"Du du du!"

The ear-piercing siren continued to buzz, attracting the attention of everyone present to the Chinese Medical Team.

Su Ling didn't need much time to diagnose, and she didn't need much time to choose and prepare the medicine. Although she appeared to be in the lead of the western medicine team, in other words, she was too hasty in her diagnosis.

A doctor, however, must not be reckless, because your decision is related to the life of the patient.

A mediocre doctor kills!

The alarm was still ringing, and the various vital signs of the real person model were rapidly decreasing. At this rate, if he still couldn't think of a way, then he would definitely die if he was a real patient.

The situation was critical!

If the final situation was for the patient to die due to a physician's mistake, then Su Ling's loss to Nick wouldn't be as simple as that. The entire Chinese medical team would be shamed!

Without a doubt, Su Ling's misdiagnosis would drag down the entire team!

"This …"

Even with his medical skills, he was still unable to accurately determine what the disease in the real body model was, nor was he able to come up with a way to save the situation.

The complacent smile on Lu Siyuan's face grew wider. He turned around and secretly winked at Wang Yun, who was smiling behind him.

During noon, when he was feeling extremely anxious, Wang Yun found him and told him not to worry. He said that during the practice in the afternoon, the Chinese medical team would definitely cause huge problems!

As expected, the moment they got on stage in the afternoon, the Chinese medical team fell into a dilemma!

Shen Chengfeng, who was sitting beside Liu Yuanming, frowned as well.

Yes, he was indeed entrusted by Liu Yuying to support Li Hao, but with his straightforward style, he couldn't lie openly and forcefully in favor of the Chinese medical team.

Su Ling's mistake this time was a major mistake. If it wasn't a human model but a real patient, then it would cause a major medical malfunction!

Su Ling's face was pale. She seemed to have been scared silly and didn't do anything to stop him.

Suddenly, a upright figure appeared in front of her. Without saying a word, he bent down and took out a small bag from the medical equipment beside him. He then casually waved his hand, and wrapped it around the mannequin.

"Wow!" "So handsome!"

Seeing Li Hao taking out the needle, exclamations of surprise sounded out from below the stage.

What did he mean by clean and tidy? What is called an antelope?

Some of the female students became bewitched in an instant, their eyes twinkling.


Li Hao's voice was calm and emotionless, and no one knew where it came from. Hearing his words, Su Ling's mixed emotions, which had originally been filled with panic, self-blame, and guilt, suddenly calmed down.

Subconsciously, Su Ling followed his instructions and retreated, giving the seat to Li Hao.

"Fight even if you are trapped!"

Wang Yun looked at Li Hao, who was on the stage, and a trace of malicious Qi appeared between his brows. He snorted and said: "I do not believe that you can revive from the dead in this kind of situation!"

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

When he was learning Chinese medicine, he mainly studied acupuncture and moxibustion. Now, Li Hao had also taken out the silver needle in the acupuncture training in front of everyone, clearly showing that he was being targeted.

As time passed, Nick's diagnosis was over and he began to prepare the western medicine for the human body model. With the addition of the medicine, the body function of the human model had obviously improved, and it should be able to recover in a very short period of time.

The entire auditorium's attention was focused on Li Hao's side. There was no suspense for the Western and Chinese team to win this match, but everyone was curious to see if Li Hao, who had accepted Su Ling's mess, would be able to pull the dying patient back from the hall of the underworld with an amazing hand!

The ear-piercing sirens continued, but it did not disturb Li Hao's mind.

He placed one hand on the vein of the mannequin, closed his eyes, and felt it for a moment. Then he pressed his hand against the mannequin's forehead and carefully examined the mannequin's condition to determine how it had deteriorated.

Very quickly, Li Hao's frowning brows relaxed. He heaved a sigh of relief, as the situation had not worsened to the point where he was helpless.

"There's still hope?"

Wang Yun straightened his body and looked at the stage in disbelief. He said in a daze, "Are you trying to mystify things?"

Actually, he wasn't the only one who had such thoughts.

The students in the seats shook their heads, while Shen Chengfeng and the others in the guest stand frowned. Even old man Chen Yu, who always trusted Li Hao's abilities the most, tightly pursed his lips. He didn't think that Li Hao would be able to turn the tide.

"Buzz …"

Li Hao took out a long needle that was as thin as a cow's hair from his needle bag. His thumb and index finger moved rhythmically. As he moved the needle, Chen Xi and the others who were nearby could clearly see that the silver needle in Li Hao's hand had turned into a hazy shadow.

If they listened carefully, they would discover that under the ear-piercing sound of the alarm, the silver needles on the tips of Li Hao's fingers started to faintly emit a sound similar to the howling of rivers and lakes.

Five-elemental Divine Needle, Water Element Needle Art!


After the needle technique was completed, Li Hao's eyes lit up. With a flick of his wrist, the silver needle on the tip of his finger disappeared, accurately stabbing into the surface of Real's human body!

"?" Middle point!

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Hao took out two more silver needles from his needle bag. With his left and right hands on the bow, he skillfully gathered his force once again, but this time, it was not like the majestic and vast rivers and oceans.

"Swoosh swoosh!"

The Five Elements Divine Needles were Divine Needles that even the Fairy Doctor Bian Que hadn't completely learned. Even though the Water Art was only one of the five, it was vast and profound, containing countless mysteries.

As the saying goes, the Water-Element Needle Art had the most variations among the Five Elements Needles.

After the initial diagnosis, Li Hao already understood that for this real patient, the first simulated illness should be the normal heat invading the body, the internal heat blocking the body, and the accumulated disease.

However, Su Ling had just violated the taboo of not being able to use the medicine of the cold in one go. The medicine of the cold caused the internal heat to collide with the medicine, causing the patient's body condition to deteriorate greatly.

On the other hand, Li Hao's Water Element Needle Art was equivalent to a type of guidance, a type of spring wind and rain.

If the patient's body was originally under fire and blocked by ice, then with Li Hao's Water Needle Technique, the ice that was originally surrounding the patient was melted and turned into water. Afterwards, Li Hao guided the water inside to extinguish the fire.

This way, he would be able to resolve the conflict between cold and heat, and he would also be able to take advantage of the situation to solve the initial summer sickness of the patient.

It was unknown when the ear-piercing alarm had stopped. The host looked at the computer screen as it gradually calmed down and his voice began to tremble with excitement.

"He saved her, this is too unbelievable! Li Hao really saved her!"


Shen Chengfeng was the first one to get up from his seat and clap his hands forcefully. Following that, everyone in the hall stood up at the same time, the huge auditorium was filled with thunderous applause!

Although in the first small match, the western medicine team had obtained the advantage, the applause that should have belonged to the winner was actually monopolized by Li Hao on stage!

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