"Brother Jiaqi, are you still practicing sword?"

On the strange peak of daomen, a palace girl holding a pot of ice heart sake looked at Li Jiaqi who was practicing sword in front, and her apricot eyes glittered with respect.


Li Jiaqi stopped, looked back at the palace girl, smiled on her cold face, took the wine she handed over and said, "thank you, rou er."

With that, he carried the wine in his hand, lifted it to the air, and then poured it down his neck. A clear stream flowed out of the mouth of the wine pot and fell into Li Jiaqi's mouth, making a crisp sound like a drop of water falling off a cliff.

Bingxin wine, Bingxin.

Li Jiaqi said nothing, wiped his mouth after drinking a pot, took his sword and flew to the waterfall at the top of Qifeng again!

"Brother Jiaqi really works very hard. Sure enough, his father is right. Behind every strong man, there is not only talent, but also hard work that ordinary people can't match."

The sword light converges and the Thunder Dragon disappears.

Li Jiaqi stopped to take back his sword, floated back and said, "rou'er, let's go and go back."

Rou'er is the granddaughter of the No. 2 elder of Xiaoyao sect. She grew up in Xiaoyao sect and has been stuck behind Li Jiaqi. She has a very close relationship.

"Brother Jiaqi, Grandpa said, now that the demon world is settled and the world is peaceful, there are two young masters returning strongly. Your burden is finally lighter than before, isn't it?"

Rou'er and Li Jiaqi walked side by side on the mountain path, pinched the corner of their clothes and asked softly.

"What's the matter?"

Li Jiaqi raised his head, looked at the shy girl in front of him and asked.

"Grandpa wants to ask you..."

Rou'er took a deep breath, finally summoned up her courage, looked up at Li Jiaqi and said, "brother Jiaqi, I like you very much. Grandpa wants to ask you, if you are willing to leave blood for the Li family as soon as possible, I, I..."

Rou'er blushes with shame. The world in the Taoist door is far less unrestrained than that in the secular world. It's rare for a little girl to confess to a big man. Even if rou'er likes Li Jiaqi very much in her heart, she still feels so ashamed that she can't find a crack to get in when she really says this!

"Rou er..."

Li Jiaqi pursed her lips, looked at the young girl with infinite expectation in front of her, sighed gently, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, thank you for your wrong love and the kindness of the second elder. I can't."

"Brother Jiaqi, rou'er, where is rou'er not good enough?"

Rou'er stared at Li Jiaqi in a daze. Water mist had begun to condense in her big eyes.

"It's not that you're not good enough, but me..."

Li Jiaqi sighed again, walked past rou'er, shook his head and said, "there is a grave in my heart, burying the person of my dream. I can't love others anymore. I'm sorry."

"Is that the secular woman?"

Rou'er sobbed behind Li Jiaqi and said, "she's just a mortal. What's good about her? It's worth your nostalgia, brother Jiaqi?"

"To love a person is not to find out what's good and what's bad about her."

Li Jiaqi kept walking. On the towering and dangerous road, his figure seemed so lonely and sad.

"To love a person is that even if she is not good and ordinary in the eyes of others, in your heart, even the fairy of nine days is not worth mentioning in front of her."

Li Jiaqi's voice was ancient, as if he were talking about a particularly ordinary thing.

"But she's dead!"

Rou'er stood in the same place, looking at Li Jiaqi, who was drifting away, and sobbed.

"She's dead. I'll bury her here forever."

Li Jiaqi patted himself on the chest.

Rou'er's body softened and fell powerlessly on the bluestone road.

In the relationship, there are some things that you don't have a chance to get back to the city after you lose at the beginning.

Sometimes, even if she is separated by Yin and Yang, you still can't replace her.

Rou'er finally realized that she had lost, lost completely, and had no chance to lose at all.

"No chance?"

Li Jiaqi stepped down from Qifeng, spread out his palm and said, "father..."

A flash of fluorescence flashed from the palm of his hand. From the original word "ordinary life", it evolved into four glittering small characters: home, country and the world.

Home, country and the world represent the ladder of life goal. First home, then country, and finally the whole world.

In fact, it is the perfect explanation of the word "common life".

The common people are the family, the country and the world.

Li Jiaqi's figure flashed and soon returned to a secret room in the Xiaoyao sect.

Looking at Li Hao sitting on his knees in the middle of the secret room in front of him, Li Jiaqi concentrated for a moment, shook his head and dodged away.

Li Hao has been closed for two years, but he still hasn't found a suitable metal Tiancai Dibao to help him break through the Dacheng state of the last five Qi Tianxin formula.

However, in the past two years, Li Hao can not be said to have made no progress at all. His mind has been wandering in the Taoist fields of major ancient saints and experiencing the afterglow of the holy way left by them.

If you are lucky, you can even have some communication with the legacy of ancient saints, filling his own perception of the holy way.

But it's still very slow. Li Hao feels that if he doesn't accumulate a large amount of incense vows, he really can't step into the peak of the holy way in a short time.

After all, what he lacks most now is the accumulation of holy time.

He is too young.

A saint in his twenties has never been seen before!

After losing the perception of the Tathagata Buddha, it was too difficult for Li Hao to break through the holy way.

"Family, country and world, this burden will fall on me after all."

Li Jiaqi turned and left. He knew that breaking through the holy way was neither urgent nor disturbing. He could only rely on Li Hao's own continuous accumulation and understanding.


At this time, a loud noise suddenly occurred between heaven and earth. A huge blood red hole suddenly appeared from the sky, just like a blood red funnel, rotating violently in the sky!


"What happened?!"

"What a terrible energy fluctuation. What's the situation?"

All the people of daomen felt for the first time, as if they were about to die, and there was a terrible smell that made them tremble!

A voice of evil spirit and crazy bully suddenly appeared in the sky and swept the whole Taoist door for three thousand blessings in an instant!!

"FanJie, hehe, I haven't been here for a long time."

A blood red figure appeared from the funnel. Although it was only a human figure, it seemed to fill the whole world, and even the mountains, rivers, sun and moon were eclipsed in front of him!

Ming Jun.

Come to earth!!

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