Red maple club.

It is a very high-end private club in the Pearl City. The average person may think that if he wants to be extravagant, he should go to Shanghai, go to a restaurant on the top of the Oriental Pearl Restaurant, eat a big meal, sit at the highest point of the city, enjoy the night scene of the whole Pearl, and appreciate the charm of the Oriental magic capital.

But for people who are really rich and powerful, where ordinary people want to go once, how can they deserve their identity if they go too?

Therefore, high-end private clubs such as Ruyi building and Hongfeng club came into being, but because Ruyi building is too big and has a great cause, its strength and significance have far exceeded ordinary clubs.

Hongfeng club is a private club second only to Ruyi building. Because it is far away from Ruyi building and does not conflict with the positioning of the main service operators, it has not been suppressed by Ruyi building.

At eight o'clock in the evening, a lengthened Rolls Royce phantom stopped at the door of the red maple club. The co pilot's door opened. A bodyguard in black jumped out of the car, slowly opened the door and said respectfully, "Miss, the destination is here. You go in and we'll set up defense around."


Zuo Feifei stepped down from the car like a proud swan, gently shook her head and said, "my safety won't have any problem tonight. If my safety can't be guaranteed by his side, it's only in vain if you double the number of people."

"But miss..."

The bodyguard in black felt as if he had been insulted. As soon as his face changed, he was ready to say something more.

They are the most professional world-class bodyguards. They are all retired mercenaries who have experienced hundreds of battles in the world. They are proficient in firearms, heavy weapons, close combat, or cold weapons such as daggers and swords!

He did not understand why the young lady was so distrustful of their abilities.

"Listen to me."

Zuo Feifei's tone suddenly became sharp from peace, stared at the man in black and said, "withdraw all. I don't want any irrelevant things to spoil the fun at my party with him."

"OK, ok..."

The bodyguard in black nodded reluctantly. He had no choice but to obey the orders of his employer.

Soon, before the Rolls Royce phantom drove away, another Bentley stopped next to their car. Zhuo Yanyu and Chenxi both came down from the car. Zhuo Yanyu greeted Zuo Feifei, and then said to the soldier behind him, "go back. Tonight is my personal affair. Don't bother the organizational defense force."

"You are the young lady of the old chief's family and our chief in the future. It's our duty to defend you!"

The man in military uniform saluted a standard military salute. There was a frightening spirit between his eyebrows. At first glance, he was not a mortal.

"I said, go back!"

Zhuo Yanyu glared. Although she went home and dressed up as a sexy and lovely soft girl, in the face of the soldier who questioned her command, the superior breath cultivated in the military immediately showed up and said, "this is an order!!"


The military order is like a mountain. Zhuo Yanyu received it. Since she said it was an order, the elite soldier of southeast sword can only obey it.

"Sister Feifei, you're here too!"

After sending off his men, Zhuo Yanyu took Chenxi's arm and went to Zuo Feifei's face. He smiled and said, "we sisters really have a good heart!"

"Little swallow, you are really amazing now."

Zuo Feifei took a deep look at Zhuo Yanyu and said, "the sword in the southeast and the wolf in the north are all sharp weapons of the country. The trumps in the trumps of the special forces and the elites among the elites have become your bodyguards. It seems that the Zhuo family is really ready to train you to take over the special forces in the army."

A behemoth like the Zuo family certainly has great achievements not only in the commercial field, but also in the understanding and mastery of national power. Naturally, we know what the southeast sword means.

"Sister Feifei, don't sour me. You are now the popular successor of the left family. There are more people protecting you than me."

Zhuo Yanyu smiled and walked towards the red maple club with Chen Xi and Zuo Feifei.

The boss of Hongfeng club came out to meet him personally. Although all three aunts and grandmothers said hello and wanted to keep a low profile, they wanted to keep a low profile. That's the humble word of a big man. If a small man really holds a chicken feather as an arrow and thinks he really doesn't need to care, he would be asking for trouble.

In the highest standard private room of Hongfeng club, Chenxi three women sat quietly in a chair and waited.

Delicious food was served on the table again and again, but the three women didn't mean to move chopsticks at all.

The waiter next to me also felt a little strange.

The three proud women sitting here neither eat nor chat, nor talk about business cooperation. What are they doing here?

"Brother Hao'er is really too much. He disappeared for so long. When he came back, he even let the three beautiful women sit here waiting for him. It's really not a gentleman."

Time is coming, but Li Hao hasn't appeared yet. Zhuo Yanyu toots his small mouth in some displeasure.

"Ha ha, little swallow, I'm not late!"

A breeze came, and the employees and guests of the whole box and even the whole Hongfeng club didn't know when Li Hao arrived or how he came in.

But he appeared in the box.

White clothes are better than snow, and abundant gods are like jade.

The three women couldn't help but stay at the same time, and then all their beautiful big eyes lit up.

The moment Li Hao opened his chair and sat down, it was just the time they agreed.

"Don't make the golden cup empty to the moon. Raise your glass. It's a pleasure to meet someone."

Li Hao raised his hand slightly, and the bright red French Bordeaux top wine in the glass automatically meandered out of the bottle, gently and gracefully like a red ribbon in mid air, and then evenly fell into each of the three women and Li Hao's own wine glass.

The three women, who were still angry before, were facing the wine in the cup and the guy who thought day and night in front of her, but they couldn't get up any more. They also showed a smile and took up the wine glass together.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the young man in white robe, the waiter and the full-time service staff in the box stared in disbelief.

Can it be said that these three proud women are waiting to eat with this man at the same time?!

Without words, everything is in silence.

However, in the middle of the meal, the third world wechat in Li Hao's pocket sent a shock message again.

Communication from the Immortal Emperor - the opportunity has come. The last step of Tathagata Buddha's breakthrough is about to begin!!

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