Chen Xi's trembling shoulder, at the moment when the sound sounded, her whole body shook violently like fallen leaves in the wind, and then, for a moment, she calmed down again soon.

She is like a lost child. In endless fear, she suddenly gets the most reassuring shelter and the most stable support.

The same is true of Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu.

Each of them is very familiar with this voice, and each of them misses it day and night.

When Chen Xi took over an emerging enterprise like Haotian industry and stepped into a completely unfamiliar business circle from her original TCM specialty, she would miss this voice in the bottom of her heart and help her through the difficulties in countless difficult and helpless moments.

When Zuo Feifei leaves the Pearl and returns to Yanjing, she will miss this voice every time she is frustrated in the face of the complex network of contacts among the Zuo family and the intrigues among the heirs within the family. In Huaxia Medical College, the laughter of the elegant teenagers and young girls shines and flies through the sun.

After Zhuo Yanyu gnashed her teeth and entered the military, she was faced with strict and harsh training every day. Under the sign of master Zhuo, the relationship between the Zhuo family did not open a back door for her. For all training tasks, her requirements would only be higher and more abnormal than others. During several tasks, she was so tired that she even felt hard to open her eyes, and she was injured that she could not get up in bed in the hospital for a week, However, every time she was about to lose her support, she could hear this voice in her heart and determined her reason for entering the military at the beginning.

Li Hao.

Li Hao is back.

It was like a timely rain with a long drought and sweet rain. He came suddenly, but he came just right and wonderful.

White robes fluttered, and no one knew how he came, just as no one knew when the voice sounded.

Under the horrified gaze of Huafei yesterday, Li Hao came to the world like a fairy in a mythical blockbuster.

He had just appeared by the window, but the next second he came to Chenxi in front of them. His thin figure stood in front of Chenxi's four people. Although it was not broad and majestic, it was like an indomitable golden cudgel to block all the ups and downs.

"Hard work."

Li Hao looked at the three women in front of him and Hua Fei yesterday. With warm friendship in his pure pupils, he said softly, "go back, give it to me here, and I'll go back to you soon."

"Just come back, just come back."

Chen Xi's eyes were moist. Looking at Li Hao in front of her, thousands of words choked in her throat, but they could only turn into the simplest four words.

Without hesitation, the three of them immediately got up and left here with Hua Fei yesterday.

Since Li Hao said to let him handle it, they believe Li Hao can handle it well.

How did Ruyi building turn from a big card of Li Hao to today's opponent? They don't know many of these things, but they know that there must be an end between Li Hao and the mysterious new Ruyi building owner.

And Chen Xi and their three women, after arriving at the parking lot, all got on the car and rushed home.

Li Hao is back. Everything is unimportant. Now they just want to go back and put on the most beautiful makeup. Women want to please themselves. Now that Li Hao is back, they feel that everything else is unimportant. They only have to show their most beautiful side in front of their loved ones.

Before leaving, the three women looked at each other through the window. They just shared a common hatred. At the moment, they had a tacit understanding, and there was a kind of colorful beauty among them.

In the hall of Ruyi building, Li Hao stood with his hands down and quietly looked at the curtain in front of him. With his current cultivation and eyesight, he couldn't see through the thin curtain in front of him and the face of the woman behind the curtain.

It's normal. Others don't know who the people behind the curtain are, but Li Hao knows very well that it's the original mind devil will born because of the drastic change of heaven. If they don't even have this ability, they don't deserve to let Li Hao and Li Jiaqi suffer such a big loss before.

Li Hao didn't speak and walked towards the curtain.

Before, when he thought of the original demons and the hatred of Liu Yuying's death, he was always angry. The boundless hatred of semi saint and sub Saint would even lead to the vision of a sea of corpses and blood.

But now he returns to Ruyi building again. Looking at the scene in front of him, it seems that there is no change, but Li Hao is extremely calm.

Just as sorrow is no greater than death, hate is no greater than carelessness.

Hatred is strong to the extreme. When facing the enemy, it shows an abnormal calm.

I think in your heart, you have thought about how to revenge countless times. In your dream, you don't count several times and want to give each other a hand blade!

"You're here?"

The original mind devil, or the spokesman for the new possession of the original mind devil, seems not surprised by Li Hao's arrival. After all, although Li Hao was far away from the Taoist gate before, there was too much noise about subduing the weak water, attracting soldiers, realm breakthrough and hype.

The emergence of the power of the holy way is a big event that attracts countless eyes in the three realms. If it is not that the three realms are still isolated by the seal of Hongjun Daozu, there will be countless big people in the fairy world and the underworld.

"Here I am."

Li Hao whispered softly, but as he approached the curtain, the air around him seemed to be pushed away by invisible pressure, forming a void like a black hole!

The empty territory is fully open. Although Li Hao is not warm on the surface, in fact, he has soared his strength to the limit!

The owner of the Ruyi building opposite is not in a hurry. He seems to sit firmly in the Diaoyutai and is not afraid of the power of Yasheng.

After all, the original mind devil originated from all living beings. If the heaven and earth had not changed, it would not have been born. She originated from all living beings, which is a kind of immortality and infinity. As long as there are humans and creatures in the world, the original mind devil as an instinct cannot be completely eliminated.

"Old friend, although I'm looking forward to seeing you again, you humans often say that good things are hard to grind. If you want to see me, you'd better have fun with these children I found first."

With a crisp sound, the whole reception hall was shocked, the wallpaper peeled off, and the steel wallboard glittering with faint fluorescence was exposed.

Nether iron!!

This can be said to be the strongest divine iron in the world. Even the war facing the realm of human beings will not be destroyed!


An earth shaking roar suddenly sounded from the side, and three vague figures and strong breath came out from the side like ghosts.

It's three adult archaic species!!

Ghost War!

Dark blood evil Phoenix!

Thousand machine ghost monkey!

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