"You … You still want to choose a piece of trash?! "

Master Zhao's face twitched slightly. Looking at Li Hao, who was walking towards him with a serious expression, he felt that he was in a bad mood.

What was going on?

This young man was addicted to picking trash?!

Isn't this nonsense?!

"Master Zhao, please cut another piece for me."

Li Hao clapped his hands and once again picked out a piece of trash to put on the stone cutting platform.

"Cutting waste again?"

Master Zhao looked at Li Hao blankly, swallowed his saliva, and pointed at the stone Li Hao placed in front of him.

"Yes, of course."

Li Hao nodded. He didn't seem to be joking.

"Fine, I'll cut it."

After the miracle from before, Master Zhao did not try to persuade him anymore.


There was no result.


Another stab, and it was still just a piece of gray stone.

"That piece of Jade of the South Sun was definitely dog shit luck."

The guy who looked as if he ate shit when Li Hao cut out the Jade of the South Sun couldn't help but say something weird now.

"Stop talking so much. What if the jade comes out again? What will you do?"

Someone nudged him to shut up.

Very quickly, after four to five cuts, half of the mother stone that Li Hao picked out had been cut off, and the jade still hadn't fallen out. However, Li Hao persisted and let Master Zhao continue with his slash.

He had the same confidence in this piece of trash, because this piece of rock was also given to him to choose from.

"Oh my god!"

"The jade came out again!"

Very soon, after another two slashes, before Master Zhao could open his mouth, someone below had already shouted!

"Qi Lianyu!" It's Qi Lianyu! "

"Wow!" What a beautiful Jiuquan Jade! "

In Master Zhao's hand, several small pieces of green jade were quickly added.

Li Hao carefully observed the jade in Master Zhao's hand. However, he could hear the discussions of the people below about this kind of jade.

This Qilian Jade, because its main production area is near the Jiuquan in Gansu Province, is also known as Jiuquan Jade. Its color is dark green, and there are many black spots on it.

"So that's how it is."

Listening to the discussions of the experts below, he finally understood what kind of jade he had cut out this time.

"Oh my god!" "What the hell, I must have seen a ghost …"

The person below who had been eyeing Li Hao intensely all this while, Li Hao, was now completely stunned. Seeing the piece of trash, who had just gotten hold of Qi Lianyu, directly sat on the ground, as if he had seen the most unbelievable thing in his life.

It wasn't as if there were none that didn't drop the waste material, but this sort of thing happened once every few decades for a long time, which was enough for everyone to discuss.

But today, in the short span of an hour, the two pieces of trash that Li Hao had picked out, had been given good jade!

One was the Jade of the South Sun, the other was Qi Lianyu.

These two were the top ten jades in China!

However, only in a large city like Mingzhu or Beijing could such a thing happen, because jade was not produced here. The mother stones used to secretly gamble in the jade market were all transported from places like Yunnan or Xinjiang, and since the mother stones were rich in resources, the number of jade stones that could be cut was naturally many.

It's not like if you go to Gansu, you can only cut out Qilian Jade. It's basically impossible to cut out Yellow Dragon Jade or Blue Sky Jade.

"Hey!" "What a god!"

"If it's luck, then isn't this young man's luck too good?"

Looking at the satisfied Li Hao, these jade artifact lovers were all stunned, including the collector who cut out the Yellow Dragon Jade at the beginning. His eyes were filled with envy.

"My life is worth it. Lad, are you still going to continue picking trash?"

Master Zhao stopped trying to persuade Li Hao. Instead, he hoped that Li Hao could continue to pick the trash.

Miracles, especially those that happened consecutively, would always arouse the expectations of the people.

Everyone would want to know how long this miracle would last.

Li Hao did not let them down and consecutively picked three pieces of discarded scraps and scraps. Not surprisingly, in the end, each piece was sliced out a piece of Jade of the South Sun and two pieces of Jade of the Yellow Dragon.

At the end, Master Zhao and the people below the stage were all shocked to the point that they were numb. Li Hao bent down to pick the mother stone, and no one doubted whether there was any jade inside the stone, as if it was abnormal for the stone he picked not to have jade.

"Master, there's nothing of value left in the corner."

His voice was still calm and flat.

"Hmm, feel around and see if there is the kind of jade we need here."

Li Hao understood that he had earned a small fortune from these few pieces of scrap jade. If he exchanged them all, he would already have two hundred thousand on hand. That was enough to start buying those expensive mother stones.

"Yes, our luck is pretty good. We actually have two fine jades with abundant spiritual energy."

A'Xiaofeng's voice also contained a trace of happiness as he continued.

"Great, let's go pick it now!"

Li Hao's face showed joy. Without wasting any time, he continued to walk down the stone cutting stage to pick the ingredients, but this time, he did not pick any more waste materials.

"Eh? He did not choose waste anymore. It seems like he was just trying to earn enough money to buy the mother stone with waste! "

"That's still a skill!" For two hours, not even twenty thousand gold coins was enough to raise it to two hundred thousand gold coins, is that not shocking enough?! "

"I'm really envious of his luck."

"Master Zhao, please help me cut this mother stone."

While the discussion went on below, Li Hao had already chosen a mother stone. This stone was much more expensive, the size of a small watermelon already asked for one hundred thousand yuan from Li Hao.

"En, alright!"

Without another word, Master Zhao nodded and began to swing his blade.

He was also looking forward to the day when this magical kid would be able to cut out good quality jade from the trash. Could the real mother stone he bought this time be some sort of treasure?

Master Zhao's hand raised and his blade fell, and very quickly, stone chips were sliced off from the Mother Stone. Under the light of the lamp, a cluster of dazzling white light shot up into the sky as if it had spiritual energy, causing everyone's eyes to temporarily go blank!

"This …"

Master Zhao could not help but cover his eyes.

However, with Li Hao's physique, he was naturally not afraid of such light. His gaze was still fixated on the jade stone embedded in the mother stone.

Seeing this, Li Hao truly understood the meaning of the four words "flawless beautiful jade".

This pure white jade stone was even smoother than a newly peeled boiled egg and even smoother than a young girl's skin. Anyone who saw it would not be able to let go.

"Yang Pi Yu!" "Oh my god!"

When Master Zhao came back to his senses and saw the jade in his hands, he was completely stupefied.

Yang Liangyu!

The top ten famous jades in China and the highest quality jades in Tian Yu, they only needed a small piece, and they already had an immeasurable value!

Looking at the jade that was emitting a gentle glow under the light, the entire underground gambling den was so quiet that one could hear the sound of a needle falling on the ground!

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