"Brother, how are you?"

The fire captain and other firefighters gathered around their comrades in arms again and asked with concern.

"Team leader..."

The seriously wounded pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty, barely showing a smile, and said in a voice like mosquito singing: "I feel much better. The wound on my body is clear and cool, not so uncomfortable. Now I really want to have a solid sleep..."

"OK, OK, you sleep. The captain takes you home. You sleep at ease."

The captain wept with joy, held his brother's hand tightly and nodded again and again.

He can also feel that the physical condition of his comrades in arms has improved a lot. He can't feel hot holding his hand!

"Doctor, oh, no, doctor, thank you, thank you!"

The captain released his comrade's hand, suddenly turned around and knelt down to Li Hao with a pop. The tiger's eyes were tearful, "Dong Dong Dong!" knocked his head three times cleanly!

"What are you doing? Get up quickly."

Li Hao held out his hand. Although the fire captain didn't want to get up, he couldn't resist. He was directly entrusted by Li Hao.

"Miracle doctor, you are the great benefactor of Gazi and Liu Hu!"

The fire captain looked at Li Hao excitedly and said, "Gazi has been suffering since childhood. Now there is an elderly mother in the village. If he has something wrong, his mother will certainly not survive. Then I Liu Hu will be a great sinner!!"

"Miracle doctor, I'm sorry. We didn't know Taishan before. You look young and judge people by appearance. We doubt your strength. It's really a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart."

Captain Liu Hu sincerely apologized and said, "thank you for saving my brother's life by not remembering villains. It's a miracle doctor, a miracle doctor!!"

"Doctor, I'm sorry..."

"Miracle doctor, you're so wonderful."

"Miracle doctor, I just didn't understand. I still want to push you. Hey, why don't you punch me to relieve my anger!"

The next few fire officers and soldiers also looked at Li Hao gratefully. The guy who wanted to stop Li Hao from coming also scratched his head shyly and asked Li Hao to punch him to relieve his anger.

"Take the patient back quickly. He needs rest."

Li Hao shook his head slightly and asked, "just give him some light liquid food in terms of diet. Remember, you don't need to change bandages and dressing. Just remove it directly in two days."

"Well, don't worry, miracle doctor. We wrote it down."

The fire captain nodded, then greeted his brothers and carried out his comrades in arms.

"Don't worry, doctor. We'll send it to you another day."

When the fire chief left, he turned back and opened his mouth to Li Hao.

Li Hao was silent. He felt that he seemed to have thought of another way to condense the willing power of incense.


If you want to ask the most intoxicating things in the world, it's very simple. There are only two.

One is medicine.

One is arms.

Because medicine can save people, and arms can kill.

Life is always the most attractive.

Li Hao wondered if Jishitang, which was founded to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine, could make this institution more ambitious, not only to revitalize Huaxia traditional Chinese medicine in China, but to expand the scale of traditional Chinese medicine and Jishitang to the world and the world!

There are still too many medical problems in the world that cannot be solved.

Hepatitis B, leukemia, cancer, Parkinson, gradual freezing, etc., are too many, too many beyond count.

Li Hao now has the difficult miscellaneous diseases and the breakthrough of the difficult and reform of human medicine. He will have the merit of making such contributions. When every Li Hao who is benefited from it, he will have the power to make a fire.

"What is the scale of Jishi hall now?"

In the back hall of Jishi hall, Li Hao and Ning Wei both made a cup of tea and asked.

"The scale is OK. After several years of development and some financial and technical support from sister Chenxi, we have now developed from Fengjing ancient town and established several sub halls in Mingzhu, as well as in several first and second tier cities such as Yangcheng and Zhuhai."

Ning Wei said, "Grandpa, old man Chen Yu and several of their old friends have also been dragged to the main sub halls. The enthusiasm of these older generation is really high. Seeing the prosperity of traditional Chinese medicine, their enthusiasm is more than my young man!"

"Have you ever thought about making our traditional Chinese medicine not limited to China?"

Li Hao looked at Ning Wei with burning eyes and said word by word: "have you ever thought that one day, the whole world will know the three words of Jishitang?"

"What are you talking about?!"

Ning Wei stared at Li Hao with wide eyes. Seeing the latter's expression that didn't mean to joke, a touch of heat appeared in his eyes, and even his breathing became urgent!

Be famous all over the world!

If what Li Hao said is really possible, not only their favorite traditional Chinese medicine can be famous all over the world, but also they who promote this step will become hot celebrities in the world!!

What is success?

Making a name for the world is called real success!!

"I said it clearly, and I'm sure you heard it clearly."

Li Hao smiled, looked at Ning Wei and said, "if you want, take me back to Yiwang valley."

"Why are you going to Yiwang Valley?"

Ning Wei raised his eyebrows, looked a little ugly and said, "there are some stubborn old school there. I'm afraid you won't be particularly welcome."

"Whether they welcome it or not, I have to go."

Li Hao said, "I need them to stand up and contribute. They are all very capable traditional Chinese medicine. If we want to take traditional Chinese medicine abroad and go to the world, our strength alone is not enough. We must persuade these old die hards."

"OK! I'll do it with you!"

Ning Wei nodded heavily and agreed to Li Hao's request.

Although he felt it was very difficult to persuade the old die hards in Wang Gu, otherwise he and his grandfather would not have come out to find Li Hao, he still had inexplicable confidence in the young man like God in front of him.

Two days later, Ning Wei arranged and handed over the relevant affairs in this area, and after passing the gas with his grandfather Ning Yitian, he was ready to take Li Hao from Mingzhu to Yiwang valley.


However, just as they went out, with a loud noise, two bright red fire engines suddenly blocked in front of the Jishi hall!!

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