
It's hot.

boiling hot!

Li Hao didn't feel the feeling of blood spraying on himself for the first time, but he had never felt such heartache.

If you've ever had a loved one, you'll know that even a small cut in her body will make you feel incomparable heartache.

Li Hao doesn't know what he feels about Su Ling.






Not to mention.

When he saw Su Ling raise the knife, his heart was slowly lost and angry.

He took it for granted that all these were the original demons, so he set up a suspicious array in order to disturb his mood and take the opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

But when Su Ling stabbed herself in the chest with a knife, Li Hao's heart suddenly set off a storm, and then was filled with an uncontrollable pain.

As soon as he grabbed Su Ling's slowly falling body, he widened his eyes. The wooden Qi in his body was instilled into Su Ling's delicate body without thinking.

At this moment, there was only one thought in Li Hao's mind - he wanted Su Ling to live, and he would not allow her to die!

"Why? Why?!"

Li Hao's heart was full of confusion. Looking at Su Ling dying in his arms, he shouted in a low voice.

"No, don't waste real yuan."

Su Ling raised her hand, gently rubbed Li Hao's face, smiled and said, "after you left school, my father died in the hospital at that time. At that time, I was disillusioned. At that time, I wanted to end my life and live on. Now, I just want to see you again."

Li Hao put out a finger to seal Su Ling's lips, shook his head and said, "stop talking, I won't let you die, I won't."

He has the wood needling technique of the five element divine needle, and now he has semi holy practice. It can be said that as long as he tries his best to save people, he can't really die.

"It's nice to feel your concern again."

Su Ling looked at Li Hao with a smile on her lips. Although she was weak, she tooted her mouth and gently kissed Li Hao's fingers, like drinking sweetly.

"When I want to end my life, in fact, my heart is still very unwilling. I hate the injustice of the world. Why does my father have cancer? Why can't I be with you I love? Why should I be controlled and used by Wang Yun but unable to resist? Why?!"

Su Ling fell into memories. Her big eyes twinkled with reluctance and sadness and anger. It seemed to be a reflection, and her whole body looked up and down.

Li Hao was silent, but he continued to convey to Su Ling's body the real yuan of wood Qi that can turn decay into magic.

Although Li Hao now has no needle in his hand, it is too simple and easy to use his Zhenyuan breath to simulate the effect of silver needle.

"Just when I thought I would leave the world with full of reluctance and regret and drown in the Huangpu River, a mysterious force suddenly entered my body. Then I felt that there seemed to be another great existence in my body."

Su Ling continued: "I naturally became the new owner of Ruyi building, the new host of the original heart demon, and another tool."

"But I really don't want to be a controlled tool."

Su Ling took a deep breath, looked at Li Hao and said, "I don't know whether it's because I don't want to deal with you or because I have too much resistance to being controlled. In recent months, taking advantage of the time when the original heart devil controls me, my own consciousness can secretly understand him, understand the things between you and how to deal with him."

Speaking of this, Su Ling smiled complacently on her face and said: "Chenxi can help you take care of Haotian industry. Zuo Feifei can secretly use the left family's ability to help you operate Jishitang. Zhuo Yanyu can also enter the military system with the strength of his family and help pave the way for your future. Only I can't do anything, but now, I can help you complete the most important point."

After listening to Su Ling's words, Li Hao's pupils shrunk slightly, and he caught something in his heart. Can it be said that Su Ling's suicide is quite profound and can help him eliminate the original demons?!

"The primitive mind devil cannot be eliminated. He was born out of all living beings. As long as there are human beings on earth, the primitive mind devil must exist."

Su Ling's words made Li Hao confused again. Since the original mind devil could not be eliminated, what's the significance of Su Ling's suicide? After Liu Yuying was killed by Li Jiaqi, the original mind devil was attached to Su Ling again. If Su Ling dies again, the original mind devil only needs to find another host!

"But although the will of the original heart devil cannot be destroyed, it can be locked and sealed in my body."

Su Ling's words were like a flash of lightning, which suddenly crossed Li Hao's heart!

"In the beginning, I asked the primitive mind devil to send three archaic legacy species to attack you, just to consume the energy of the primitive mind devil. The strength of the primitive mind devil lies in being able to control the biological mind, and the intelligent thousand machine ghost monkey that controls the thousand machine ghost monkey will consume too much energy, which will consume most of the power of the primitive mind devil who has not recovered to the peak."

Su Ling said, "it consumed the power of the original heart devil. Under the strong obsession of wanting to wear a wedding dress to see you, I finally broke free from the shackles of the original heart devil and regained the dominant power of my body."

With that, Su Ling's hand suddenly pulled out the sharp knife inserted in her heart!!

There was no blood gushing or even ferocious wounds that made people numb. From Su Ling's body, a withered breath like rotten wood came out.

"I've studied and planned nearly a thousand days and nights for this day. I'm afraid you don't know that your vibrant wood can actually be turned into the opposite rotten force. Rotten wood is withering, withering and waiting for rebirth."

Su Ling's breath became weaker and weaker, and her whole person was like a dead Deadwood.

Li Hao could feel that the will of the original heart devil followed Su Ling and was dead in the host's body. There was no way to come out and choose a new host!

The original heart demon is finally trapped!!

"This is the only thing I can do for you."

Su Ling looked at Li Hao affectionately and said, "you say you are not Weisheng, I will be your Weisheng. With my body, I will cling to the bridge pillar of the original heart devil to share your worries."

Li Hao closed his mouth tightly, but his hands trembled even more.

"Ah Hao, goodbye. Let go. You are a natural saint. This world needs you to guard."

Su Ling's voice became smaller and smaller, and her breath became weaker and weaker. When she completely turned into a rotten turtle rest state, she looked at Li Hao and finally said, "ah Hao, can you forgive me?"

In a word, the tears in Li Hao's eyes finally burst into tears and meandered across his face!

"Su Ling, I forgive you, I forgive you."

"Su Ling!!!"

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