Li Hao's heart is furious!

For this long lost friend for many years, Li Hao actually has a lot of weight in his heart.

In the years after growing up, I have seen many intrigues, or I am tired of intrigues. The purest and purest friendship in childhood is like a gem at the bottom of people's heart, which is firm and precious over time.

Although Li Hao didn't contact Peng Ting much later, it doesn't mean that they don't like each other in their hearts.

Now, Du pengting was kidnapped by the Mafia. The angry Li Hao immediately tore his angry hands in the air. Under his angry tear, the space was directly torn open a dark hole. Li Hao's body flashed and disappeared into the Yiwang valley of Fudu mountain.

Tearing space, this ability is too rebellious. Within the reach of Li Hao's mind, he can tear space at will and let himself go anywhere.

On the high sea, there was a small cruise ship sailing slowly. Several blacks stood on the deck, overlooking the distant sea view, muttering their hometown slang.

Several black people with murderous eyes were sitting in the cabin, seriously wiping the body of the pistol with the cloth in their hands, as if that was their favorite lover.

"After this vote, should it be enough for us to go to Las Vegas and spend it for a while?"

One of the niggers blew the gun in his hand, smiled and said, "I don't know what the identity of this yellow girl is. It's worth so much money."

"Chinese people have become rich now, and those who can settle and develop abroad must be rich among Chinese people. Of course, they have to make more money!"

A black man smiled coldly and said, "but the identity of this girl seems unusual. After catching her, it seems that the high seas are not peaceful recently. There are many federal patrol ships."

"Whatever she is!"

Another nigger shook his head in disdain and said, "as long as we get on our brother's ship, what storms can we turn over? Now we are on the high seas. Even if we kill in front of them, only the country where the ship is registered can catch us!"

Then he paused and said, "Hey, where is this ship registered? It's in Monaco. I saved their king's life. Do you think they will arrest me?"

"Hahaha, I still have a wide range of ways!"

The niggers laughed.

"It's almost time. I'll deliver dinner to this woman."

Black, the nigger who played with the gun, put away the guy in his hand, got up, took some dry bread slices and a glass of water from the next one, left the cabin and walked towards the mezzanine cabin below the deck.


Open a tiny partition, and the sun shines from the small mouth into the dark corner, revealing the disheveled and embarrassed women inside.


Black grabbed Peng Ting's hair, pulled her out, and tore the tape on her mouth.


Peng Ting raised her head. As soon as the tape on her mouth was lifted, she spit impolitely at the nigger in front of her!


Black's head deflected quickly and dodged Peng Ting's saliva in time. He angrily picked up Peng Ting's hair and said in an angry voice: "You cheap yellow pig, even if you stay in your own country honestly, it's really cheap to come to our chassis and install high cold here!"

With that, he slapped Peng Ting's pretty face heavily. The black man was very powerful. When he slapped down, five fingerprints appeared clearly on Peng Ting's delicate pretty face!

"Forget it. Anyway, after we get the ransom, we will tear up your ticket. I think we might as well let you have a good time today!"

Black looked at the vast expanse of snow-white on Peng Ting's ragged chest, and his eyes also showed a touch of lust. He stretched out his big hand and was ready to tear Peng Ting's dress. At the same time, he also said with an obscene smile: "It's said that you Oriental women are very tight. I'll try some fresh today to see what you celebrities who pretend to be noble will look like in front of my big guys!"


However, just as black was about to tear Peng Ting's clothes off, he suddenly felt his body shaking, as if he had been caught by a huge mechanical claw, and directly hung his feet in the air and lifted them from the ground!!

"Chinese, are you cheap niggers qualified to bully?!"

A cold voice rang out in black's ear. Li Hao looked at poor Peng ting in front of him. His anger was hard to extinguish when he poured all the water on the high sea.


The shadow flashed. He took Black's struggling body and appeared directly on the deck from the bottom cabin. With a puff, he hit black, who was choked and almost suffocated, heavily in front of his companions!


Several blacks on the ship were startled by the sudden accident. They all subconsciously pointed their guns at Li Hao in mid air. They didn't even have time to wonder why he could float in mid air!

"You all deserve to die!"

Li Hao stared at them coldly, sentencing their fate like death.

"Kill him, kill him!!"

Blake covered his throat and roared bitterly.

Without any hesitation, his companions subconsciously opened fire on all their weapons and tried their best to vent towards Li Hao in mid air!


Li Hao stood still. Now this kind of gun can't get into his eyes. I'm afraid only high-power shells can make him a little afraid.

The mind was moved. The bullets fired at him could not get close to him under the control of Jin Zhenyuan!

At this moment, time and space seem to be at a standstill. Hundreds of bullets all stand still in front of Li Hao, can't get close to him, and won't fall. It's like a scene in a real Hollywood blockbuster.


Li Hao's thin lips opened slightly and slowly spit out two words.

Then, under the stunned gaze of Blake and others, hundreds of bullets turned back and shot at their original owner at a faster speed than before!!

"Poop poop poop poop poop!"

The bodies of the nigger kidnappers on the deck were all shaking violently like epilepsy under the penetration of bullets, and all were beaten into a sieve!

Blood flowed into a river on the deck, and Li Hao was expressionless in mid air.

When the saint is angry, he will bleed and float!!

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