From today on, Li Hao has really taken over the first banner of Li Jiaqi Taoism, Kirin Gemini, small but big!

Although Li haogang's talking and laughing retreat from heaven did not bring any life-threatening pain to the eight demon kings, he has broken the courage of these demon families!

A man, with his bare hands and body, unexpectedly blew back and wounded all the eight demon kings?!

Oh, My God!

Come on, you're a person, okay?

You think you're an ancient relic, you think you're a pure blood beast?

How can it be so strong?

Even when Li Jiaqi beat the shit out of them, he still holds the thunder sword, okay?

You beat our monsters away by your body alone. It's too hard to beat people. Oh, no, it's too hard to beat monsters, okay?!

However, Li Hao is now a semi saint and a saint, and has completely refined the holy road heritage of medicine saint and soldier saint. Although he has not completed and improved his holy Road, he can't judge it according to common sense.

Not to mention these demon families in the world, even Tu Feng, the first king of the underworld, and Sun Wukong, the fighting Buddha on Lingshan, can only compete with Li Hao and communicate equally.

Under the emperor, Li Hao is invincible!

Viper demon king, they are lying on the ground. Their injuries are not serious. If you want to get up, you can get up long ago.

But they dare not get up, dare not get up, dare not move, dare not escape.

Before, whether it was anger, resentment, greed or disdain, all of them were completely broken by Li haogang's blow!

They all know that this young man, who seems not to like things and not to feel sorry for himself, has the ability to kill them. As long as he wants and wants, none of them can run away and no one can save them.

Although the demon clan's wisdom is not high, its instinct for life and death is far more than human beings.

"Go back and restrain the demon cubs under your hands."

Li Hao didn't kill him. With the a wave of the his big sleeve, he pardoned these guys.

Now, there are ten demon kings suppressing the demon clan. Generally speaking, it is stable. If Li Hao kills these guys today, the demon clan will lose its constraints. The great gods are easy to block, and the little ghosts are difficult to prevent. If those little monsters who lose their supervision sneak into the Taoist door every three to five or make trouble in the world every day, Where does Li Hao have so much Kung Fu to kill demons all over the world every day?

Let the eight big demon kings return to the territory of the demon family with fear, and let the demon family completely and obediently become the vassal of the human race. This is the way once and for all.

And Li Hao is confident that if he doesn't die, these big demon kings won't forget today's lesson.

They will not betray, because they dare not!

"Yes, we know..."

The Viper demon king replied respectfully with low eyebrows and eyes, and slowly retreated back.

Now they feel that Li Hao is so kind that he didn't kill them!

As for their son, Li Hao cooked him in one pot... Er, what is a son? Viper demon king and wolf butcher will have several more sons every year. If the son dies, he will die. It's just regeneration!!

"Shall we go home?"

Watching the two mountains. On the other side, those demon cubs of the demon family fled to the territory of the demon family under the leadership of the eight demon kings. Li Hao turned around and smiled at the Terran behind him.

"Go home!!"

All Terrans nodded excitedly.

They are glad to feel the arrival of a prosperous world.

Li Hao is now invincible in all worlds. Among the three worlds, there is the seal of Hongjun Daozu. It can be said that if there is no accident, Li Hao can be canonized smoothly in an absolutely safe environment.

Once the sage comes out, the Terran will be the well deserved master of the world!!

The party turned and headed back towards the gate.

During this trip to Longxu Valley, the Terrans have harvested a lot. As long as they come back alive, basically everyone has at least one dragon legacy treasure.

You know, many of these magic weapons can't be refined by the Terrans themselves. They are out of print treasures!

Li Hao walked at the end of the team. With a stroke, an invisible real yuan force roared out!

Earth Qi Zhenyuan and wood Qi Zhenyuan echo each other, attracting every inch of mountains, rocks, plants and trees between the mountains and forests, so that the cliffs at the first line of the two mountains slowly close together, and finally close together!!

remove mountains and fill seas!

Li Hao smiled happily and said, "since then, there are no two mountains in the world."

Since then, the demon clan is a vassal of the human race, and no longer has the qualification to rule with the human race. From now on, there is no demon clan territory. All over the world are human territories!!

Among the Taoist gates, those left behind had already received the news that Li Hao led the Terran to return in triumph, and the ten main gates had already led people to line up to meet them.

Gongs and drums roared and firecrackers roared.

The ceremony couldn't be more grand.

However, this is not too much, because these people who returned triumphantly from Longxu valley are the top people of daomen in the next decade and century!

"Welcome all Taoist friends back in triumph!!"

On the road ladder, Li Jiaqi, the leader, looked at the group of people approaching from a distance, with a relieved smile on his face. He arched his hands and said with a loud smile.

"Welcome all Taoist friends and return in triumph!"

Following him, the other ten main gates' leaders, Qingluo and Wanfeng, also bowed their hands and showed complete courtesy.

Li Jiaqi led the team to stand on the ladder to greet him. Li Hao led the team to climb the ladder. The two brothers looked at each other from a distance, like heaven and earth, and the brothers were united!

The whole daomen was immersed in the ocean of joy at this moment.

"Hahaha, you don't know. I got a dragon spirit stone this time!!"

"Ha ha, Congratulations!"

"I was lucky enough to pick up a black ice dragon gun!"

"That's it. I'm not talented. I got some dragon blood essence and realized a dragon magic power."


These people who come back from the Dragon virtual Valley call friends and friends to share their transformation and income with their relatives and friends.

"However, all these can benefit from Li Hao's Taoist friends!"

"That's nature, sage weather, lotus growing step by step, hype falling, I really have no regrets in my life!"

"Also, it's too domineering to cook demon king banquet and dragon broth!"

"It's not over yet! One person's power, attention, it's one person's power. Fight alone. The eight demon kings work together, work together!"

Naturally, these people who returned from Longxu Valley did not tell Li Hao's performance. Each of them was complacent, as if they had made this proud miracle by themselves.

"You are better than me."

Li Jiaqi looked at Li Hao standing in front of him, nodded happily and said.

He has also stepped into the realm of spotless heart and no body, but he is not as good as Li Hao's empty realm.

"Brother, I want to ask you something."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head, indicating nothing.

Then he frowned slightly and said, "where did you bury sister Yuying's body?"

The smile on Li Jiaqi's face suddenly froze and his face changed

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