Tathagata's breakthrough has broken the last shackles and barriers. Now it's only the last step to seize the creation of heaven and earth, and you can become an emperor level expert standing on the top of heaven and earth.

Now he has also issued an invitation to Li Hao. This opportunity is really rare and tight. If you are lucky to see this spectacle, it will greatly touch and benefit the cultivator. As the saying goes, one person gets the Tao and the chicken and dog ascends to heaven. Tathagata has now taken the most critical step, and everyone who is lucky to watch the ceremony will naturally gain something.

Of course, the Immortal Emperor himself is an expert at that level. The symbolism of going to the ceremony is much greater than the profitability. They won't get anything from the breakthrough of the Tathagata, but it involves the problem of face and standing in line.

For example, if the Tathagata breaks through, the Immortal Emperor will certainly be present, while the Emperor Ming is 100% not invited. If the emperor of the underworld, such as Tu Feng, breaks through, the ceremony must be personally presided over by the Emperor Ming, and the Immortal Emperor will avoid it.

Different positions are incompatible.

Li Hao was delighted to receive the invitation from Tathagata, but he was not too surprised.

After all, although he is in the mortal world, he is a good friend of the immortals in the fairy world. Even if he has a good relationship with individual gods in the underworld, he naturally belongs to the camp of the fairy world since he is opposite to the way of Emperor Ming. Moreover, he has made such a great contribution to the Tathagata and the whole Buddhism. It would be unreasonable for the Tathagata not to invite him.

But how does he see it?

Now, although heaven and earth have changed greatly, various rules are a little chaotic, and the seal placed by Daozu Hongjun in the three realms has begun to weaken gradually, it is still impossible for him to go to the fairy world. He has not learned any incarnation projection method. How can he personally visit the breakthrough site of Tathagata in Lingshan Taoist temple?

"Li Hao, please wait for good news. By then, you will be able to watch the ceremony with your own eyes through the wechat of the three circles."

The Immortal Emperor said again.

When Li Hao saw his promise, he was no longer confused.

Holding Su Ling's delicate body, he rose into the sky and disappeared over the Ruyi building.

Su Ling, who was in a coma, had to be placed in the safest place to rest assured. He was not only concerned about Su Ling's own physical safety, but also worried that if Su Ling had any accident, the will of the original demons would be liberated again, and everything Su Ling had paid would be in vain.

Where is Li Hao's most reassuring place now? This place is not the Pearl's base camp, but yundian.

At the beginning, ling'er returned to yundian with thousands of nights to help Li Hao build an ecological base. Now it has developed and the scale is quite good. Now many people around will choose to eat authentic mountain vegetables and experience the farmhouse fun of picking mountain fruits during holidays and weekends.

Lin Wei is very familiar with yundian's hometown, and although this boy was not very good when he studied medicine at school, he is really a good hand in business. Under the leadership of him and ling'er, the villagers really realized the road to wealth. Of course, the premise of this road to wealth is that Li Hao threw a lot of money as starting capital.

Yundian is located in a remote place. For most of the rich and noble families, it is a dangerous place where poor mountains and rivers come out to create trouble for the people. However, Li Hao sent the pure blood descendant of Shennong emperor to practice and develop nature there, and then let Lin Wei manage it, turning this secret paradise into their private plot.

Although Li Hao has a big family and a great career in Mingzhu, he is the most practical place in yundian. He can put Su Ling there with linger and poisonous birds guarding for thousands of nights. Both secular forces and monastic forces can resist one or two. He can rest assured.

Lin Weizheng and ling'er walked side by side in the mountains and rivers of Yunnan.

"Now our ecological base is becoming more and more popular. You see, in addition to the mountains in our village, I'm going to wrap up this mountain and build it into a golf course in years."

Lin Wei is much thinner now than when he was in college, and he looks a lot more capable. Looking at the green mountains and green waters in front of him, he has a bit of pride in commanding Fang Qiu and instructing rivers and mountains.


Ling'er smiled and nodded. She came out of the dust with her hair shining. The red small tripod mark in the middle of her eyebrows had faded slightly and could not be checked. It was obvious that even if she was outside the Taoist door, she was a practical practitioner. Her cultivation progressed rapidly. The lighter the fire tripod mark in the middle of her eyebrows, it proved that she was more proficient in Shennong tripod. When the mark disappeared completely, After returning to nature, it proved that linger's cultivation had been completed.

For business matters, ling'er never cares much, because Lin Weilin fat man has proved her ability with facts. She just needs to practice at ease and have the strength to guard all her achievements.

There was a gentle breeze in the mountains and forests. Lin Wei stopped and gently held ling'er in his arms. After getting along with each other day and night, they had long been in love with each other. Not far away, a little bird with purple feathers stayed on the branch and bent his head to comb his feathers. He looked lazy, but occasionally his eyes opened and closed, It's still palpitating.

Qianye is also growing rapidly. The blood of ancient poisonous birds, the blood of early peacocks, and the thin blood of the dragon family have been integrated quite well. The improvement of the strength of exotic animals is different from that of Terrans. Terrans need to practice hard, while exotic animals, as long as their blood is strong enough, even if they sleep every day, they still have terrible strength as long as they grow up.

Just as Lin Wei was enjoying the tenderness of the beauty in his arms, suddenly linger's delicate body was slightly tight and gently pushed away Lin Wei's body.

Just when Lin Wei was confused, a purple lightning flashed across his eyes, and then a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Fat Lin, you're a good boy. During my absence, I even got sister linger!"

In Li Hao's voice, with a touch of light banter between his brothers, he stepped into the air with Su Ling's delicate body, and the thousand nights that flew first flew around him happily, and the sound of singing was full of joy and missing.

It was Li Hao who brought him out of the deep mountains and forests of Shennongjia at the beginning. Its blood can have today's achievements, but it is also inseparable from Li Hao's relationship. Even if it has been ordered by Li Hao to follow ling'er recently, the closest human in its heart is still Li Hao.

"Hiroko, you're back at last!!!"

Looking at the white robed boy who came in the air like a fairy, the doubt on Lin Wei's face suddenly turned into an excitement. Now he is called President Lin's coming and going in front of outsiders. At the moment, he is as excited as a child who doesn't know the world. He opened his arms and rushed towards Li Hao

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