"You, what do you want?"

Liu Yunshan, the village head of Yiwang Valley, looked at Li Hao fiercely and angrily: "even if all of us are not your opponents, you don't want to force us to be your running dog!!"

"Yes! We have no soft bones in Yiwang Valley!!"

"Hum! We only give in to the truth all our life and never fear any power. If you want to kill or cut, you are welcome!!"

The representatives of the old die hards in the medical King Valley in the village head's house saw that the general situation was gone. Li Hao just snorted coldly and threw down the young people in the village without any hand action. This strength was appalling. They also knew that they could not resist by force, so they were ready to bite their teeth and fight hard!

"You pieces of ginger are really old-fashioned."

Li Hao hugged his arms and looked at these righteous old friends. He snorted coldly from his nose and said mercilessly, "can I please you? It's the 21st century, is it a legal society? It's also like the feudal superstitious era in ancient times. You have to kill and cut at every turn. Please, killing is against the law, okay?"


Liu Yunshan and his old friends were immediately told by Li Hao, and the whole person was stupid.

What the hell?

When he first entered the door, he was still a fairy spirit and full of master style?

Why did you start talking to them about the law in the twinkling of an eye?

Don't be funny, okay?

Have you ever seen an expert tell you the law when facing the enemy?!

Ning Wei on one side showed a smile. With Li Hao's cultivation strength getting stronger and stronger, many people seem to forget that this guy also has a clever mouth that can kill the living people alive. It's just a poisonous tongue in the poisonous tongue. He was so ridiculed by him. Ning Wei really began to sympathize with the diehards in the medical King Valley.

"My favorite thing is to convince people with virtue. Believe it or not, I'm here to spread knowledge to you."

Li Hao smiled, and then his eyes blinked. When his mind turned, he immediately firmly grasped the thoughts of the old people present in his own control. With his will, the traditional Chinese medicine knowledge that never existed in the world, but existed only in the fairy world, spread to their minds from source to source.


"Oh, why is my head so swollen!"

"What's the matter? How do I feel that there seems to be something more in my memory? Ah, it feels strange. Am I hallucinating?"

This domineering and direct memory transmission method will indeed make people uncomfortable, but the efficiency is also very high. The massive knowledge that many people spend decades or even a lifetime to learn can be learned in only a day or so. This efficiency has been improved thousands of times.

"Is it so magical?"

"There should be such a thing. It's amazing!"

"There are so many things in traditional Chinese medicine. We are really frogs at the bottom of a well. Sit and watch the sky, sit and watch the sky!"

After Li Hao's transmission, the old die hards in Yiwang Valley covered their heads and thought, digesting the massive amount of knowledge in their minds and lamenting their past smallness and ignorance.

"I know that you are not short of money and have no desire for power to conquer the world, but people can't really live without desire. You are not greedy for money, lustful or power. You must pursue fame, right?"

Li Hao looked at them who were digesting a large amount of knowledge and said, "how about working together to solve the world medical problems that perplex mankind and let traditional Chinese medicine and your own name spread all over the world from now on?"

Almost without any hesitation, Liu Yunshan and other old die hards of yiwanggu nodded and agreed immediately.

Li Hao is now a semi saint. His grasp of people's hearts has reached an appalling level. He can see at a glance that Liu Yunshan and others insist on not taking the step of promoting traditional Chinese medicine, not because they don't want to pursue fame. On the contrary, they are cautious because they care too much about fame, I'm afraid that taking the wrong step will destroy the existing status of Yiwang valley.

Now, Li Hao has directly crushed them with his rich knowledge.

What can turn bad into good for the treatment of progressive cold syndrome and cure AIDS?

Do you have the magic medicine that can cure AIDS and worry that your medicine will not sell in the world?

No matter which country it is, it will frantically come to you to buy it!

This is an opportunity that is 100% sure to be famous in the world, Liu Yunshan and they will not refuse!

"In that case, let's start developing it quickly."

Li Hao left a word and stopped talking.

Seeing the benefits of Liu Yunshan, they didn't need Li Hao to urge more, so they spontaneously began to take action.

Doctors of several branches who are proficient in acupuncture and bone setting massage began to specialize in how to re stimulate muscle activity through acupuncture and massage in order to cure frostbite.

And doctors who are good at medicine and so on have begun to concentrate on studying the matching of various prescriptions and doing the work of using traditional Chinese medicine to solve the problem of AIDS. All people's enthusiasm is very high. After all, this kind of thing, even before they even dare to think about it.

At the same time, Li Hao contacted Chen Xi and ling'er and Lin Wei, who are far away in yundian, and asked them to take out most of the money they have earned over the years and start building a large-scale branch of Jishitang in the first and second tier cities and even the third tier cities all over the country.

An upsurge of traditional Chinese medicine, like a single spark, has formed a prairie fire and spread vigorously throughout the country.

Yiwang Valley is indeed a holy land of traditional Chinese medicine. Even the ordinary children in the village can be regarded as first-class traditional Chinese medicine experts. They can be independent in the Jishi hall. At the same time, they also began to absorb fresh blood, absorb those who study traditional Chinese medicine in school or are interested in learning traditional Chinese medicine, and teach traditional Chinese medicine courses.

It was not until he spent his money that Li Hao found out how much money he had made through Haotian industry and yundian ecological base in recent years.

Even if it is described as a rich country, it is absolutely not too much!

Ningzhenlu and ningzhenye now rank first among high-end luxury goods and affordable cosmetics. After Li Hao's return, with the sea gourd, the problem of output is not a problem at all. It can be said that they are absorbing a lot of capital every minute.

The first batch of fairy fruits in yundian ecological base have also been put into the market, and become popular with one shot, which has achieved very good results. Moreover, due to the problem of output, they are sold in short supply. They once climbed to a golden fruit in the black market, and there is no market at all!

It is precisely because of this wealth that Li Hao can brazenly start to develop Jishitang and cultivate talents of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Hao sits in the doctor King's valley of futu mountain. Although he doesn't move, he often wanders outside the sky.

Obviously, he knew that he was on the right path to gather incense wishes by medical skills.

Now, almost every breath, there will be incense vows from unknown sources converging on him, because Jishi hall was founded by him, and the knowledge used by Jishi hall to practice medicine was first taught by him. Therefore, the incense vows gathered by Jishi hall are equal to the incense vows gathered by Li Hao.

"Next, it's time to throw this heavy bomb at the world!!"

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