"

The roar of the demon kings seemed to make the whole world tremble.

"Come on."

Li Hao smiled, twisted his neck, stretched himself, and made a crackling sound like fried beans!

"I haven't tested my limits for a long time. Today, I hope you don't let me down."

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