"What's going on?!"

Li Hao also gave birth to the feeling of scalp numbness at the first time.

Ming Jun is coming!

He just took a breath in the mortal world, and suddenly all the three thousand blessed land auras in the whole Taoist door turned upside down and rushed around Mingjun like a milk swallow throwing into the forest!

Emperor level master, master a party of time and space!

As soon as Mr. Ming appeared, he didn't see any action or action at all. Just one eye and one breath. This world has been dominated by him!

In the past, when we were at the spirit mountain in the fairy world, at least the Immortal Emperor, an emperor level expert, existed, which could avoid the embarrassing situation that one party's time and space was controlled by the Emperor Ming.

But now it is different. There is no emperor level master in the world, and there is no strong man in the saint realm. If the Emperor Ming brings the gods of the underworld to attack on a large scale, the human race, demon race and monsters in the world will have no resistance!

Because the emperor level controls a space-time, ordinary monks can absorb less than a trace of aura to supplement themselves!!

"Li Hao, I destroyed your will incarnation and set up a dangerous peak on your holy road. Now two years later, I don't know whether you have taken that step by your own ability?"

Ming Jun's eyes jumped thousands of miles, stood between heaven and earth, and locked on Li Hao of Xiaoyao sect.

As soon as the Qi machine touched the induction, Li Hao felt that his spirit was hit hard by a giant hammer, his face turned white, his eyes blackened, and he almost fainted!

The realm realized that the soul of Emperor Ming only impacted Li Hao in the space, which was a threat to hurt others!!

"I can only give up my life and forget death. I'd rather be broken than destroyed!"

Li Hao took a deep breath, pressed down the surging mood, clenched his fist, stood up from the bed, and got up to go out to meet Ming Jun.

Looking at the whole world, except him, in the eyes of Ming Jun, even a strong mole ant can't be found.

Of course, even if Li Hao is a strong mole ant in Mingjun's eyes, mole ants are only mole ants after all

But just as Li Hao was about to fly out, a standing golden mang didn't know where to rise, shrouded directly in front of him, turned into a golden cage, and locked his body in place!


Li Hao suddenly raised his head and asked.

In the golden cage, he felt the familiar smell of Li Jiaqi, so he was sure that the golden cage was released by Li Jiaqi.

Moreover, this cage has the accumulation of Xiaoyao sect for thousands of years, and it is the same origin as the five Qi Tianxin formula practiced by Li Hao. Therefore, if Li Hao wants to break the cage, no matter how powerful his attack is, as long as he uses the real yuan of the five Qi Tianxin formula, most of his attacks will be absorbed.

"You're not ready."

Li Jiaqi calmly appeared behind Li Hao, tiptoed to the ground, and the whole person soared into the air.

"This time, give it to me first."

"Brother, you are not his opponent, brother!!"

Li Hao's eyes were about to crack. Looking at Li Jiaqi's back, he hissed.

Li Jiaqi's back is tall and straight, and Lei Shenjian stands behind him with his back straight as his back.

"You want to challenge me?"

Mingjun looked down at Li Jiaqi with his sword, and his disdain grew stronger.

"Not a challenge."

Li Jiaqi waved his long sword and raised his eyebrows. Lang said, "you incarnation, I cut it today!!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Ming Jun laughed wildly, looked down at Li Jiaqi below, and said with a smile, "since I became a Taoist, I have never failed, let alone been killed. You are only a real person mole ant, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?"

"Brother, go, you go!"

Li Hao shook the golden cage desperately, but most of his attacks were absorbed by the golden cage, so he couldn't get rid of it for a while.

"I'm Li Jiaqi."

Li Jiaqi walks towards Mingjun step by step.

"In the year of weak crown, he took charge of Xiaoyao sect, surrounded by strong enemies, stood at the peak and remained invincible, turning the tide on the fallen and supporting the general of the building!"

"In the three years since the establishment of the sect, life is the most important, and the family, the country and the world are their own responsibilities. Dongping sea people's demons, exterminating the wild in the west, exterminating the disasters left by ancient times in the south, and Beiding ice and snow monsters have fought and killed for more than ten years, and have been invincible against the top ten demon kings of the demon family. Kirin Gemini protects the country on earth!"

"My Li Jiaqi is worthy of heaven and earth!"

"Zhongzhi is worthy of the common people!"

"The country and the world are in my heart. If you come from other places, cut them with one sword!!"

Li Jiaqi's body was burning with a dazzling golden flame, a vast and magnificent force. The power of responsibility and belief of all sentient beings rose on him, making his whole momentum gradually able to compete with Mingjun!!

"The Li family has guarded the common people for generations. If Emperor Ming invades, he will kill even if he is strong!!"

A golden figure appeared in the back of Li Jiaqi's head. His hair and beard fluttered. Looking at Li Jiaqi's figure holding a sword, there was a sense of relief in his eyes. Then he looked back at Li Hao, who was bound in place by the golden cage. With a pat of his hands, the whole person turned into light and rain!


Li Hao in the golden cage was completely stunned. The whole person looked at the middle-aged man who turned into light and rain in mid air. Two lines of hot tears rolled down from his eyes.

"Old patriarch!!!"

When the elder and the second elder of Xiaoyao sect saw the image of the golden man, they all cried and knelt down excitedly. Obviously, they had deep feelings for the old leader of Xiaoyao sect, Li Hao and Li Jiaqi's father.

"Interesting, interesting."

Mingjun stood with his hands down. His attention was completely attracted by Li Jiaqi at the moment. He was not in a hurry. He quietly looked at how far this originally mole like man could do.

"Family, country and world!!"

Li Jiaqi suddenly gave a long roar, and the black hair flew behind his head, and then all turned white!

White hair like snow.

White as snow.

The white of sword light is better than snow!!

The golden light rain made by the old patriarch rose with the light of Li Jiaqi's sword.

Every drop of golden rain is a small figure.

People gather together, there are independent individuals, there is also a happy home made of several people, there is a great country where kings ascend the throne, civil and military officials are listed, and all people have only one line!

People, home, country, world!

What a vivid and rich human scene!!

A breath of holy Tao surged in Li Jiaqi's body, making Li Hao in the golden cage nearby seem to be hit by a lightning bolt!

The power of family, country and the world, the power of all people on earth and the power of all living beings are the holy way!!

"Ming Jun, take my sword!!"

Li Jiaqi rose up in the air, and the thunder sword gave a long cry. People walked with the sword and stabbed in the air!!

This sword goes straight to the door of Emperor Ming!!

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