The Tathagata Buddha broke through.

Good breakthrough, timely breakthrough!

Even Li Hao's state of mind now is not so good. After knowing the news, he can't help being happy. He feels very happy.

Although breakthrough is only a simple word, and it is said as soon as the upper lip touches the lower lip, only when we really reach this level can we know how difficult it is to take this step.

The Tathagata Buddha himself is already a top expert among the three realms. Before the monkey king took the Sutra in the west, he learned the ability to understand the sky. Coupled with the extraordinary talent of the four God monkeys, the spirit of the stone monkey, he can basically be said to be an invincible hand in the fairy world. Even the Immortal Emperor who has no Tao is not an opponent, but he is still strongly suppressed by the Tathagata Buddha!

However, because the way of Buddhism was not completely shackled, he always stopped. Finally, he was overtaken by the Immortal Emperor and became the emperor fruit position. Otherwise, the main principle of the immortal world should be the Tathagata Buddha, not the Jade Emperor.

However, due to Li Hao's enlightenment and reminder, the shackles of the essence of Buddhism were broken. Li Hao helped them improve the way of Buddhism, and finally made it possible for the Tathagata Buddha to make further achievements.

The Tathagata Buddha has been trapped in the realm closest to the emperor for thousands of years. Naturally, he has accumulated a lot and made a successful breakthrough now!

From then on, in addition to the Immortal Emperor and the Emperor Ming, there was finally another super master at the emperor level!

From now on, the name of Buddha will truly live up to its name. It is the ancestor of one vein, overlooking all sentient beings.

"I don't know whether this breakthrough of the Tathagata Buddha is a blessing or a curse..."

Li Hao took a deep breath. After being happy, the happy color on his face gradually faded and turned into a dignified color.

Because he was vaguely aware of something wrong.

The changes of heaven and earth are becoming more and more obvious.

The seal of Hongjun Daozu is getting weaker day by day. Even the avatar passed from Baiqi can inherit most of the strength of the noumenon. The original mind devil also gave birth to an independent will. Now Su Ling has no accomplishments and no realm, but she has locked the original mind devil with her mere mortal body, so that the hearts of all living beings in the world begin to purify themselves, The unity of all sentient beings, which has never been possible since ancient times, is also possible.

At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha made a breakthrough.

Can this be a coincidence?

Is there such a coincidence?

Even if the Tathagata Buddha has accumulated a lot, why didn't he break through early and late? He just succeeded after Su Ling locked the devil?

"What's the matter with this world?"

Li Hao murmured to himself. He vaguely felt that it seemed that the constraints and supervision of Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao on all sentient beings had become weaker and weaker.

"No matter what, at present, the most important thing is to learn the five elements divine needle first. Only after the heaven and earth restore order in the future and the will of the original heart devil is annihilated can I rescue Su Ling from this rotten state."

Li Hao is not a rich man now. When the Tathagata Buddha made a successful breakthrough and took that step, he felt that a large number of incense vows poured into his body. Looking at it in the wechat of the three circles, Li Hao was dazzled by the number of zeros behind the balance of incense vows.

Create a super master at the emperor level!

This public morality has never been before or since. Even though Hongjun Daozu is known as the teacher of all things, an expert at the imperial level can't be taught.

Li Hao soon found the medical fairy Bian Que in the wechat of Sanjie again, opened the dialog box with him, and was ready to exchange the remaining earth needle and gold needle in the five elements divine needle.

Now in his own five Qi heaven heart formula, the five Qi Zhenyuan of gold, wood, water, fire and earth has gathered all four Qi. He has not found a suitable Tiancai Dibao to help refine the remaining one.

It's not that he can't be concise now. How extensive is the collection of treasures among the top ten Taoist schools and many first-class sects? If you want to find one or two treasures to help him refine his Jin Qi and Zhen Yuan, it's nothing to say.

However, Li Hao was unwilling to make do with it. Under the leadership of Li Jiaqi, he visited all the metal natural and earth treasures in the Taoist treasure, and finally chose to wait.


Li Hao's vision is too high now.

He is already a semi saint, and all the four Qi Zhenyuan in front are condensed with the help of first-class treasures. If he condenses the gold Qi Zhenyuan in a hurry and at will, the product level is not equal, which can not only help him improve his accomplishments, but may become a short board and drag his own back.

This is the truth that it is better to lack than abuse.

Although it is said that there is no Jinqi Zhenyuan and there is no way to urge the Jinxing acupuncture among the five elements divine needles, the mystery of the Jinxing acupuncture is that it can simulate the scalpel with a silver needle to achieve the effect of surgery. There is no impact in other aspects. Li Hao just can't use it for the time being.

Under the massive incense wish, Bian que, the medical immortal, happily handed over all the remaining two needles of the five element divine needle to Li Hao, and then sighed with melancholy: "although I have been a medical immortal for many years, I can be limited by my qualifications. I have learned the first three needles in my poor life. From now on, my medical skills are not as good as you..."

Although the study of traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, it is the so-called all-round. Li Hao learned the five elements divine needle, which seizes the nature of heaven and earth. It is similar to other categories of traditional Chinese medicine.

"A five element divine needle has put my life on a completely different path. Although you give me the skill, I exchange it with you with incense and willing force, and you and I don't owe each other, in fact, you and I have the reality of teachers and disciples. Here, I still want to thank you sincerely."

"Li Hao Dao you is really very polite."

There was a kind of flattered surprise in the voice of the medical fairy Bian que.

He never expected that Li Hao would be so grateful to him.

Not to mention Li Hao's noble status as a semi saint, it is based on Li Hao's vast contacts in the fairy world. Bian que is just a medical fairy. It is very different from Li Hao. Li Hao can treat him equally without relying on his identity. It is really clear-minded and valuable.

"Li Hao!"

Just when Li Hao was ready to say more to Bian que, suddenly, his three world wechat shook again and came the message sent by the Immortal Emperor to him.

"The Tathagata Buddha broke through the emperor level master. The final transformation is the great scene of seizing the creation of heaven and earth. I agree with him that you should also come to watch such a scene."

Seeing the wechat sent by Xiandi, Li Hao's heart suddenly became hot!

If you can feel the scene of Tathagata's breakthrough, it will be of great benefit to his canonization in the future!!

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