If you want to ask which three realms are divided into.

Many people will certainly answer you, the fairyland, the underworld and the human world.

In fact, this answer is not very accurate, because in fact, in addition to the fairy world and the underworld, the other third world should be called the mortal world rather than the human world. Only when the human race became the spirit of all things later, it became the most powerful and numerous race in the mortal world, so the mortal world had such a saying.

Long, long ago, there were the ancient famine era and the ancient famine era. At that time, the human race did not prosper as it is now. In the world of mortals, those powerful beasts dominated the world, and did not disappear or soar to the fairyland or the underworld.

It was a long time when strange animals dominated. At that time, the human race could only be reduced to humble food and slaves. Until Cangjie, the sage of literature, created words to help people, so that the human race had the first holy way since ancient times. The sage of literature illuminated the world. Since then, the spiritual civilization and ideological essence of the human race can be preserved, and then gradually from the humble beginning to today's prosperity step by step.

It can be said that the way of literary sage is the ancestor of the ten thousand ways. Because of the literary Tao, the Terrans from generation to generation can stand on the shoulders of their predecessors and continue to climb up. Because of the literary Tao, the Terrans can expand their territory and open up a bright and brilliant holy road in the boundless space and time. Of course, it is also due to the protection of Cangjie, the first saint of literary sage in the ages, Terrans can reproduce in ancient times.

The word "Wen Yizai Dao" comes from this.

After that, the human race made progress from generation to generation. In the middle, there were saints such as Emperor Yan and Emperor Shennong. Later, at the end of the spring and Autumn period, there were Confucian scholars and sages who educated the people. Confucius said that they did not learn etiquette and could not stand. The emergence of Confucian ethics brought the human race into a progressive era with moral norms and constraints, which is precisely this era, It completely separates the Terran from those beasts who eat their hair and drink their blood.

Under the constraints of ethics, the Terran encourages competition, but the whole family is united and consistent with the outside world. In this way, the consumption of internal fighting is too small.

However, although those ancient monsters have unique talents, they do not have ethics and do not have scruples. They often hurt each other and form a lot of hatred.

With each passing day, the number of powerful ancient monsters is getting smaller and smaller, while the civilization of the human race is becoming more and more prosperous. After evolution, it is difficult to find monsters in the world, and the human race has become the master here, giving the world a different name from the human world.

The archaic relic species are similar to the previous thousand nights and the existence of gluttonous snakes. They still live in the world, but they inherit the blood of those powerful beasts in the Archaic period.

They are extremely proud and think they have noble blood. They don't want to be confused with today's demon families and go alone. However, they are afraid of the supervision of Taoist monks and dare not act indiscriminately in the world. Therefore, ordinary people don't know their existence. Even the ferocious generation of taosnake only dare to secretly murder tourists in the primitive jungle of Shennongjia.

But in front of Li Hao, there are three ancient relics, adult, powerful and noble!

Ghost War, ghost blood evil Phoenix, thousand machine ghost monkey!

Li Hao, one of the three archaic relics, once saw some brief introductions in the classics of Xiaoyao sect.

Ghost wars were famous in ancient times. In a word, they can show their horror. That is, they like to eat aquariums and especially prey on Jiaos in the river.

They can prey on dragons in the river!

Although Jiaolong is not a dragon family, it is also a close relative of the dragon family. It has strong magical power in the water and is respected by the dragon family in the world's water systems. After occupying the ocean, the dragon family has assigned some great rivers and lakes to the Jiao family to manage. It can be seen that the relationship between the two is close.

However, the Yu clan is not afraid at all. It is said that Feng Lei, the most famous royal family in the Yu clan, can even blow thunder with the real dragon and control the extremely strong wind force. Although the Ghost War is not a royal family, it has almost transparent invisibility like ghosts, and copper skin and iron bones. Its melee ability is better than that of the royal family.

The blood of the dark blood evil Phoenix is more noble. It is the offspring of the dark god and the Phoenix. It can absorb the dark fire and has great power.

As for the thousand machine ghost monkey, the blood lineage is the most common of the three, but it is the most mysterious, because it just stoops and sits in the rear. Although the breath feels very unpredictable, it doesn't mean to welcome Li Hao.

"Yes, yes, now in the mortal world, only these ancient relics can make me feel some fun."

Li Haoyue wanted to try. His body flashed and took the initiative to meet the dark blood evil Phoenix.


Seeing that Li Hao had chosen himself directly, the dark blood evil Phoenix immediately sent out an angry scream with two wings, and the dark fire surrounded Li Hao.

"Come on!"

Li Hao's eyes flashed and mobilized the water Qi Zhenyuan in his body. The smell of weak water emerged and formed a transparent water film around him. The smell of weak water was obvious and everything was not floating. Even the powerful dark fire could not afford any fierce power in front of weak water and annihilated in an instant.

"If this is all your means, sorry, you will be eliminated."

Li Hao wandered around, talked and laughed, dispersed the dark fire, leaned out with one hand, and a strong suction emerged out of thin air, pulling the figure of the dark blood evil Phoenix towards Li Hao.


But for a moment, when Li Hao was ready to solve the dark blood evil Phoenix first, there was an extremely harsh sound of the wind, which was the sneaking Ghost War!

Li Hao seemed to have eyes on his back. The back of the white robe was just windless and automatic. Under the instillation of Zhenyuan's internal breathing, it was as hard as black iron. It collided with the claws of the Ghost War, making a clear sound!!

Internal skill experts can pick leaves and flowers and hurt people with cards and cards. Moreover, Taoist experts such as Li Hao, the second sage strong, and their clothes and robes can turn decay into magic in their hands.

The ghost battle Yu missed and was shocked aside, while the dark blood evil Phoenix took advantage of this gap to get rid of Li Hao's control.

Li Hao's eyes flashed, crossed the invisible ghost Zhan Yu and the angry dark blood evil Phoenix, stared at the thousand machine ghost monkey sitting cross legged in the last face, closed his eyes, smiled and said: "unexpectedly, you are the most powerful old monkey!"

Li Hao has now stepped into the empty realm, and the height of the Taoist realm is already standing on the top of the world. He wants to break away from his control. Even under a slight distraction, people or monsters in the ordinary realm can't do it. The dark blood evil Phoenix doesn't have that ability, and the ghost Zhan Yu can't have that ability to grasp the gap and attack himself.

So there is only one final explanation - that is, all this is commanded by the last thousand machine ghost monkey!

This monkey has a spotless heart and a feather is not at the peak!!

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