The high seas are too big, and because they are the high seas, public areas that so many countries in the world have no direct jurisdiction over, they will also become a paradise for many criminals.

Don't you see the big men in Hong Kong films such as the God of gamblers, the king of gamblers and the gambler. When they participate in gambling, in order to avoid arrest, they all buy a cruise ship and spend a lot of money on the high seas?

Although it is not certain that killing on the high seas is all right, as black said before, only the country of registration of the ship can have the right to catch criminals.

Li Hao is now suspended in the air. He doesn't even have a boat. Which country can arrest him?

What's more, he didn't do it. Instead, those guys who shot to kill him fell under their own bullets. Can you blame him?

Those guys are bad at their own skills and missed, okay?

Li Hao flew to the mezzanine cabin again, picked up Peng Ting, who was in a coma, then flashed, left the land of right and wrong, tore open the void and headed for Britain.


"MI6 found something!"

"An unidentified ship was found on the high seas. There were six dead in it. All of them died of gunshot wounds. The scene was very bright!"

"Send back the message to the Federation!"

"The dead on board were suspected kidnappers, but they didn't find the target!"

"Clothes and hair residues were found in the mezzanine compartment. After DNA identification, they are the missing target."

MI6, Britain's ace intelligence department, is still searching for clues that may lead to Peng Ting's whereabouts, but he doesn't know. At this time, Li Hao has taken Peng Ting back to Britain.


The sun shines through the curtains into the room. Peng Ting slowly opens her eyes. There is a lazy color in her beautiful big eyes. She has been kidnapped these days and is tired physically and mentally. Finally, she has a beautiful sleep.

She didn't know how long she had slept. She just felt as if she had slept for a long time, slept heavily and slept soundly. However, it seemed that she had a terrible nightmare, but she didn't remember the specific content, but vaguely remembered it. It seemed that Li Hao appeared in front of her at last.

"Did you dream of him again..."

Peng Ting tilted her lips. She didn't know whether it was common or whether she mocked her subconscious mind that was not controlled by her will.

"It seems that you often dream of me?"

Li Hao pushed the door in, handed over a cup of tea, smiled and said, "I don't know if you are used to drinking coffee abroad, but in my impression, it feels good to steal the tea from the dean's grandpa's tea pot when I was a child."

Peng Ting stared at Li Hao standing in front of her with a teacup in front of her. Instinctively, she took the teacup handed by Li Hao, leaned to her lips and took a sip. However, tears rolled out and mixed into the fragrant tea in the cup

Li Hao looked at Peng ting with a smile on his lips.

He modified and erased the memory in Peng Ting's brain and changed her terrible memory of being kidnapped by kidnappers into just a vague nightmare, so as not to leave a shadow in her heart from childhood to childhood.

"How did you suddenly come to England?"

Peng Ting drank most of the tea Li HaoDuan gave him, gathered her hair, and asked curiously.

"I really climb the three treasures hall."

Li Hao smiled. In front of his best friend, he didn't need to hide anything. He slowly said his wish to develop Jishitang to western countries.

"What? Did you really conquer hepatitis B virus, HIV, and gradual freezing?!"

Peng Ting put down her teacup in shock, stared at Li Hao with big beautiful eyes and asked incredulously.

Although she is not studying medicine, there are still at least some common sense. Hepatitis B, AIDS and gradually frozen diseases will be a worldwide medical problem. How many talented people have worked hard to find solutions for a lifetime, Li Hao can solve them, and solved three problems with one child!

"Absolutely true."

Li Hao nodded confidently. There were many kinds of knowledge that Chinese medicine did not cover in the essence of traditional Chinese medicine. There were ways to solve these diseases. Of course, some Chinese herbal medicines were not needed on earth. However, Li Hao found Situ Xianjun from fairies and bought some seeds of fairy herbs and put them in the ecological base of Yunnan Yunnan. Let Xi soil cultivate, and soon there will be results, and it will be natural to solve those world problems.

"Then I am naturally duty bound!"

Peng Ting nodded repeatedly and said, "this is not only to carry forward China's traditional Chinese culture and quintessence, but also a great good thing for the benefit of all mankind. Westerners should not be unable to enjoy the welfare of life because of the shortsightedness and ignorance of their government."

"I have more or less friends with the British royal family. It's really a good idea to open the Western blockade of traditional Chinese medicine from Britain."

Peng Ting nodded and said, "there is a banquet held by the little princess of the British royal family these two days. At that time, I will take you and try my best to introduce you in front of the little princess."

"That's great!"

Li Hao's face also showed a trace of joy.

"That's what I should do."

Peng Ting smiled and was very happy to do something for Li Hao.

Three days later, Peng Ting returned to London again.

Peng Ting, dressed in a deep V evening dress, took Li Hao's arm and approached the magnificent palace.

"Welcome, Miss Peng ting."

After reading Peng Ting's invitation letter, the welcome standing at the door bowed politely and politely let Li Hao and Peng Ting enter the castle to attend the dinner.

Li Hao finally saw what the luxurious banquet of Western nobles looked like.

"Li Hao, this is what I told you, the heir of the next queen of the English royal family, the noble princess Emma."

Halfway through the reception, Peng Ting took Li Hao to the side of the dance floor and came to a woman wearing a gorgeous dress.

"Ting, which male guest has the honor to be brought into the banquet by you?"

Princess Emma was obviously very happy when she heard Peng Ting's voice and turned around with a smile, but when her eyes were opposite Li Hao's four eyes in the air, they were obviously stunned.

"Is that you?!"

Li Hao and Princess Emma blurted out in unison. Their eyes were full of surprises!

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Li Hao forgot that he had saved a princess named Emma before. Now when he met again, he remembered that he saved a foreign girl when he fought with Ning Weidou needle, and saved Emma's life from the killer when he swam with the swallow on Chongming lake.

Emma once said that she would report to Yongquan, but then they broke off contact, but they didn't expect to see each other again.

"Mr. Li Hao, I remember I said that when we meet again, if you need Emma's help, I'm absolutely duty bound."

Princess Emma was smart, smiled at Li Hao and said in the purest English: "tell me your request, my dear friend, I will try my best to meet you!"

The smile on Li Hao's face became brighter and brighter.

It's true that the ancients didn't deceive me by planting good causes and getting good results!

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