
Li Jiaqi's face was serious, holding the thunder sword, facing the Emperor Ming who rose into the sky like the Lord of heaven and earth. There was no fear on his face.


This time, Li Jiaqi did not raise his hand to attack Mingjun in the sky, but raised his sword to pierce his chest!!



"Brother Jiaqi!!"

"Lord Li!!"

Everyone was completely stunned by this scene!!

The thunderbolt sword is an invincible sword. If it stabs into the human body, the powerful thunder force will directly crush people's physical functions. Without the powerful regeneration ability, even the gods can't be saved.


Li Hao's eyes and canthus were about to crack. He punched out many fine cracks in the besieged golden cage!

But the golden cage was designed by Li Jiaqi to trap Li Hao, so even so, it still stood and was not broken.


The thunder sword in Li Jiaqi's hand was shining brightly, and his whole body fell to the ground.

But the moment his body fell down, a golden light suddenly rose into the sky and became another transparent and golden Li Jiaqi!


Then, another angry voice also sounded at the same time. The Yin wind suddenly rose, and a dark transparent human body rose into the sky again.

The power of family, country and world dissipated while Li Jiaqi sacrificed himself, and then all poured into Li Jiaqi's palm, releasing the black ghost!

This is the ghost who helped the old leader of Li Jiaqi Xiaoyao sect!

Living souls, dead souls, double sacrifice, the integration of yin and Yang, suddenly formed a terrible force, the whirlwind was fierce and mighty, and suddenly the whole world became dark!!

"This is..."

Li Hao's body fell to the ground and felt his body tremble slightly.

"The soul of life and the soul of the dead, the integration of yin and Yang!"

The transparent figures of Li Jiaqi and the dark old patriarch intertwined in the air, and then merged into a chaotic figure. Lei Shenjian turned into a light and shadow, rose into the sky, and fell into the hands of the chaotic transparent figure again.

"Kirin, Gemini, oneness!!"

A thunderous roar burst out from the bodies of Li Jiaqi and Li Hao at the same time. A Golden Kirin figure rushed out of Li Hao, while a silver Kirin figure rushed out of Li Jiaqi's body. They both became one again, turned into a torrent of fate, and once again entered the chaotic figure in mid air.

Suddenly, a holy light rose up. Although it was very light, it was also an authentic and mighty holy light.

Holy power!!

The power of Kirin and Gemini, the power of Yin-Yang integration of living soul and dead soul, and the power of sacrifice are integrated together. Many causes and effects are suddenly transformed into pure holy power under the combustion of karma fire!

Thousands of years later, the glory of the holy way once again appeared on the vast mountains and rivers of the world!!

From now on, there will be no Kirin Gemini.

Li Haodi sat in the golden cage and stared at the chaotic figure in the air. He felt that the whole person had been broken into countless pieces with heartache and couldn't even shed tears.

Brother Kirin is the essence of his brother and his brother brother Kirin.

After so much synthesis, we finally condensed a holy order incarnation!

If you succeed, your bones will wither. There will be a sea of corpses behind you. You have to pay too much.

"Ben Sheng said that he would kill you today!"

The chaotic figure made a low voice in his mouth, and the thunder sword in his hand broke with a clang, and the chaotic holy light burst out a strong divine light!


There was a soft noise.

There is no earth shaking explosion, no collision between heaven and earth!

Just one face to face, the chaotic figure passed through the body of Emperor Ming.

Everything is light, everything seems so light.

"Haha, haha, haha!"

Mr. Ming didn't look back. He stood high in the sky and laughed.

Then his imperial robes began to break inch by inch, one by one, falling in the wind, and then turned into energy fluctuations and completely dissipated in the wind.

The figure of chaos stayed behind Mr. Ming and said coldly, "Mr. Ming, die!"

"Awesome, awesome!!"

Ming Jun's body dissipated inch by inch, but his face still showed a happy smile and said, "I recognize the plant today, but in the future, I will regroup and come to earth again!!"

Ming Jun turned back and looked at the chaotic figure behind him. Lang said, "I hope you can come out of such a powerful saint to deal with me next time when I make a comeback!"

"Next time you come back, someone must come to cut you!"

The chaotic figure spoke in a loud voice.


With a crisp sound, the incarnation of Mingjun was completely broken, and then the blood red vortex in the sky dissipated slowly.

After completing the kill blow, the chaotic figure began to dissipate slowly.


Li Hao finally smashed the golden cage that imprisoned him. Among the light plumes, Li Hao rushed to the sky. The chaotic figure completely disappeared, changed back to Li Jiaqi's transparent soul and fell into Li Hao's arms.

"Brother, brother, don't do this. I finally have a family. I beg you not to do this."

Li Hao knelt in mid air and roared. The voice of grief and anger directly tore the clouds in the sky!

"Good brother, this is the responsibility I have to face and bear."

Li Jiaqi's soul showed a look of calm relief, smiled and said, "the real crisis in the future still needs you to face. Your brother can't accompany you. You should be strong and stick to it. Remember, life is the most important, family, country and the world."

Li Jiaqi's soul floats up, and in the body he fell to the ground, another group of light soul shadow floats out, slowly floats into the air with the wind, and meets Li Jiaqi in mid air.

"Sister Yuying?"

Li Hao stared at the souls of Li Jiaqi and Liu Yuying, speechless.

"You were right before. I have been running away. I dare not face the death of Yuying and my repressed love for her."

Li Jiaqi's voice was full of affection and relief. Looking at Liu Yuying's soul in his arms, he smiled and said, "but I still can't forget that night. She was still the flower leader who didn't come out of the cabinet, and I was just a teenager. That night, I saw her in Ruyi building, and she approached my soul from then on."

Liu Yuying's face was also full of tenderness. She looked at Li Jiaqi affectionately and said nothing.

"But at that time, I couldn't give her anything. I had a gate to guard. I had too many things. Life was the most important. My family, country and the world. I couldn't put those down until you grew up."

Li Jiaqi's eyes were full of apology. Looking at Liu Yuying's soul, he said, "but Yuying, she has waited for me for more than ten years. Now, my mission has finally been completed, and I can finally live and fly with her."

Li Jiaqi's soul leads Liu Yuying's soul higher and higher. He is really free, completely free, and can stay with his beloved forever.

"Brother, sister Yuying..."

Li Hao stopped in mid air, looked at Li Jiaqi and Liu Yuying floating farther and farther in the sky, and bowed deeply.


A piece of golden light fell into Li Hao's hands from the air, emitting a sharp and tough breath.

Bright heart and strong gold.

Li Hao clenched the Mingxin Jianjin in his hand and could feel the breath of Li Jiaqi, Li Yunfei and Liu Yuying.

"My five Qi Tianxin formula is a perfect realm of Jin Qi Zhen Yuan, and there are also natural materials and earth treasures as an introduction..."

Feeling the last legacy from his relatives, Li Hao clenched his fist and said, "Ming Jun, if you come again next time, I will kill you!!" ####### Li Jiaqi is a character I like very much and want to write well. Today his story is over, but I am still very happy for him. He has completed his mission and relieved his heavy burden, Since then, I can stay with Liu Yuying. Although it is not alive, it is also the happiest thing for them

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