Li Hao looked at his brother in front of him with burning eyes.

At the beginning, the primitive mind devil controlled Liu Yuying's body. After he could not enslave Li Hao, he wanted to kill Li Hao in the cradle. However, Li Jiaqi fell from the sky and killed Liu Yuying with Lei Shenjian. At the same time, it was equivalent to destroying the host of the primitive mind devil and seriously damaging the primitive mind devil.

Afterwards, Li Hao was extremely sad and angry. Li Jiaqi was more sad than dead. He left with Liu Yuying's body. So far, Li Hao didn't know where Li Jiaqi buried Liu Yuying's body.

Knowing Li Jiaqi's deep-seated and heartbreaking sadness, plus the fact that he was wronged and challenged all the way after entering the Taoist gate, and then the opening of Longxu Valley, a series of things came one after another, so Li Hao didn't have a breathing time, so he didn't mention Liu Yuying before.

Now he returns from the Dragon void valley with people in triumph. His accomplishments have entered the empty realm. He will soon return to the world to kill the original demons for revenge. Naturally, he thinks of Liu Yuying, a good sister who has always taken good care of him.

So on today's happy day, he brought it up again. He wanted to see Liu Yuying, even if he couldn't see Fang Rong again, but at dusk and in front of Qingzhong, a handful of muddy wine, a few paper money and a thousand words of his heart were still indispensable.

For Liu Yuying, Li Hao's heart is full of admiration in addition to guilt.

A weak woman has been waiting for Li Jiaqi in the world of mortals for 16 years!

Li Hao used to think that the story of clinging to life is always just a story. It is an affectionate extreme. It can only exist in word of mouth, which is not visible in real life.

But Liu Yuying broke his inherent concept. Such a woman is stupid, but she is cute, respectable, singing and crying!

She is the living end of life in reality!

Li Hao always wanted to go to her grave to worship.

Li Jiaqi's body stiffened for a moment, soon recovered, shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

Li Hao's look was a little chilly, narrowed his eyes and stared at his brother. He didn't speak for a long time.

He knew clearly in his heart that this was Li Jiaqi's disaster. People like Li Jiaqi could not forget anything. His ability to predict the future might be far inferior to that of a saint, but his memory of the details of the past would never be much worse.

To human beings, to observe without lack.

Li Jiaqi said that he had forgotten. It was impossible to really forget. It was only possible that he sealed this part of his memory.

There is no hero before love, but the heart ape is locked.

Lock love, lock love, lock hatred, lock hatred.

If Li Hao is free and easy because he put down everything and entered the realm of spotless heart and no body, Li Jiaqi's breakthrough is to bury everything and lock everything.

Locking all emotional fluctuations is another form of scale-free and dust-free.

However, standing in Li Hao's current state, it is clear that under such a state, Li Jiaqi's state of mind has come to an end, because even if it is buried deeply, those burdens still exist in his heart. There are too many regrets in his heart, and it is naturally impossible to step into the void.

If the heart is not empty, why do people say empty?

"Brother, don't do this, will you..."

Li Hao reached out and patted Li Jiaqi on the shoulder. He said in a sincere voice, "my sister certainly doesn't want her to become a yoke that traps you."

"You don't understand yet."

Li Jiaqi's face sank like water. He poked his hand away from Li Hao. Li Jiaqi turned and left.

"Li Jiaqi, don't run away!"

Li Hao said angrily, "you are just a coward who dare not face!!"

Li Jiaqi didn't make a sound. He floated away like a rainbow.

Li Hao sighed and didn't go after him.

With his current ability, he can naturally catch up with Li Jiaqi, but what if he does? For some things, if Li Jiaqi can't get out himself, it's no use forcing him.

Li Hao is now invincible. He has magical powers to shoot and kill demons to retreat from the enemy, but there are still some things in the world that can not be solved by force.

Such as feelings, such as relatives.

Whether Li Jiaqi can get out of the shadow depends on himself.

Li Hao sighed and looked at his brother. Thinking of Liu Yuying's death, he clenched his fist tightly. In his pure eyes, a touch of rich blood burst out!

The people who were close to them suddenly felt cold all over, as if they were in a sea of corpses, and a surge of anger could not help rising from the bottom of their hearts, which was affected by Li Hao's emotion.

"Primitive mind devil, it's time to understand."

Li Hao clenched his fist and made a crackling sound like fried beans.

At the beginning, Liu Yuying died. In order to protect herself and revenge, Li Hao left the Pearl with Li Jiaqi, left the secular world and came to the Kunlun Taoist gate to force himself, squeeze his potential and push himself to the cusp of the confrontation between the human race and the demon race.

Facts have proved that in just a few months, his growth is amazing.

From the beginning when Kankan entered the cave micro realm, even the holy power of Shennong emperor could not be used independently. Now he stands in the empty realm, and even his vision has gone beyond the holy way and saw our way that our predecessors have never peeped at.

Not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, you are at the highest level!

In just a few months, he has completed many roads that the proud children of heaven can't walk all their life. Of course, this is related to his unparalleled natural sage qualification, but it is also undeniable that in addition to his talent, Li Hao's own hard work and efforts are equally important.

It's time. It's time to go back to the Pearl.


Pearl, Ruyi building.

In the few months since Liu Yuying, the owner of Ruyi building, disappeared, Ruyi building did not fall apart, nor did it fall apart. On the contrary, this golden selling cave, which firmly held many rich and powerful people in its hands, is becoming more and more prosperous.

Hua Fei opened the door yesterday. Junxiu's face was frowned, and one leg was half way, but his body seemed to be hesitating whether to get off or not.

Now, Huarong group has really carried out comprehensive cooperation with Li Hao's Haotian industry, and soon became the most solid partner of Haotian industry with strong strength. It has even played a greater role in the development of Haotian industry than Zuo Yuling's Zuo's makeup. Huafei has now become the real power figure of Huarong group and lived up to expectations, He did better than his brother Hua Lingtong when he was in office.

Hesitation like today is really rare for people with a fortune of more than 10 billion.

However, as soon as he was ready to get off, another Mercedes Benz suddenly drove into the parking lot and stopped not far from him.

The driver stepped down from the car, bowed respectfully and opened the door. A pair of slender and straight jade legs emerged from the door.

Looking at the two beauties who stepped down from the car, Hua Fei's face was full of shock yesterday. He couldn't help losing his voice and said, "you! Why are you here?"

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