
When the door opened, several fire officers and soldiers jumped down from the car that day. The leading fire captain, holding a golden flag, excitedly walked to Li Hao in three steps and two steps, bowed 90 degrees and said, "miracle doctor, thank you for saving Gazi's life!"

"Thank the miracle doctor for saving my life!!"

The fire officers and soldiers standing behind him also bowed with all of them. Li Hao glanced at the heavy wounded Gazi that day. It should be that Gazi didn't come. He was just recovering from his injury, and they still let him rest in the team. However, looking at them like this, Gazi should have recovered almost after removing the bandage.

"Miracle doctor, are you going out?"

The fire captain looked at Li Hao and Ning Wei and asked.

"Well, I have something urgent to go out."

Li Hao nodded slightly.

"Then we won't delay you."

Fire chief Liu Hu stepped aside and asked Ning Wei behind Li Hao, "what's the medical cost?"

"You just go in and discuss it with the finance."

Ning Wei said.

Liu Hu and others went in with people to hang the golden flag and pay the expenses owed last time. Outside the door, Li Hao and Ning wei walked to the corner. Taking advantage of a gap with few people around, Li Hao directly grabbed Ning Wei's shoulder, the Qi of chaos surged around him, and directly led him to disappear in place.

Three breath time, at the top of Fudu mountain, the space squirmed for a while, and then a crack as fine as a spider's Web appeared in the sky. The next moment, the space was like a broken mirror. Li Hao dragged Ning Wei's shoulder, stepped out of the space wormhole and stepped on the top of Fudu mountain.

Now Li Hao, it can be said that every breath is becoming stronger, because after he reverses the introduction of chaos, the chaotic seeds in his body will gradually assimilate the true elements in his body into the chaotic force every minute, which can be seen from his control of space.

Now Li Hao can not only accurately locate the place to go after breaking the void, but also stably lead people to break the void together, which was unimaginable before.

Because if not for the control of space to a certain extent, even if Li Hao's own strength is strong and strong, he can resist the reverse bite damage of broken space, but the people brought by Li Hao can't resist it. For example, ordinary people like Ning Wei who have no cultivation will definitely be twisted into powder in the turbulent flow of broken space!

However, Li Hao's ability to do this now proves that his cultivation has reached an extremely advanced level. Of course, this is good news, but it is also not very good news.

Because although he is getting stronger, it also proves that he doesn't have much time left.

If he is not sanctified when all the true elements in his body are transformed into the chaotic force, his realm is not enough to control such a powerful chaotic force. His whole person will be automatically annihilated in the chaotic force without Mingjun's hands!

Therefore, he must become a saint as soon as possible, and it is still unknown whether he is qualified to control chaos after becoming a saint. However, Li Hao can only be forced to move forward by reality. He has no way back. Just as Li Jiaqi told him before his death, this is his responsibility for his family, country, world and people.

Putting aside his numerous thoughts, Li Hao continued to move towards the valley of medicine with Ning Wei with an ignorant face.

"Hao, brother Hao, you..."

Ning Wei was dragged by Li Hao's arm. He was stupid. Until now, he barely returned to his mind. Looking at Li Hao stammering, he said, "are you an immortal?"

Li Hao didn't answer. He turned back and came to beautiful and secluded village on top of the futu mountain in a twinkling of the an eye.

No one would have thought that the famous Yiwang valley was such a small village that looked ordinary.

Li Hao didn't talk nonsense, so he completely understood the situation in the whole village.

Just in time, because he had passed the Qi before, master Ning Yitian had come back first. At the village head's house, he gathered all the highly respected figures in the medical King Gu and were discussing fiercely.

"I still say that all our life, food and drink are obtained by traditional Chinese medicine!"

Speaking of his excitement, master Ning Yitian stood up and said, "everything we do depends on traditional Chinese medicine. Don't we have the obligation to carry forward traditional Chinese medicine and carry forward it?"

"To be a man, don't rely on the impulse of your brain. We have been standing in yiwanggu for so many years, relying on prudence, rather than being brainless when we shout slogans."

Another old man retorted, "why would you rather rely on heaven to believe that foreign boy? Indeed, his medical skill can defeat your needle king in using needles. It is indeed commendable, but you really believe that a hairy boy can take us to promote traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Yes, Yitian. We'd better think about it in the long run."

Another old man spoke and said, "it's not that we don't want to take that step with traditional Chinese medicine, but that we can't take this step indiscriminately. Now under the impact of Western medicine, the status of traditional Chinese medicine is very embarrassing. If we take the wrong step, it will be doomed!"

"Yes, you keep saying that everything we do depends on traditional Chinese medicine. We want to repay traditional Chinese medicine, but if you blindly stand in line with people, it is likely that you will not help traditional Chinese medicine, but will harm traditional Chinese medicine!!"

When everyone said something to me, they all began to refute master Ning Yitian, making him look like a boat in the raging waves, so weak.

"Younger generation Li Hao, come uninvited. Please don't be surprised."

At this time, the door of the village head of yiwanggu was suddenly pushed open from the outside. Li Hao appeared at the door with Ning Wei, bowed his hands to the fierce debate in the house, smiled and said, "but it doesn't matter if you blame me. Anyway, you can't beat me."

"Are you Li Hao?"

Seeing Li Hao's appearance, all the people who had been arguing suddenly calmed down. Everyone stared at the white robed boy at the door. After a long time, the village head of Yiwang Valley said, "boy, you dare to break into my Yiwang Valley, arrogant!!"

After that, with his loud drink, there was a commotion outside the door. Many young adults gathered around from all over the village. They all rubbed their hands and looked at Li Hao covetously.

Since ancient times, there has been no separation between medicine and martial arts, especially traditional Chinese medicine. Most of those with excellent medical skills are also half martial Taoists.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

Father Ning Yitian is afraid that Li Hao will suffer.


But before master Ning Yitian came out to persuade him, Li Hao snorted coldly, and an invisible pressure spread, directly overturning the young people in the village!!

"Now, can you listen to me?"

Li Hao looked down at the old die hards whose faces changed greatly in the room. His mind moved, and all their thoughts were shrouded in his own exploration in an instant!

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