"Good jade, it really is good jade!"

Even though Li Hao didn't know much about jade before, he couldn't help but praise it in his heart as he looked at the beautiful jade.

Li Hao gently caressed the piece of jade. It was slightly cold to the touch, as if the jade had a life of its own.

A man looks like a piece of jade. Jade also supports him, and that's what he said.

"Young man!"

Suddenly, a person with a big waist pushed his way to the front with all his might, and with a face full of infatuation, he looked at Yang Pi Yu, and asked while trembling: "Can you give this piece of jade to me? Give me a price, give me a price! "

"I'm sorry, I'm not selling it."

The reason why Li Hao had previously sold the jade he cut out from the trash to the shop owner was because he wanted to earn money to buy the mother stones that contained the real jade, so that he could use them as the cornerstone of the Six Paths Soul Locking Formation. Now that this piece of jade was one of them, how could he sell it?

"The price is negotiable!"

The man still refused to give up. Swallowing his saliva, he stretched out a finger and said, "I'll pay one million!"

One million!

When Li Hao bought this mother stone, he only spent 100,000 dollars, but now someone was directly bidding 1 million dollars for this jade!

However, no one thought it was strange, because this was the nature of gambling rocks. If one were to cut this stone down, one might lose everything, and one could also double their value!

Moreover, with such a large piece of jade, one million wouldn't be too expensive, right?

"It's not a question of price, I really don't plan to sell it."

Li Hao still shook his head as he reached out his hand to receive the jade from Master Zhao.

"2 million!"

The fatty was sweating profusely from anxiety. Even his voice had become hoarse.

2 million for a piece of mutton fat jade. Although this price wasn't that high in the eyes of those who were familiar with the situation, it definitely wasn't low either.

"I really am not selling."

Facing two million, a sum that many people would never be able to earn in a lifetime, Li Hao's expression did not change, and he firmly shook his head and refused.

"Lad, it's really not a small amount of two million."

The fat guy stared at the piece of jade in Li Hao's hand and asked painfully.

A price of two million was the limit of what he could bear.

"Excuse me, I'm also going to choose another mother stone."

Li Hao no longer paid any attention to him and walked down the stone cutting platform once again. He then went to the pile of parent rocks to pretend to pick stones.

"Hehehe, I've heard that my Chen family's small shop has had a lot of luck today. Not only is it a waste of jade, but it has also cut out a priceless piece of the highest quality mutton fat jade. How envious I am!"

Just as Li Hao was bending down to pick the shard, a clear voice came from upstairs. Boss Chen, who had brought Li Hao down earlier, was also alarmed, closing the door on top and coming down personally to see who the shop assistant was talking about.

"Boss Chen, it seems that this place is really my blessed land."

Li Hao weighed an irregular shaped mother stone, stood up, and said with a smile: "Today, little brother will return with a great fortune!"

"It's you?"

Boss Chen's pupils slightly shrank as he looked at Li Hao.

Previously, he thought that Li Hao was just a young man who had some money on him, so he didn't pay much attention to the things upstairs. The reason he brought him down here was to beat him up, and to let him know the profoundness of this jade door.

But he absolutely did not expect that Li Hao would stir up such trouble here, continuously cutting out pieces of jade from pieces of trash, and even cutting out a piece of heavenly jade!

"Did I underestimate this boy? Is he really an expert?"

Boss Chen's eyes slightly squinted. Seeing Li Hao walk over, glancing at his bulging pockets, he felt another wave of pain in his heart.

That was a top-grade mutton fat jade worth millions!

Originally, this jade belonged to him in his shop, but now he was bought it for 100,000 yuan by Li Hao. How could he not feel pain?

But he didn't think that if Li Hao didn't cut it out, then who knew how long this piece of top-grade jade would sleep in the black motherstone!

Many people, seeing the success of others, would be blinded by jealousy, so that they wouldn't be able to see how others succeeded.

"Master Zhao, sorry to trouble you."

Li Hao handed the mother stone over.

"No trouble, really no trouble at all!"

Master Zhao laughed as he received the mother stone from Li Hao. Before the blade could descend, a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

He didn't know why, but as long as this young man handed over the mother stone, he felt that there was something extraordinary inside!

Actually, as an old fox who had been in the stone gambling business for more than ten years, he knew how irrational this feeling was, because he had seen too many people fall from the clouds to the bottom in misery, countless people who were satisfied with their beautiful jade being cut out, and in the end lost everything in one fell swoop.

A rock bet was a bet, after all!

If it was a bet, he wouldn't be able to win forever!

Gambling God?

It was just a movie!

Shaking his head, Master Zhao pushed the complicated thoughts in his heart to the back of his mind and started to cut again.

One slash.

Two knives.

No one said anything. Everyone was staring at the mother stone in Master Zhao's hand. Even their breathing had unconsciously been suppressed.

"It, it gave out jade again!"

The blade in his hand came to a sudden stop once again. Master Zhao could not believe everything that was happening in front of him!

The gentle green light was like a fairy. It woke up from its slumber and revealed itself to the world.

"Kun... Karakorum jade?! "

"Is this the legendary Jade of the Kunlun?!"

The breathing of the people below suddenly quickened, and those who had seen a lot cried out in alarm once again.

Yet another divine jade had appeared!

"Ah Xiaofeng, let me give you a Like!"

Li Hao was in a great mood as well as he said this to A Xiaofeng in his heart.

"Hehe, looks like my luck is quite good."

Li Hao patted Master Zhao's shoulder. Before anyone else said anything, he quickly put away the Karakorum Jade and walked outside.

"Go, follow him!"

"Hurry up!"

Seeing Li Hao leave, the onlookers immediately went crazy, all of them flocked to chase after him.

However, Li Hao did not leave. Setting up the Soul-Sealing Array required six pieces of jades of this level. Right now, he was only lucky enough to cut out two of them. There was still four more pieces left!

After that, Li Hao walked along Sleeping Dragon Lane to the inside of several storefronts.

However, his luck was not so good after this. There were a few families that did not find a worthy jade, so Li Hao could only pretend to pick some pretty good mother stones to cut, and then sell them all to the shop, easily earning around five hundred thousand.

He was not discouraged. If the top-grade jade was that easy to cut out, then it wouldn't be that valuable. He had plenty of patience.

Finally, after strolling for an entire day, Li Hao swept through every single shop in Loulan Alley. He finally managed to gather six pieces of jade with sufficient quality, and he even managed to cut some ordinary mother stones to earn around a million.

"It's a success! Let's call it a day!"

Letting out a long breath, Li Hao casually put the six pieces of top-grade jade, which were worth millions, into a big bag and walked out of Dragon Alley with satisfaction.

Behind him, he could even hear the pained wails of the jade shop owners.

Today was a day that countless people witnessed a miracle.

Of course, it was also the day of disaster for all the merchants of Loulan Lane …

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