Although Li Hao's words are light, they reveal an undoubtedly strong self-confidence. This self-confidence will invisibly infect the people around them, and make them involuntarily believe Li Hao.

The fire officers and soldiers no longer stopped Li Hao, honestly stepped aside and looked at Li Hao and their comrades lying on the stretcher.

"You guys, keep the order on the scene. You can watch, but don't crowd. In particular, keep a safe distance from the patient. Don't block the ventilation, or let the patient be further infected with other bacteria."

Li Hao turned around and ordered several fire fighters nearby.


The fire captain nodded, greeted his brothers and stopped the curious onlookers a few meters away, making room for Li Hao and the seriously injured.

Li Hao picked out a silver needle and read it. The anger on his right hand moved at his heart. He soon burned the silver needle red and completed the disinfection step.

At the same time, his left hand kept delivering water and gas Zhenyuan to the wounded to help him calm the restless fire poison in his body.

Today's Li Hao is more powerful than he was at the beginning. I don't know how many times. At the beginning, he had to carefully run the fire Qi Zhenyuan to perform the fire acupuncture method. Now he can complete it with almost one idea.

And for the original Li Hao, it was impossible to use two different attributes of Zhenyuan force at the same time.

But now he is so skillful and effortless.

If all the truth elements in his body are completely transformed into the chaotic force in the future, there is no need to differentiate any fire attribute and water attribute at all. As long as the chaotic force comes out, everything is nothing.


As soon as Li Hao shook his wrist, the silver needle in his hand made a quarrel like a long sword out of its sheath, which made everyone present feel an illusion, as if Li Hao was holding a long sword instead of a silver needle.

Li Hao's mind was just swept away, and he found out all the glass slag and iron fragments pierced into the seriously injured firefighter more accurately than the most advanced optical instruments in the world.

In fact, for experts in traditional Chinese medicine, they can sense the blockage of blood and Qi of the injured by means of pulse and other means, and can accurately find out the location of those foreign bodies, but it takes more time, which is far from as fast as Li Hao.


As Li Hao's needle went down, the wounded's body immediately trembled slightly, twitched involuntarily, and then directly broke out a piece of glass debris.




Then, after the first piece of glass was shaken out by Li Hao with silver needle and internal force, the next pieces of glass were shaken out by Li Hao one by one like bamboo shoots after another.

Each piece of glass debris, with blood stains, fell on the ground, clear and eye-catching.

The magical scene in front of us made everyone stare.

This kind of operation, seen on TV, are surgeons in white coats and masks, holding a searchlight and using tweezers to clamp out these foreign bodies from the seriously wounded one by one.

Where is so cool?

The silver needle shakes and the glass flies away?

Oh, My God! Nima is making a TV play!

The firefighters who were maintaining order were also completely stunned, and everyone opened their mouths.

However, in the face of the startling voices around, Li Hao was not moved at all. After a few minutes, he removed all the glass fragments from the seriously wounded.

In the face of the remaining pieces of iron, Li Hao did not choose to deal with them by internal vibration.

The reason is very simple. Iron flakes are different from glass flakes. Generally, glass flakes rarely have debris like residues. A piece of glass fragment is a glass fragment. If it is broken into glass slag, it is impossible to be absorbed into the human body by the force of explosion.

The iron sheet is different, because a lot of scrap iron will be produced on the iron sheet. If internal force is used, it can indeed remove most large pieces of scrap iron, but it is easy to leave those very thin scrap iron in the wound.

However, Li Hao has now completed the five Qi Tianxin formula and the five element divine needle. With the dual cooperation of Jinqi Zhenyuan and Jinxing needle, Li Hao can turn the silver needle in his hand into a magnetic column with extremely strong magnetism!


The gold magnetic fire was fully opened. Minutes later, the broken iron filings on the seriously injured person were sucked onto the silver needle in Li Hao's hand. After each silver needle was filled with iron filings, Li Hao shook his hand and shook all the iron filings on the silver needle into the nearby plate.


While dealing with the wound, Li Hao stretched out his hand and said to Ning Wei: "the herbal medicine to stop bleeding and regenerate muscle, now!"

Ning Wei hurriedly ran to the medicine cabinet next to him, pulled away the apprentice who was originally responsible for grasping the medicine, and grabbed several traditional Chinese medicines that could stop bleeding, regenerate muscle, dispel poison and eliminate inflammation for Li Hao.

Originally, as long as he urged his wood Qi Zhenyuan to cooperate with the wood acupuncture, Li Hao could heal the wound of the fire officer and soldier in a short time. However, now in front of so many people, he can show his superb medical skills, but he should not be too shocking, so he can only do it with the help of herbs.

After receiving the herbal medicine handed over by Ning Wei, Li Hao identified it a little. Then he didn't use any tampering pot, but directly crushed the herbal medicine with his own hand.

Of course, at the same time, he also used the wood Qi Zhenyuan in his body to improve the efficacy of this herbal medicine a hundred times and a thousand times!

Li Hao carefully dripped the herbal juice in his hand into the wounds of fire officers and soldiers.


Every drop of medicine juice into the wound will make a sound, just like the sound of water dripping into the oil pan, and then a burst of white smoke rises, emitting a rotten smell.


The seriously injured firefighter who had been in a coma suddenly opened his eyes, gave a painful groan in his mouth, and shouted, "it hurts... It hurts..."

"Just rest."

Li Hao's big hand shook, and a roll of bandage flew in the air like heaven and women scattered flowers. After a few breaths, he wrapped all the wounds on the seriously injured man.

"You don't have to change his dressing or bandage."

After all this, Li Hao clapped his hands, looked at the fire captain next to him and said faintly, "remove the bandage two days later. At that time, the wound on his body should have scabbed."

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