
The door of the elevator opened, and in the reception hall on the third floor of Ruyi building, a roll of curtain poured down from the ceiling to the ground like a waterfall, like the river of heaven, but revealed a trace of hegemony in it.

Chen Xi, Zhuo Yanyu and Zuo Feifei rushed out. Hua Fei walked last with great gentlemanly demeanor yesterday.

Since Liu Yuying's accident, they rarely came to Ruyi building. They came back today for a negotiation.

Yes, it's negotiation.

Ruyi building has been eyeing Haotian industry for a long time. In recent months, it has been making some small moves by side. Until recently, it finally began to officially issue an ultimatum to Chenxi and ask her to come to Ruyi building for a chat.

"Hehe, I just want to invite Miss Chenxi and Hua Fei. Unexpectedly, there are two Golden Phoenix. It really makes my shop shine!"

The woman sitting behind the curtain smiled and stretched herself gracefully on the imperial concubine's chair. Although she was across the curtain, she could still see her beautiful and enchanting figure.

"If Ruyi building is still a small shop, I'm afraid there is no sense of entertainment club in the whole of China. I say I'm a big shop."

Zuo Feifei smiled.

Chen Xi is cold and doesn't like talking, so it's better to leave these things to Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu.

Zuo Feifei has a needle in his pocket. Although he is ostensibly complimenting Ruyi Lou's great cause, that sentence of entertainment club is obviously a little harsh.

How big can a big entertainment club be?

Can it be bigger than Zuo's giants? Or bigger than the Zhuo family?

Zuo Feifei is beating the mysterious new owner of Ruyi building. The entertainment club is only an entertainment club after all. It can't go on the table.

Zhuo Yanyu now has a stronger military atmosphere. With a wrinkled willow eyebrow, he directly went straight to the mountain: "you want to buy Haotian industry and buy out the ownership and sales right of condensate and condensate? I'm curious. What courage do you have to open your mouth like this?"

"The eldest lady of the left family and the eldest lady of the Zhuo family, don't be so aggressive as soon as you come up. Business is about negotiation. Please sit down and we'll discuss it well!"

The new owner of Ruyi building giggled and said, "I have all kinds of good wine and tea here. If you want anything, you can tell the people next to me to get it."

"Let's get down to business."

Chen Xi finally opened her mouth and said coldly, "I won't sell Haotian industry. Anyway, I won't sell it!"

"Yes, Haotian industry is booming now, making more money than daily gold. Who will kill the chicken to get the egg and sell the hen that lays the golden egg?"

Hua Fei crossed her legs yesterday. She was still a cynic, and said faintly.

"Chen Xi!"

The owner of Ruyi building, who had always been gentle and without any aggression, suddenly became strong, just like a tiger waking up all the time, and suddenly showed his sharp fangs.

"Others don't know. Don't you know now? How long can you Haotian industry operate?"

Ruyi, the landlord, straightened up from the imperial concubine's chair and shouted coldly, "I can still give you a billion yuan for purchasing Haotian industry. In a few days, even if you kneel in front of me and beg me, I won't even give you ten million yuan at that time, okay?!"

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the field solidified for a moment.

Chen Xi didn't speak. Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu hummed coldly at the same time: "don't play tricks and scare people there! Haotian industry is doing well now. Why can't it go on? Condensate and condensate have also emerged in the international market. Are we stupid? Will we stop producing these two products?"

The landlord of Ruyi building behind the curtain sneered and said nothing, but even across the curtain, everyone could feel that her eyes were staring at Chen Xi as if it were real.

Hua Fei looked at Chen Xi who didn't speak yesterday and suddenly "cluttered" in her heart.

During this time, Chen Xi began to take over the management of Haotian industry. As an important partner, he had more contact with Chen Xi. He asked himself that he still had some understanding of Chen Xi.

Although the silence like this is very common for Chenxi, he knows that she will clench her hands only when she is really nervous.

He clearly remembered that Chen Xi also showed such a nervous look when he took the initiative to talk about overseas cooperation with overseas baozi company.

Why is Chenxi nervous?

Naturally, the answer is self-evident. It must be because the owner of Ruyi building is right!!

Will condensate and condensate really fail to produce for some reason?!

At the thought of this, Hua Fei was a little flustered yesterday.

At present, most of the profits of Huarong group are also through cooperation with Haotian industry, and gradually promote their products that have been discredited in hualingtong's hands because of the business war with Li Hao.

If the condensate and condensate are really shut down, not only guanghaotian industry will fall to the bottom in an instant. Now in the hands of Huafei yesterday, it is not easy to have some improved Huarong group, which will also suffer greatly!

"Why do you know?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, her shoulders trembled slightly, clenched her teeth tightly and asked word by word.

Condensate and condensate are not produced, but installed in Li Hao's sea gourd. Every time condensate in the big pool in the basement of Haotian industry is about to run out, pour some from the sea gourd to supplement it.

Among the sea cucurbits, there are hundreds of flower fairies, which have accumulated for hundreds of years, which is equivalent to the condensation dew of a vast ocean. If Li Hao is there, he won't worry about the supply for hundreds of years.

But now Li Hao has gone to the door temporarily. Although he has filled the condensation and dew in the basement before leaving, Haotian industry is now in the stage of rapid rise. It has not only spread out in the domestic market, but also begun to explore the foreign market. After reaching cooperation with baozi company, Products have been exported to Southeast Asia and even some European countries!

Therefore, in a few months, there are not many condensing truths left by Li Hao in Haotian industry.

This secret is only known by Chenxi herself. She hasn't told anyone, and even Huafei didn't know it in advance. Therefore, Chenxi is so surprised that why the owner of Ruyi building can know this secret.

There can be no leak in this matter!!

"My ability is beyond your resemblance!"

For Chen Xi's question, the landlord of Ruyi building appears very arrogant.

"What's going on?"

Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu also felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and they turned around and asked Chen Xi.

Chen Xi bit her teeth and struggled violently in her heart.

"Do you sell it or not?"

The owner of Ruyi building raised the volume again, aggressive!


Chen Xi's body trembled more.

"You don't have to bother."

Just then, a clear voice suddenly came from the rear, instantly attracting everyone's attention in the hall.

"Haotian industry won't sell. My company, you don't have such good teeth to eat!"

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