Li Hao held the beauty in her arms tightly. Although Su Ling had no breath and no heartbeat, her delicate body still had a warm heat.

Li Hao woke up from his grief. Looking at the face of the beauty in his arms, he could clearly feel that Su Ling was not dead. She just used the wood Qi Zhenyuan she had previously instilled into her body to transform the original vibrant wood essence into an obscure and difficult rotten wood, and entered a state of pretending to die.

It's like withered trees buried in the depths of the earth. Although it seems dead and worthless, in fact, after the catalysis of time, coal, which can release powerful energy, will be born.

Su Ling incarnated rotten wood and locked the original mind demon will born by adhering to the will of heaven and earth in her body!

Although the way of heaven is deep and sometimes exhausted, the heart is infinite and difficult.

Primitive mind demons exist among all living beings. Even saints will regularly kill mind demons. External demons do not invade and internal demons are difficult to get rid of.

This immortal material is theoretically impossible to produce a specific will, because it is infinite, because it is immortal, so it is more like an established rule, just like the way of heaven. It controls heaven and earth and operates all the orders of the three worlds invisibly. Although it is invisible, it can be reflected bit by bit in daily life.

Drilling wood can get fire, fire can boil water, water can extinguish the flame, the wind will blow, the leaves will rustle, someone will punch you, you will hurt, if you hit you on the nose, you will bleed, hit your little brother... Er, you may lose your children and grandchildren.

Everyone takes it for granted that these are normal things, but if you really ask yourself why, you will find the mysterious and mysterious existence.

Why does it hurt when your hand touches the flame?

Why does fire burn things?

Why does water form ice?

Why can water put out a fire, but the same ice formed by water can't put out a fire?

Why did someone hit you on the nose and bleed you instead of his fist?

Because everything has rules, everything is the embodiment of the operation of the way of heaven. The existence of the way of heaven is the objective law that maintains everything.

If one day the way of heaven collapses, everything will fall into boundless chaos. Finally, everything will no longer exist, return to nothingness and become chaos again until chaos breeds a new order and a new way of heaven.

The way of heaven is immortal!

If the heaven is sentimental, the heaven is also old. It is precisely because it does not have a trace of emotional color, so the way of heaven can run everything fairly and objectively, so the way of heaven is immortal.

Because of this, it is impossible for such immortal existence to condense its own will, because with the will, there will be feelings, emotions, emotions, favoritism and love, alienation and disgust. No one can truly and absolutely level a bowl of water!

Can you have an intuitive dialogue with the will of heaven?


The Immortal Emperor can't, the Emperor Ming can't, and neither can the sage.

Even Hongjun Daozu, who was born out of chaos and on an equal footing with the heavenly way, did not communicate with the will of the heavenly way!

The fundamental reason is that there is no will of heaven at all, and heaven is just a rule.

Therefore, as immortal as the way of heaven, the original mind devil is theoretically impossible to produce will. It should also be just a rule, not an external objective, but a subjective and internal rule in the human heart.

Seeing that others are rich, some people will have the devil to steal and rob.

Seeing that this woman is very beautiful and sexy, someone will have a demon who will forcibly occupy her.

Seeing that others have supreme power, others will produce demons who want to control power by any means.

People have good and evil, some people will be controlled by heart demons, and some people, even if they have heart demons and bad ideas, will also be purified by moral cultivation and good thoughts. This is human. There is no absolute black and absolute white, but a delicate gray. This is the root of the potential of the human heart to be equal to chaos.

The primitive mind devil should be just this objective rule.

But now the world has changed, and the original mind devil has given birth to the will!

This breaks the law of fair operation of rules. As long as the original demon is willing, he can forcibly evoke the evil thoughts in the hearts of people, monsters or monsters, and control the good people into the bad people he uses!

This is a disaster!

And because he is immortal, even killing the host can only weaken him, and he can recover in time.

When Liu Yuying was the flower leader, the original demon possessed the first landlord of Ruyi building. He was hit hard by Li Jiaqi, who had just started his career and had not recovered for more than ten years.

Lurking in Liu Yuying's body for more than ten years, the primitive mind devil revived, especially after absorbing the resentment of gluttonous snakes, he grew faster and stronger, controlled Liu Yuying and wanted to strangle Li Hao in the cradle at that time, but he was fiercely resisted by Liu Yuying's will. At the last moment, Li Jiaqi rushed to kill Liu Yuying and hurt the primitive mind devil again.

However, this time, the damage suffered by the original heart devil was far less serious than the first time, not only because he was stronger than that time, but also because he learned the first lesson and did not underestimate the enemy.

He soon recovered and chose a new host, Su Ling.

But he never thought that his luck would be so bad for his existence born of the will of heaven and earth. The selected hosts were more difficult and more difficult to control.

Su Ling, in particular, is like the woman holding the pillar in the story. She can hide her power and bide her time. She has always planned to lock him in her body forever!!

And she really, really made this seemingly impossible thing!!

Li Hao took a deep breath and looked at Su Ling in his arms. He could feel that the world had changed invisibly again.

Originally, the original mind devil was born out of subjective will, which is already a variable. This is the great disaster of heaven and earth. It can be said that the emergence of the original mind devil is to come to troubled times.

But now in this troubled world, the variables that make heaven and earth go to destruction are subdued and sealed, and the mind demons are locked. It can be said that at least during the period when the original mind demons consciousness is sealed by Su Ling, the people of the world will reach a very high purity!

For example, Li Hao can feel his anger and complaint now. These emotions become weaker and weaker, and finally disappear. All negative emotions seem to be hidden!

Su Ling locks the devil, which makes it possible for all sentient beings to unite without appearing in ancient and modern times!

Without excessive desire, how can there be strife and chaos?


Almost at the moment when the people began to purify themselves, Li haomeng felt a powerful force of secrecy on him. Although it did not directly become his strength, he could feel extremely stable, as if he had a strong backing and had a good cool back against a big tree!

"It's the Buddha sect..."

Take out the wechat of the three realms. As soon as Li Hao opened the circle of friends, he found that the Buddhas in the fairy world and all over the sky were sending out the dynamics of the circle of friends. The result surprised Li Hao instantly!

Tathagata, breakthrough!!

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