The dazzling golden light is projected from Li Hao's mobile phone screen, which reflects a layer of glittering golden light on his whole body. It is holy and dignified, and people dare not look directly at him.

Although Chen Xi and their three women were surprised, they were not flustered. Li Hao could appear out of thin air and let the red wine automatically fly from the bottle to their cup. Everything of this kind has shown that he is not an ordinary person, and they have already been psychologically prepared.

And the waiters in these boxes are completely stupid tonight.

When Li Hao began to appear suddenly, they could comfort themselves that they must have been careless and didn't notice the arrival of a living man.

When Li Hao raised his hand and flew the red wine into Chen Xi's wine glass, although they were surprised that their chin was about to fall off, they thought Li Hao was a magician. They all sighed in their hearts that they could learn first-hand magic well. As expected, they were the only artifact to pick up girls. These three proud women were conquered by a magician.

But when Li Hao took out such a golden mobile phone from his pocket, the waiters didn't know how to find a reason in their hearts.

Even if you think with your toes, you can guess that this mobile phone is unusual.

"The light of this mobile phone is so bright..."

A big brainless waitress spit hard, stared at Li Hao's mobile phone and said, "I don't know what brand it is. Is it expensive? If it's not expensive, I'll buy one. There's such a bright flashlight. After the night shift, I won't be afraid to walk alone at night."


With that, all the colleagues around her fell to the ground - she was knocked down by thunder.


Then she followed, and she herself fell to the ground.

She was stunned by Li Hao's anger.

It doesn't hurt to occasionally expose a little ability in front of ordinary people, but it would be a big thing if such a big dynamic as wechat in the three realms were exposed. However, with Li Hao's cultivation today, it's very easy to erase their memory, so as to ensure that they don't remember anything when they wake up.

"I'm really sorry."

After all this, Li Hao looked at the three women in front of him with some apology and said, "suddenly, I'm afraid I can only eat here with you."

"Business matters."

Chen Xi nodded. Although she was an iceberg beauty, she was warm and considerate.

"Go, go, I'm full anyway."

Zuo Feifei waved her hand. Although she was slightly dissatisfied, she was also a general person.

"Goodbye, brother Hao. Where are you going?"

Zhuo Yanyu blinked his big eyes and asked Li Hao.

"I, maybe I want to go to heaven..."

Li Hao looked at the brighter and brighter mobile phone in his hand, and then suddenly felt his body light, which was similar to the feeling of soul out of the body. He seemed to turn into a heavenly eye hanging in the sky. He could see his body below and the three women sitting next to him. Then, a huge suction came from the three wechat on the mobile phone, He just felt himself pulled and lost consciousness.

After Li Hao lost consciousness, the strong light in his mobile phone gradually dimmed. When his body tilted, the whole person suddenly collapsed in the chair, like losing his soul.

"Brother hao?"

Zhuo Yanyu tentatively called Li Hao, but the latter, like the waiters who were stunned by his strength, didn't move and didn't feel anything.

"What now?"

Seeing that Li Hao was like a dead man, he didn't respond. Looking at Chen Xi and Zuo Feifei next to him, he spread his hands and asked, "who took him back? Can't let him be here?"

The three women looked at each other and said, "otherwise, stone scissors and paper?"


At the moment, Li Hao's spiritual body felt that he was honghongming. After a ethereal journey, his body lightened, and the world in front of him suddenly became bright.

"See Li haozun!"

Just after Li Hao's slightly dizzy brain had just recovered a trace of Qingming, a respectful low cry came suddenly from the side.

All Buddhas, whether Buddha, arhat or emissary, knelt down on one knee and saluted Li Hao respectfully.

"What are you doing?"

Li Hao was immediately inspired and said, "please get up quickly, please get up quickly."

"You don't have to care, sir. You have opened up a accessible road for our Buddhist way, so that our Buddha Tathagata can proudly take this key step and be worthy of the worship of our Buddhist disciples!"

The light burning ancient Buddha floated to Li Hao on the lotus platform, smiled and nodded.

"Li Hao, you and I have known each other for a long time. Today I finally got to see you."

A middle-aged man with an imperial crown and a rich God like jade came slowly without touching the ground. Although he smiled, he had a kind of pride and dignity hidden in his bones. At first glance, it was the appearance of an emperor.

"Boy, I've seen Immortal Emperor."

Li Hao worshipped the Immortal Emperor from a distance, and the one who had the best way of cultivation was the first. The Immortal Emperor was a super strong man at the emperor level. Even though he was now half holy, he could not compare with him. He should give gifts.

"I haven't asked Lord Xiandi yet. What's my situation?"

Li Hao looked at his transparent body and asked curiously.

"An incarnation condensed by your Divine thoughts and the mixed yuan immortal Qi in the fairy world driven by me."

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said, "now the seal between the three worlds is getting weaker and weaker. It's still no problem to attract your God to the fairy world."


Suddenly, a mighty Buddha's name suddenly came out from the top of Lingshan mountain. Then, a huge swastika Buddha's seal rose in the air, and the golden mans fell everywhere!

"The breakthrough of Tathagata Buddha has begun."

Li Hao raised his head and looked up at the sky. At the moment, the golden body of the Tathagata Buddha has completely turned into a nihilistic law, entrenched in the sky over the Lingshan mountain, and began the last step to break through the monarch level - seizing the creation of heaven and earth.

The power of gorgeous laws evolved on Sunday, and countless chanting chants came out in the mouths of all the Buddhas, forming a vast and inexplicable power, which was transmitted to the heavens in the sky and helped him to win the essence of heaven and earth better.

"Although the seal between the three worlds is getting weaker and weaker, the next time Mingjun comes to wreak havoc, there will be two emperor level masters in the fairy world, you and Buddha. When you two join hands, you must not be able to turn over any waves."

Li Hao's mood is still very happy.

Su Ling locked the devil Tathagata with her body and successfully broke through. The situation of the just side of the three worlds is very good. It seems that the catastrophe of the three worlds is no longer a big problem.

"Where fortune and misfortune depend."

The Immortal Emperor looked at the increasingly powerful Tathagata Buddha in the air, but his look was not relaxed.


A thunderbolt suddenly cut through the sky and reflected everyone's different expressions#### Yesterday, I had a high fever of 40 degrees and burned a whole one. Today, it's a little cooler. I'll update it. I hope you'll understand. Thank you

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