Li Hao's face sank like water. Although he made a great breakthrough in cultivation, he also brought himself a great crisis.

Although it is said that after pushing the five Qi Tianxin formula out of the power of chaos, his cultivation has reached a state of thoroughness, the subsequent crisis is that if his state does not break through the corresponding height, he will not be able to master such a high-level chaotic force in his body. Then, His only end is that the chaotic force in his body is out of control and turns himself into a nutrient of nothingness.

"If I want to be holy, I think I really need to gather the beliefs of most people around the world to help me break through that last step."

Li Hao was deep in his heart. He estimated that the first time that King Yin had opened up the channel of all circles, he had used many of the essence of the world that Buddha absorbed when he broke through. But the remaining part, if he really absorbed the refining and refining, would definitely make him stronger than the ordinary emperor's master. It won't be killed by Li Jiaqi's holy order avatar as last time.

This is also a good news. After all, if he wants to absorb the essence of Buddha himself, he will not be able to gather enough energy to tear the seal to the real world. So he can only cross the border until the seal of Hongjun Zu Zu fails.

In this way, it is virtually giving Li Hao more time to gather the beliefs of all sentient beings and gather incense vows to make a breakthrough.

"It seems that the spirit of the three worlds should not be ruled by the underworld."

Li Hao had a calculation in his heart. Mingjun couldn't come in a short time. After the primitive heart devil condensed his will, Su Ling used her body as a sacrificial vessel to seal the primitive heart devil. In other words, now the hearts of the world have no demons of selfishness, greed and timidity, which is tantamount to providing conditions for the unity of all sentient beings.

Otherwise, the hearts of the people in the world are the most complex. No star can really become a national idol worshipped by everyone. Even the head of a country will be attacked by the people, because everyone's heart, instinctive and innate, has a selfish mind for their own sake.

As the saying goes, if people don't do it for themselves, heaven will kill them.

However, in the same way, there is also a great aspect of selfless dedication to others in the people's heart. It is precisely because this Yin, Yang, positive and negative, two completely different aspects can be opposed and unified in the people's heart, so the people's heart has the potential comparable to chaos.

Now, the original demons have been sealed and suppressed, and the selfish side of people's hearts has been suppressed to the lowest. In this way, it has created possible conditions for the unprecedented unity of all sentient beings.

"It seems that the key to solving the problem is to return to the secular world."

Li Hao thought that he had made a decision in his heart.

After greeting the elder and the second elder, his mind moved and a wisp of chaotic Qi surged. He broke the void and returned to the secular world from the Kunlun Taoist cave with one step.

Li Hao's cultivation is true. It condenses the seeds of chaos. When refining the heart and gold, he also gets the seeds of holy power from Li Jiaqi's holy rank avatar. At his level, he no longer needs any skill moves. He can break the void and have a clear mind.

Li Hao returned to the Pearl and was still thinking about how to condense the beliefs of all sentient beings in the world to himself.

He thought a lot of means. In this era of entertainment supremacy, his first thought is red, developed media and fast network. If he can become a super popular international superstar, he must be able to condense a large number of fans.

But Li Hao soon denied the idea.

First of all, he knows that he is not a suitable person to be a star, and he doesn't like singing and dancing. Second, he has never learned to perform, and he can't play any movies. It doesn't mean that he can't become a star. However, if he just depends on the topic of speculation, even if he gets popular for a while, the heat will come and go back quickly. It's definitely not a long-term plan.

Second, Li Hao thought of spreading a religion. For example, there are several large sects, such as Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. These sects have countless loyal believers. If they can really spread a new religion, they can naturally condense into a lot of incense vows.

But this idea was soon overturned by Li Hao. Although he walked in the world with his current cultivation, claimed that he was a God and made several miracles, it was not very difficult, but Li Hao didn't want to do so.

First of all, he does not want to disrupt the current order of the whole world because of his own existence. Imagine that if Li Hao really walks in various countries in the world and uses his own ability to spread that he is a God, can governments tolerate such things?

Because Li Hao alone overturned all the current scientific research and experimental results?

Because Li Hao alone, heads of government all over the world have to bow down?

Because Li Hao alone has turned the world into a religious country of common belief?

This is obviously unrealistic.

Even though the primitive demons have been suppressed and the feasibility of all sentient beings being united has been greatly enhanced, we must not mess about like that.

Li Hao can imagine that if he really does that, the result will certainly not be the unity of people in the world. The most likely thing to happen is war.

The war between governments and his people!

Li Hao certainly won't do that.

Although there are few modern weapons that can threaten him now, even nuclear weapons, he can transfer the attack on him to other places with one idea, but now that Mingjun may come at any time, what he wants is absolutely stability, not chaos.

"Come on, come on, save my brother!"

"Don't move, slow down, slow down!"

Li Hao walked aimlessly. Suddenly, a noise in his ear attracted his attention.

He raised his head towards the place of the incident and forgot to go. He saw several firefighters carrying one of their comrades in arms hurrying towards a nearby house. The firefighter lying on the stretcher looked dying and was on the verge of death.

Looking at the sign on the gate of the house, Li Hao trembled all over and suddenly seemed to be hit by lightning!


When he grew up in Fengjing ancient town, he let Ning Wei stay to run a traditional Chinese medicine institution, Jishitang!!

"I almost forgot that I'm still a doctor..."

Li Hao walked involuntarily towards the Jishi hall.

In the dark, he seems to have grasped something and had the opportunity to condense the desire of incense

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