
Li Jiaqi slashed his sword into the air and hit Mingjun's face!!

The body of Lei Shenjian trembled wildly, and countless thunders poured down madly from the nine days, wrapping the whole body of Mingjun!

The roar of thunder was harsh, like tens of thousands of birds gathering together and chirping!


After a long time, the thunder dispersed. Under everyone's gaze, Mingjun's body was like bean curd residue, which was split in two under the sharp blade of Lei Shenjian!


Ming Jun, who runs across the world, was cut off by such a sword?!

Everyone can't believe their eyes.

Although this move of family, country and world is very strong, it can be said that those who hear it are frightened and those who see it are frightened!

Li Hao won't be surprised if this sword cuts anyone, but who is the opponent opposite now?

It is only to enter the fairyland, even the Immortal Emperor, but also to take away the essence of Buddha's life.

Will such a character be cut off with such a sword?

Even if it's just an avatar, it's Mingjun!!

"That's great..."

In the demon world, there was a palpitation in the yellow eyes of the Viper demon king, and he roared: "the spirit of the human race is too strong and too United. There is no such concept in our demon race. How can we master this power?"

"It's really terrible."

The wolf demon king whispered, "even if I'm so far away, I'm frightened by the power of this sword. Li Jiaqi is so terrible and his brother is so terrible. I'm afraid we demon clan won't turn over."

"I'm afraid it's hard to repay the blood feud between the wolf Prince and the Viper negative dragon in the Dragon void valley."

As soon as he said this, the faces of the Viper demon king and the wolf haodemon king all darkened.

The twin stars of the Terran family really make them unable to rise to the idea of resistance. Not to mention the successors of the dragon soul and phoenix soul in the other ten major doors, the demon family can't find any winning face to turn over and rise.

"But whenever there is such a situation of annihilation, it is the Terrans who stand up and stand up to the world..."

The rat hidden king suddenly said such a sentence, which made all the demon kings in the audience silent.

Yes, the demon clan has fought with the human race for thousands of years, but every time there is a great disaster, it is the human race that is born. The sage comes out to make decisions for all ages. There has never been a demon saint to save the world.


Sure enough, the residual shadow dissipated slowly without a drop of blood.

Li Jiaqi's reaction was so quick that he immediately followed him and struck a sword behind him again!

The golden light flashed past and was poked out of the void by a palm like white jade, which directly clamped Li Jiaqi's thunder sword!

"It's a very good sword. Looking at the underworld, there are no more than one palm of the underworld God who can take over without dying."

Ming Jun nodded with approval and said, "it's good to cut my incarnation sleeves!"

Sure enough, there was an obvious crack at the cuff of Mingjun!

This sword is enough to frighten the three realms!!

"If it's limited to this, then it's really over."

Mingjun's fingers were like solid gold. He clamped Li Jiaqi's thunder sword, smiled evil and said.


Li Jiaqi's pupil suddenly shrinks to the size of the tip of a needle. A great and terrible force erupts from Mingjun's fingers. Li Jiaqi's body flies upside down. The whole person turns over more than a dozen somersaults in the air and finally falls heavily to the ground!


Li Jiaqi opened his mouth and spewed out a pool of blood, but he soon got up from the ground.

"It's really amazing. There are no more than three people in the three worlds who can take my move. You're not dead!"

Ming Jun's eyes were more interested and said, "if you're right, the so-called family, country and world behind you helped you share and resist, didn't you?"

Li Jiaqi was silent and stared at Ming Jun in front of him.

It was not that he didn't want to answer, but that he was speechless because of the surge of Qi and blood in his body.

"If you don't have a move today, I'll do it again. Your country and the world will have no meaning."

Ming Jun's tone was filled with a trace of expectation and a trace of Senran's killing intention.

Emperor can't be humiliated. Li Jiaqi broke his sleeves and robes as he was not an emperor level expert, and he still accepted him. Mingjun appreciated him very much, but he was also very angry.

In his eyes, Li Jiaqi is already a person who must be removed, not because of any serious trouble, but for the dignity of Emperor Ming!

"Mingjun, stop, I'll fight you!"

Li Hao was completely anxious in the golden cage behind him. He shook the cage desperately and roared: "I am the only person in the world who may become a saint. Your goal should be me. Come on, ignore him, I'll fight you!!"

"He's dead. You can't run."

Mingjun turns around and looks at Li Hao coldly. Then he remains unmoved and continues to look at Li Jiaqi with interest.

Kimi Ro said, "I am not afraid to tell you the plan of this group of ant ants, and to take away the essence of the life of the Tathagata. It is not my goal at all. I am not like the ignorant guy of the fairy emperor, who is seeking the essence of heaven and earth to create the essence of heaven and earth to enhance his self cultivation."

"I take away the Tathagata, just to use his lifetime to cultivate the energy of the essence of heaven and earth to get through the channel with all circles."

Mingjun slowly took off and looked down at the vast earth, with an invincible loneliness in his eyes.

He really feels lonely, invincible and invincible.

He was not even afraid to say his plan clearly, because he was confident that no one could stop him.

"I came to the world just because there is no saint in the world. I can easily get the chaotic world heart of this world, get the recognition of the chaotic world heart, and become an emperor level master. If I can get the chaotic world heart of the underworld and the world, I will certainly break through the shackles of the emperor level!!"

Mingjun proudly said, "I am invincible in the world. Until now, for me, except for the fun of breaking through myself, everything else is tasteless. Therefore, I get the chaotic mind of the world, break through the steps of the emperor level realm, and those who block me die!"

With that, he rose to the sky again, shook his head slightly and said, "when I came to the world this time, I thought Li Hao, a mole ant, could stop me for a few seconds. Unexpectedly, I met another accident. Well, Li Jiaqi, right? In order to thank you for giving me a surprise, I will let you die without a trace of pain."


Li Jiaqi raised his head again and looked at Ming Jun standing in the sky. A bright light burst out from his sword eyes again!!

"I said I would kill you today!!!"

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