The thousand machine ghost monkey, which has been curled up in the corner and looks tepid, is actually the most deadly of the three archaic relics!

Its realm is really too high, even a little stronger than Li Jiaqi. It is at the peak of being spotless and without a feather. Therefore, only his powerful realm can command the ghost Zhan Yu and the dark blood evil Phoenix to get out of Li Hao's control.

"It's really interesting."

Li Hao grinned and said, "old monkey, do you think your realm is invincible?"

The next moment, Li Hao's breath changed, and the whole person stood in place, but it seemed to escape into the vague void.

Qianji ghost monkey's eyes, which had been slightly closed, suddenly opened in a moment. He looked at Li Hao in front of him incredulously, and his monkey hair stood up in horror!

Under the feeling of its spotless heart and a feather without body, Li Hao seemed to disappear, but when it opened its eyes, it found that Li Hao was still standing in front of them.

Of course it knows what's going on.


The legendary empty land!!


The dark blood evil Phoenix, who had almost fallen into Li Hao's hand before, roared angrily again. The whole body burned a terrible flame and rushed towards Li Hao!

Phoenix Nirvana!

This is the trick of the evil Phoenix family, but phoenix also called the undead bird. Even after being destroyed with the enemy, it can again become Nirvana and return to the red blood Wutong tree in the underworld.

This can be said to be the life fighting move of the evil Phoenix family after they were forced to a dead end.

However, it turned into a fireball, but it didn't touch Li Hao at all. Although it aimed at Li Hao's body, Li Hao didn't seem to exist. The dark blood evil Phoenix went through his body!!

Once the empty territory is launched, people who are not in the same or higher realm are not qualified to attack Li Hao!


The dark blood evil Phoenix's body hit Ruyi building heavily, and then sent out a short cry, which was full of unwilling, and then the whole body scattered into blood red dark fire feathers and annihilated in the air.

Ghost Zhan Yu also roared angrily, lurking in front of Li Hao, waving its sharp claws that can open mountains and rocks again and again, trying to break Li Hao's head, cut his throat and pierce his chest.

But even if its speed is fast, even if it swings a hundred claws a second, it is futile, because its attack can't touch the corner of Li Hao's clothes at all.

It's like picking flowers in the mirror and looking for the moon in the water. It's all useless work.

Li Haogen, fearless of Ghost War, a strange beast hurt in close combat, walked towards the thousand machine ghost monkey step by step. With each step he took, the pressure on the thousand machine ghost monkey increased by one point, which made the thousand machine ghost monkey collapse completely. He couldn't help but scream, covered his eyes and turned around to run!

Before it ran out a few steps, a terrible black gas suddenly emerged from its celestial cover. The thousand machine ghost monkey immediately made a painful roar. The whole body trembled violently like chaff, and finally fell to the ground.

Obviously, it was the original heart demon who punished it. The monkey ran away in the face of Li Hao. Naturally, the original heart demon could not be polite to it.


With a big hand, Li Hao grasped the neck of the ghost war with incomparable accuracy. Although the beast has always been invisible, how can it escape under Li Hao's perception?

"As soon as the empty territory comes out, it really destroys the withered and decadent."

Li Hao smiled coldly, and then his arm made a sudden force. He swung the ghost Zhan Yu who weighed hundreds of kilograms in his hand for several times as if he couldn't feel the weight, and hit it hard on the toffee chair behind the curtain!!


Ghost Zhan Yu screamed in the air. His huge body smashed the curtain heavily to the ground and blew the toffee chair into powder, but unexpectedly, the new owner of Ruyi building, who should have been lying on the toffee chair, did not appear!

"Where is it?"

Li Hao casually pointed out and easily killed the Ghost War who was struggling to get up. His powerful thoughts spread out, wrapped the whole Ruyi building in an instant, and searched carefully for the whereabouts of the original heart devil inch by inch.

He longed for a war, and he longed to have a vigorous and hearty war with the original demons for 300 rounds. He returned from the Taoist gate for such a day that he would never allow the original demons to escape again.

"Where are you!!"

But after all, the original mind devil was born out of all sentient beings and has immortality and eternity to some extent. Naturally, it is not so easy to be with each other.

Li Hao's mind is now so powerful that it can be said that it is all over the world. Even in the dark, he can feel the existence of the seal of Hongjun Daozu in the three worlds, but Li Hao spent some effort to capture his clues.


Li Hao took one step, and the whole person instantly disappeared in place and rushed to Liu Yuying's boudoir on the fifth floor!

He felt the breath of the original heart demon there. Obviously, after the original heart demon left Liu Yuying's host, the new host he found still retained some of his original habits and lived in Liu Yuying's original bedroom.


Li Hao stood in front of Liu Yuying's bedroom. His mood, which had been calm and calm before, finally fluctuated violently!

After a hundred days, Li Hao stood here again, but it felt like a hundred years.

He was here at that time. He was extremely sad and angry and helpless. He watched Liu Yuying be controlled by the original heart demon and helpless. He watched Li Jiaqi have to kill his beloved in order to save himself.

All kinds of things on that day are like a lingering shadow, revisiting the hometown and shocking!!

Li Hao trembled and put his hand on the door handle of the room. If someone in the door saw this scene, he would be surprised to drop his chin!

Fighting half a hundred demon kings and slaughtering adult dragons, Li Hao, who is still a half saint who talks and laughs in the face of the eight demon kings, will tremble!


The door was unlocked. With a soft sound, Li Hao slowly pushed the door of the room open from the outside.

A red carpet appeared at Li Hao's feet, and the colorful lights flashed brightly. Li Hao even wondered if it was his own illusion. He even heard the familiar Wedding March.

A slim figure in a snow-white wedding dress stood still in the middle of the room, and all the flowers around her could only become a foil.

She turned her back to Li Hao, but Li Hao narrowed his eyes. There was a strong feeling in her heart that he knew and knew this person very well.

"Here you are."

Hearing the sound of the door behind her, the wedding woman whispered. The beautiful voice contained infinite tenderness, a little excitement and shame.

The long gauze moved gently, and the wedding dress woman turned slowly. When Li Hao saw her face clearly, the whole person suddenly seemed to be hit by lightning, and stood in place in an instant!!


Li Hao opened his eyes wide open and said incredulously, "how could it be you?!"

I feel shy about going to Shanghai for three days to go out and ask for a leave tomorrow. You can also guess who will be the woman who is possessed by the original suck. Welcome to Jia group and leave a message in the book review area. The book is near the end, plus the beginning of the new book, and the preparation for the civil service examination. But it will end well. Please be more considerate

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