On the side of the Chinese medical team, the real body model was finally out of danger and the various life indicators were steadily recovering.

Chen Xi and the others who were nearby were surprised to see that although the silver needles on Li Hao's body were no longer in Li Hao's hands, they were still rotating rhythmically on the acupuncture points. It was a miracle.

"Phew …"

Li Hao let out a long sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. His face was slightly pale, and just as he was about to get up, he lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Su Ling, who was standing behind him, subconsciously exclaimed and quickly reached out her hand to support Li Hao's body.

Their gazes met, meeting Li Hao's clear eyes. Although there was no intention to interrogate, Su Ling's heart still trembled uncontrollably. Boundless guilt welled up in her heart, causing her to hurriedly hand Li Hao over to Chen Xi and Gao Sheng. She lowered her head and moved to the side.

Heat stagnation was a common ailment that was easy to get when the weather was hot. Su Ling knew this, of course.

Su Ling also knew that this kind of illness should be slowly quenching the summer heat. Both internal and external use of the two tubes should not be affected by the cold.

However, she still did the wrong thing.

Known Mother, Huang Lian and Huang Bai, these three medicinal herbs, even if only one of them was the main ingredient, along with some other warm medicinal herbs, would suffice.

With the three types of medicine taken together, not to mention a bookworm like Su Ling, even the students in Li Hao's class would know that this was not a way to save others, but a way to kill them!

However, Su Ling had no other choice.

Even if she wasn't willing to cause trouble for Li Hao, even if she wanted to help the Chinese medical team, especially Li Hao.

But she had no choice.

Her father was still in the hospital and she had to stay with Wang Yun. She had no way of resisting that devilish man.

At this moment, Su Ling really wanted to quickly step down from the stage, especially when she saw how exhausted Li Hao was in order to make up for the mess she had left behind.

However, she could only bite her lip until a sweet, moist liquid melted on her taste buds. Only then did the pain between her lips make her feel better.

"Miracle! We were fortunate enough to witness a miracle today!"

The host's face was flushed red with excitement, his voice still trembling as he looked at the pale Li Hao, without concealing his admiration at all. He said, "I believe that many of the people here just now were like me, thinking that the model of the Chinese medical team would definitely die, but I never expected, I really never expected that Student Li Hao would actually revive him!"

"But although a miracle is breathtaking, a competition is still a competition. There are rules for the competition."

The host looked at Li Hao with a bit of unworthiness as he changed the topic. He pointed at the western doctor team that had been neglected for a long time and said in a low voice, "From the results, it seems that the western doctor team was the first to cure the patient. So, the western doctor team won."

"Thank you!"

Marquis Lu Xiahou stood up with a smile, then glanced at Li Hao provocatively.

To be able to suppress this person was truly not easy. Even though everyone was cheering for Li Hao, Marquis Lu Xiahou could not help but feel happy in his heart. Although Nick had beaten Su Ling in the previous match, but Marquis Lu Xiahou thought that he had finally defeated Li Hao.

Seeing Marquis Lu like this, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sigh … It was not easy to live with such an idiot!

Looking at Li Hao, who welcomed the applause from the audience, Lu Siyuan's expression turned ugly.

Li Hao used his most adept acupuncture technique and slapped his face!

His junior brother was like a sharp knife, mercilessly stabbing at his heart. It was truly too sharp!

"But we won this time."

Lu Siyuan forced himself to reveal an ugly smile as he consoled himself in his heart. This was a good start.

But, could they really be considered to have won?

However, as soon as this thought appeared, Lu Siyuan quickly tossed it to the back of his mind, not daring to think too much about it.

Li Hao, who was being supported by others, looked down at Lu Siyuan and Wang Yun's confused expressions. The coldness in his heart grew even stronger.

If Li Hao had only suspected that Wang Tian Hao had brought Wang Yun and Lu Siyuan to meet at Ru Yi Restaurant when they first met, then he had only suspected that they might have colluded with each other.

Right now, Li Hao was already certain that the Wang family and Lu Siyuan's group had already been linked. The two of them even had a mutually beneficial relationship. Otherwise, why would Wang Yun have so many secrets from Lu Siyuan?

From the time Su Ling arrived in the afternoon, regardless of whether it was due to being late, tears in her eyes, or her sudden request, everyone had noticed her abnormality. Naturally, Li Hao knew about it.

But as the captain of the Chinese medical team, Li Hao still agreed to her request and allowed her to enter the stage.

Although she would fail no matter how many times Su Ling appeared, if she was allowed to be the first one to appear, the morale of the party that failed would be greatly damaged. Even so, Li Hao still did what he did.

Li Hao naturally had his own considerations.

Of course, he could guess that the reason for Su Ling's abnormality was most likely Wang Yun. However, he wasn't sure whether Wang Yun had used it to trip him up just to avenge his personal grudge or to help Lu Siyuan.

But now, everything had its answer.

They wanted to use Su Ling to drag down the Chinese medical team, but Li Hao did the trick. He dug out the truth of the collusion between the Wang and Lu families, and even used water needle techniques to return the favor. Although they lost the first round, the morale of the Chinese medical team and the audience's voices rose instead of dropping!

"Alright, next, please ask the second representative of both teams to come out and prepare."

Li Hao was helped to the side by Gao Sheng and Chen Xi to rest. Following the host's instructions, Chen Xi from the Chinese medical team and Bob from the western team walked to the side of the real body model to prepare for the second round of the competition.

The simulated illness randomly selected by the computer was the alternating cold and high fever, cold and hot. Bob was still using all kinds of medical instruments to give the human body model a physical examination. After Chen Xi observed and checked her pulse, based on her profound medical knowledge, she quickly determined that this was what the traditional Chinese medicine referred to as "normal malaria".

Using Chinese medical treatment to treat the pendulum, the best course of action would be to scrape. Without saying anything further, Chen Xi immediately began to make her move.

Gao Sheng watched from the side and slapped his thigh. He thought to himself, "Why haven't I participated in this match? Although his prescription is relatively weak, he's adept at scraping and applying medicine!"

Finally, Chen Xi, who had first diagnosed the disease, was the first to cure the malaria in the human body model.

Following that, Li Hao sent Gao Sheng out, while Jack took the field for the Western team.

Unfortunately, Gao Sheng didn't get the good luck to get what he was good at. Looking at the pale white human body in front of him, Gao Sheng who had no way of checking his pulse or prescribing medicine, in the end, he could only helplessly admit defeat.

Unknowingly, the event had reached the crux of the competition. There was only one representative left on each side who had yet to take action.

Li Hao from the Chinese medical team and Lu Xiahou from the western team.

Lu Siyuan's breathing quickened. If Marquis Lu were able to win this match, their exchange mission at Edinburgh University would barely be considered complete. At that time, he could buy some media to advertise for him and get rid of the restraints of Chen Yu being his former master!

"It seems like you really want to win."

Li Hao slowly walked to the front of the stage, looked at the burning look in Lu Xiahou's eyes, and said with a smile.

"I will definitely win!"

Lu Xiahou stared at Li Hao, gritted his teeth and said.

"Good luck, then."

Li Hao ignored him and glanced at Lu Siyuan and Wang Yun, who were standing below the stage. He had already come up with a plan.

Since this was the case, he might as well go with the flow this time …

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