Li Hao is upset.

If his mind was just undulating when he revisited his hometown, then when he saw the woman in wedding dress in front of him, there was a storm and tsunami in his mind, which rolled into the sky and suffocated like the end of the world.

It is said that a man may like many women and sleep more women in his life, but there will always be an unforgettable woman who will always stay in the most special position in their hearts, which can not be replaced by anyone.

This woman is their first love, that is, the one who moved for the first time and dragged them into the swamp of emotion for the first time.

Although first love is not necessarily equal to first love, most of them are first love.

Is Li Hao a man?


Half holy, that's also a man!

So of course he is no exception.

His first love was his classmate in college. He ruthlessly dumped his class flower on the day when Sanjie wechat changed his life destiny.

Su Ling!

Li Hao can't remember how long he hasn't seen Su Ling again. He even thought about the scene of meeting Su Ling again many years later. However, no matter what he thought, he never thought that he would meet her again in this capacity on such an occasion.

After losing Liu Yuying, the first host, the second host chosen by the primitive mind devil would be Su Ling, Li Hao's first girlfriend!!

I have to say, this really caught Li Hao by surprise.

Especially looking at Su Ling in front of her wearing a white wedding dress and revealing the sanctity and brilliance all over her, the impact on Li Hao is even greater.

He still remembers that when he was at school, one night after watching a movie and passing by the window in front of a wedding company in the center of the Pearl City, Su Ling pointed to the pure white wedding dress on the model in the window and told him with longing that this wedding dress is really beautiful. When they get married in the future, she must wear a beautiful wedding dress and be the most beautiful bride.

Li Hao nodded and promised to keep this little wish in mind. The night was cool. It was rare that snowflakes were falling in the Pearl sky that night. He and Su Ling ran and frolicked in the first snow, imagined the future, talked about the movies they had just seen, the upcoming final exam, and the wedding dress they would wear at the wedding after graduation

Time flies. It has been a long time since that night, but Su Ling and her laughter are still very clear in Li Hao's heart in the early snow that night.

At that time, he was just a small and micro business that advertised in the circle of friends every day. Although Su Ling was a class flower, her family conditions were very general.

At that time, although they were not rich, the happiness between young lovers was very simple.

Now, once again, the four eyes are opposite, but it seems that across the long river of years, it is far too powerless and desperate.

"I didn't expect it was you..."

The throat rolled, and Li Hao's voice was very dry.

Although he didn't know whether the dominant consciousness in the body was the primitive mind devil or Su Ling, Li Hao couldn't help blurting out.

"I think with your contacts and energy, if you want to check, it's certainly not difficult to know the truth of what happened in those years."

Wearing a wedding dress, Su Ling looked at Li Hao and said softly, "my father is seriously ill. With our financial resources, there is no way to treat him. Wang Yun appeared and asked me to break up with you and be his girlfriend. He will pay for my father's treatment."

Speaking of this, Su Ling's big eyes were glittering and translucent, reflecting Li Hao's face. Her voice trembled and said, "I can't help it. I really can't help it. My father who gave birth to me and raised me is lying in the hospital bed. I really have no way. I can't watch him die!"

Su Ling's tearful eyes whirled and her delicate body trembled slightly under the wedding dress. Li Hao could clearly feel her inner struggle and pain. This feeling could not deceive people.

"I'm sorry for you. From this step on, I knew I couldn't turn back."

Su Ling clenched her lips, scratched lipstick and broke her red lips. Any fresh blood rippled on her teeth and tongue. The fishy and sweet taste was full of bitterness and bitterness.

Li Hao was also silent. At this moment, his heart was very, very contradictory.

On the one hand, he knew that Su Ling was already the incarnation of the original mind devil. The original mind devil would know all her past memories. At this moment, the affectionate dialogue was probably just a trick for the original mind devil to confuse him and let him relax his vigilance.

But on the other hand, he couldn't help being unmoved at all.

Su Ling's betrayal had always been a pain in his heart. Even if he later defeated the evil Wang family, even if he later had extensive contacts in the Pearl, he had never investigated the real reason why Su Ling betrayed him.

Because Li Hao is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes. Anyway, no matter what difficulties he has, betrayal is betrayal.

"The Wang family fell. You don't know how happy I was at that time. I saw your rise. Although I'm not the one who shares success with you, I'm still happy for you, because the person I love is really the most dazzling genius in the world."

Speaking of this, Su Ling smiled in tears and whispered, "I used to feel that what I thought, watching the happiness of the people I love, I was satisfied. These words are the deceptive Mary Sue plot in the TV series, but after my own personal experience, I knew that it was really like this."

"Are you a primitive demon or Su Ling?"

Li Hao's chest fluctuated violently. He could clearly feel that his state of mind was wrong, and even there was a big problem.

The first lover stood in front of him in his wedding dress and poured out his heart so that his hatred and killing intention melted like ice and snow in the sun.

How can a person who has no intention to kill kill kill?

"Do you remember? I said I would marry you, I should marry you, and I just want to marry you."

Su Ling took a step forward and extended her hand to Li Hao.

"I still remember the first time we heard the story of life and ambition. We were moved to tears. We gambled our lives for a promise, just because we believed in our lover, just because we were unwilling to give up and unwilling to give up."

"I also remember that when you saved me from Wang Yun, you once told me that you were not Weisheng, you were not Weisheng, you know? This sentence broke my heart."

Su Ling walked towards Li Hao step by step, and Li Hao's breathing became faster and faster.

He is a man of all-round cultivation, but at the moment, it's like he has been exercised the body immobilization method. He can't even move a finger.

"Li Hao, I love you."

Su Ling's eyes were full of tenderness, but suddenly, the other hand behind her suddenly took out a bright sharp knife!!

Li Hao's pupils narrowed fiercely. His mood was like taking a roller coaster. He fell from the peak to the bottom in an instant.

Scam, everything is really just a scam of the original demons!

Looking at the blade, Li Hao's eyes flickered with cold light, and the inner breath of Zhenyuan in his body surged. He was ready to kill the beauty in front of him!

However, at the moment when Li Hao was ready to shoot, Su Ling's knife turned straight down. Instead of stabbing at him, the tip of the knife pointed inward and stabbed into her own chest!


A blood arrow shot out and sprayed Li Hao's face!!

She killed herself!

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