A journey of mountain and water is a pity that there are lovers in the world.

Li Hao looked at the souls of Li Jiaqi and Liu Yuying floating away in the sky. Li Hao's heart was suddenly relieved.

Some people are dead, but they are still alive.

Li Hao can clearly feel that it is a very happy thing for him to stay with Liu Yuying.

"Brother, don't worry. In the future, the burden of the world will be handed over to me!"

Li Hao clenched the heart gold in his hand, holding it, as if he felt his family around him.

"Send the Lord back to heaven!"

The elder of Xiaoyao sect burst into tears on his face and fell to his knees, threw himself to the ground and roared sadly.

"Send the holy soul of the patriarch to heaven!!"

Rou'er and Li Rui's faces were full of tears. They followed the elder. Thousands of disciples of Xiaoyao sect followed the elder and worshipped. Everyone was convinced and congratulated their young sect leader's holy soul to heaven.

The changes between heaven and earth also completely subsided.

The incarnation of the power of the holy throne dissipated, and the power of the arbitrary holy way turned into nothingness, and the holy way vision between heaven and Earth naturally retreated.

It can be seen that the power of the holy land is indeed higher than the emperor level.

Originally, Kirin was a kind of ant in front of emperor's rank. But after Li's integration of seckill, ghost, unicorn's essence, and so on, he temporarily condensed a sacred incarnation.


The clouds in the sky cleared away, and the whole sky showed a bright future again. The incarnation of Mingjun was cut off, and the scene of destruction was finally over.

Li Hao raised his head. Ordinary people might not see it, but he could clearly see that there was a crystal like thing beside the hot sun, which also slowly disappeared.

Obviously, that must be the chaotic world heart of the world that Mingjun covets.

It will appear only when it is induced by the power of the holy throne, but now the power of the holy throne embodied by Li Jiaqi has disappeared, and the chaotic world heart naturally hides again. It may be in any corner of the world, or in unknown secret areas such as the center of the earth and Bermuda.

Unless the holy power or the power of emperor level concentrate on calling it, it will appear automatically. Otherwise, even semi holy Yasheng like Li Hao can't find it.

"Second young master, the holy soul of the young patriarch returns to heaven. The important task of the leader of Xiaoyao sect can only be handed over to you!"

The elder walked behind Li Hao, knelt on one knee, hugged his fist and said, "see the new palm teacher, old man!"

"See the new leader!!"

Two elders and several other elders also knelt on one knee and saluted Li Hao.

"Elders, please get up."

Li Hao's empty support with one hand, an invisible force surged out and entrusted their bodies.

"Elder, I must seize the time to improve my cultivation and take charge of the school. I really can't separate my mind. I'm not suitable. I'd better let you take the position of leader."

Li Hao looked at the elder in front of him and said sincerely, "I still have my own things to understand."

"Second young master, this is the last words of the patriarch!!"

The elder immediately knelt down again, and this time he knelt on both knees, took a jade slip from his arms and presented it to Li Hao.

After Li Hao took the jade slips, he swept his mind and quickly read the information in them. Then he understood the last message left to him by Li Jiaqi and Li Yunfei.

They not only want Li Hao to take over the leadership of Xiaoyao sect, but also want Li Hao to be the master of Taoism and even the king of merit and virtue of all living beings in the world!

Because it's just like Li Hao got the villagers' incense wish after saving that village in yundian.

The greater merit Li Hao can accumulate, the more people will respect him from the heart. In this way, he will be blessed with more incense vows. Incense vows are the key to sanctification!

"OK, I accept."

After pondering for a moment, Li Hao nodded.

"Everyone, I'm the new leader of Xiaoyao sect, Li Hao!"

Li Haodeng, who took charge of the patriarchal seal, shouted loudly.

Because of the emergency, he did not hold any grand and cumbersome succession ceremony, but in hearts of the all Xiaoyao disciples, no one disagreed with the him.

Because Li Hao's semi saint and Yasheng's prestige is there, and because Li Jiaqi's deeds of killing Mingjun's incarnation for the sake of all sentient beings in the world are too shocking.

Li Jiaqi's appointed successor, Xiaoyao sect, no one will have any objection.

Li Hao's voice attracted everyone in daomen.

"Don't think that after this time, the crisis will be completely over."

With the blessing of his semi holy cultivation, Li Hao's voice can clearly ring out in the ears of all Taoist monks.

"Mr. Ming will make a comeback, and next time, he may come in person. At that time, if we can't get a real saint, everything will be trampled by the iron hooves of Mr. Ming and the underworld!"

Li Hao's words were very serious. As soon as they came out, they immediately caused a commotion.

Although Mingjun was beheaded by Li Jiaqi, the shadow he brought to the Taoist people is indelible.

It's just an incarnation, which has turned the whole gate into such a shape.

What if the Emperor Ming's real body respects his relatives?

Now Li Jiaqi is gone. This time he sacrificed to stop Ming Jun's invasion. What about the next time?

What else can we do next time to stop the stronger Emperor Ming?

You don't have to consider the Ming God who follows the Ming king. Just the Ming King alone can sweep the heavens!!

"So I need everyone's trust. I need you, each and every one of you."

Li Hao then said, "my father and my brother joined hands to stop the disaster that has just come down, and I will continue to stand up!"

"Whether you are a rookie Xiaobai who has just started, or you are a strong man in charge of a sect, I need your support, sincere and wholehearted support."

Li Hao's voice was very sincere.

"I don't want to be the master of the whole gate, but I need all of you to lend me your strength. I really hope."

Li Hao's figure lifted off slowly.

"Is this the rhythm of becoming the co master of Taoism?"

"Should daomen have a master?"

"The Taoist sect has been blessed for thousands of years. Although it has always been the leader of the first sect to guide people, it has never really respected one person in all sects?"

"I am the limitless sect. I support our saint teacher to become the co master of the sect!!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the limitless door!

"We Fengqin Pavilion also support the Taoist executors of our sect to become the co masters of the sect!"

The Fengqin Pavilion and the limitless gate expressed their positions almost at the same time.

"Da Luo Jianzong raised his hands in favor!"

"Qing Xuanzong has no objection."

"The birth of the Taoist sect's co Lord is a move to comply with the spirit. It's a great good to watch the stars at xingmangzhai night."

"Pingsha sect seconded."

"All souls nest agrees."

The ten major sects were the first to make a statement, and then the first-class sect leaders who had received Li Haoda's grace in Longxu Valley agreed one after another.

The trend of the times, not long after, in the 3000 blessed places and caves of the whole Taoist gate, everyone recognized Li Hao's identity.

In the future, all they can rely on is now the most promising semi Saint Yasheng!


Suddenly, in an instant, Li Hao felt an extremely pure and powerful incense, and the willing force came from every disciple of the Taoist school towards him!!

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