Li Hao drifted into this Jishi hall. Although the people around him were crowded, when Li Hao wanted to pass through, the invisible air flow would float out, and all the people around him would be discharged unconsciously. The crowd could not hinder his steps at all.

It has to be said that the store of Jishitang is still very popular, and there are many people waiting for the pulse, but most of them are middle-aged and elderly people.

Because most young people are in a hurry, ordinary traditional Chinese medicine, whether it is the time spent on seeing a doctor or treatment, is much slower than fast western medicine. In this way, fast-paced young people naturally do not choose to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.



"Come on, come and have a look, doctor, doctor!!"

The firefighters were very urgent and hurriedly asked the medical staff of the surrounding Jishi hall to come to their side and ask them to help deal with their comrades in arms on the stretcher.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The crowd stood aside on both sides. Ning Wei, who was wearing a long shirt, trotted over with two half-aged children who looked under 20 and said, "I'm a doctor of Jishitang. What's the matter? I'm noisy here?"

"Doctor, please save my comrade in arms. He seems to be dying. Please save him!"

When the fire fighter saw Ning Wei coming, it was like seeing the Savior. He came forward and grabbed his hand and said, "he is a good soldier. He was injured to save a child trapped in the fire. I beg you to save him!"

Li Hao knew that there was a small fire in a residential building not far from here. However, when Li Hao found out, firefighters had arranged fire fighting and rescuing the wounded at the scene. In addition, Li Hao was worried about how to become a saint, so he didn't intervene in the past.

Unexpectedly, there was a second explosion in the small fire, which blew up the firefighter who was saving people in the fire.

"Doctor, doctor, you must save this good man. It's him. If it weren't for him, my child would have died in the explosion."

A young woman who had been following the team cried. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were untidy, and there were pieces of smoked black ash on her face. She cried and gently patted the child in her arms, trying to make the little guy recover from his panic.

The commotion here immediately attracted many passers-by in the Jishi hall and even passing by the Jishi hall. Because the Jishi hall was the only nearest medical institution to the fire scene, the fire officers and soldiers sent the wounded here at the first time.

Facing the dying fire hero, Ning Wei frowned tightly and pondered for a moment. He rolled up his sleeve and said: "Many of the wounds on the patient are thermal burns caused by the explosion, as well as puncture wounds caused by the splashing of glass, iron and other debris caused by the explosion. This level of injury can only be treated with the most advanced medical equipment in large hospitals. Now I can only give you a brief treatment of the wound for the time being. You can call the emergency call quickly."

"Is your traditional Chinese medicine OK?"

After listening to Ning Wei's statement that they couldn't cure it here, the fire officers and soldiers headed by him suddenly showed a look of doubt on his face, looked at Ning Wei warily and said, "if you can't cure it, don't treat it disorderly!"

"This degree of injury is really difficult to cure by means of our traditional Chinese medicine, but before the ambulance comes, I will try my best to treat the wound for the fire fighter. Please believe me."

Ning Wei said sincerely.

"What the fuck are you doing? Call an ambulance!"

The first firefighter stared at another firefighter beside him angrily, venting his anger.

"Phone, phone!"

The fire officers and soldiers looked at their comrades in arms wandering on the edge of life and death on their stretcher. Their eyes were going red and asked for a phone call from the victim's mother next to them.

"Stop fighting."

Just then, a clear voice came from the crowd. Li Hao, dressed in white, stood up and said: "It's not that you don't understand the traffic congestion degree of Mingzhu. Now the nearest hospital here needs to send an ambulance. It's conservatively estimated that it will take half an hour. With his current physical condition, let alone half of them disappear. Every extra half a minute will make him less alive."

Hearing what he said, everyone's eyes immediately converged on him.

"Hao, brother Hao!"

Ning Wei trembled and looked at Li Hao in front of him. His face was full of unbelievable words.

He has not seen Li Hao for a long time, but he will never forget the young man who was stronger than himself in the needle fighting competition, the Chinese medicine hero who treated Zhuo Yishan's injury with Chinese medicine surgery broadcast live in Yunnan and Yunnan, and the pioneer who let him establish Jishitang and carry forward Chinese Medicine.

"Who are you?"

Firefighters looked at Li Hao with a hostile face, who stopped them from calling an ambulance. One of them had a violent temper and even came forward and reached out to push Li Hao.

But where do they have a chance to get close to Li Hao? Li Hao just took one step and easily got away from the firefighter who wanted to push him.

He nodded to Ning Wei. Li Hao looked at the two half-year-old children behind him. They were both children in the small orphanage in Fengjing ancient town. Now they have made achievements in learning traditional Chinese medicine behind Ning Wei.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you stop us from calling an ambulance?!"

The fire captain looked at Li Hao angrily. Before he could say anything more, he was pushed back by the latter's eyes.

Even the fire fighters coming from the fire and going to the water felt cold and could not say a word when they were stared at by Li Hao.

"If your comrades in arms don't get immediate treatment now, they won't be able to survive the ambulance!"

Li Hao said positively, "if you insist on calling an ambulance, you can. I won't stop you to watch your comrade die, and then let the ambulance pull away his body. If you still want your comrade alive, please get out of the way and let me save him!"

After listening to Li Hao's words, these fire officers and soldiers were stunned and instinctively gave way to the back.

"Brother Hao'er, can you save him? Why don't I be your assistant? What do you need to prepare?"

Ning Wei was also very excited when he saw Li Hao's appearance. He knew Li Hao's medical skills. In his heart, Li Hao's medical skills were even stronger than his grandfather and the experts of Yiwang valley. He believed that if Li Hao really took action, he would definitely get rid of the disease!

"Just give me a silver needle."

As Li Hao spoke, he raised his hand and gently put it on the forehead of the fire officer and soldier on the stretcher. Suddenly, the cool water vapor Zhenyuan quietly poured into his body to help him calm the fire poison in his body.


The unconscious fire fighter snorted, and his frown finally stretched out slowly.

"Don't worry."

Li Hao took the silver needle bag taken by Ning Wei himself and said faintly, "with me, this man can't die!"

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