Like an invisible torrent, incense vows converge on Li Hao all the time.

Just as Ning Yitian and Chen Yu hoped at the beginning, Li Hao completely became the spokesman of traditional Chinese medicine, and really developed traditional Chinese medicine, showing a thriving trend in China.

The more willing the incense is, the more Li Hao can feel that his holy road is becoming wider and longer.

It seems that the proverbs left by Li Jiaqi before his death are indeed correct. If there is no time to become holy step by step by understanding the Tao, then giving great merit and condensing the incense of all sentient beings is the quickest way.

Now Jishitang's development in China has completely stepped on the right track. Even without Li Hao's supervision and guidance, it can continue in a virtuous way. It is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, providing Li Hao with a source of endless incense and fire.

Although Li Hao now has a lot of incense vows, there is still a long way to go before he can truly become a saint.

After all, although China is the largest country in the world, its population accounts for only one fifth of the world's population after all, and it is not enough to gather the incense wishes of the whole China.

Li Hao's next plan is to expand traditional Chinese medicine all over the world, so that the incense vows of the world's population will converge on him through Jishitang.

This is not plunder, let alone opportunism, because he has really solved those medical complications, which is due to him!

Besides, the gathering of incense vows, in addition to the improvement of the realm, is also equivalent to being contaminated with the cause and effect of all sentient beings. There is a huge responsibility with it. If Li Hao obtains this power but does not only seek personal interests for all sentient beings, he will also suffer the reverse bite of this force and will be burned into slag by the karma of cause and effect of all sentient beings!

However, after the heavy news of hepatitis B, AIDS, and gradual freezing disease, which had been cured in China, although it has attracted worldwide attention, the western countries in the world still show a wait-and-see attitude or even a skeptical attitude.

This is because traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, which are purely Chinese medical means, are not recognized in the west, because in the western countries where western medicine originated, diseases can be cured by pricking one or several slender silver needles on the body. In their view, this is nonsense.

Even acupoints, they don't believe it.

Because under the perspective detection of the human body by scientific instruments, the so-called acupoints and acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine have no abnormalities and particularity, so this is one of the factors that western medicine has always disagreed with and did not integrate with traditional Chinese medicine.

Fundamentally speaking, the two are completely different!

If you want to transfer traditional Chinese medicine to the western world, you must first break the Western resistance to traditional Chinese medicine.

Moreover, because the effect of traditional Chinese medicine largely depends on the year in which the herb itself grows, it is difficult to identify it uniformly through simple methods, so many western countries even prohibit the import and inflow of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is also a headache for Li Hao.

However, there is no way. Li Hao must do it if he wants to break the barriers of the West.

Then he thought of another person.

Peng Ting, the girl who grew up with him in an orphanage and was picked up by her family when she was a teenager, has been studying and living abroad.

In the past, when she returned home every summer vacation, they would make an appointment to go back to the orphanage in Fengjing ancient town to see the children and the old Dean. However, Li Hao has been too busy in recent years, and Peng Ting seems to have developed abroad after graduation, so they haven't seen each other for a long time.

The Peng family is also an ancient Yanjing rich family. Its ancestors have been international diplomats. Even now, it plays an important role in the Ministry of foreign affairs. Even many times, internationally, the Peng family is qualified to represent China to speak on some issues.

Although Peng Ting chose to stay abroad and never went back to politics or business under the arrangement of her family, Li Hao believes that with the influence of the Peng family, all she contacts abroad must be the top nobles in society. It is most appropriate to start from their high level if she wants to open up the resistance and doubt of the western world on traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Hao took out his mobile phone and dialed Peng Ting's overseas phone. The mobile phone was soon connected, but no one answered.

Confused, Li Hao thought that it might be because of the time difference between China and the UK, so he didn't think much. He thought that it would be dawn in the UK when the afternoon came, and he would just call Peng Ting at that time.

But strangely, when Li Hao waited until more than 5 p.m., it should be more than 9 a.m. in the UK, Peng Ting's phone still got through and no one answered.

When Li Hao made a few more calls, the phone was directly hung up.

"What happened?"

Li Hao's heart instinctively raised a bad hunch.

In his realm and cultivation, any trace of induction in the dark is definitely not a groundless assumption. Something must have happened.

Therefore, Li Hao took a deep breath, bent his fingers and shot a bullet. A pure chaotic force shot out of his fingertips. With his urging, a disk similar to a mirror was formed in the air.

Li Hao's eyes are full of chaos. With the pinch of his fingers, on the chaotic mirror in front of him, a touch of characters' light and shadow began to flow wildly like the fast forward effect of a movie.

That is Peng Ting's life path up to now.

When Li Hao wanted to spy on his past, he had to use the purple rhyme Taixu Dan to break the long river of time to go back. But now, he has trained the seeds of chaos. He no longer needs to work so hard. As long as he knows a person's eight characters of his birthday, he can use the chaotic force to calculate his past and present.

How terrible is the sage's ability to calculate?

Emperor Shennong was able to calculate linger's current affairs through the ages, so he reserved the Shennong Ding for her. Although Li Hao is only a semi saint and a saint, he has practiced the unprecedented chaotic force. It is not difficult to calculate a person's past and present.

The light and shadow kept fast forward, and soon stopped at the end.

Looking at the picture in the chaotic mirror, Li Hao's eyes full of chaos also showed a palpitating evil spirit.

Peng ting in the picture is being kidnapped by several hooded Mafia terrorists and is in great danger!!

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