When Wen ran changes his clothes and goes downstairs, Wei Wei and Chu Mo Chen are sitting on the sofa playing video games.

Look at her down, Weiwei quickly got up and ran to hold wenran's hand, "Ranran elder sister, let's go."

"Where to?" Wen ran asked suspiciously.

"Go to the supermarket, Chenchen said, you're going to cook a big meal for us tonight."

Wen ran looks up at the man sitting there. He looks like a well-dressed man, but who knows when he is in bed, it turns into

At 5 p.m., Chu Mo Chen drives Weiwei and wenran to the supermarket.

A supermarket, Chu Mo dust is very skilled to push a car.

Wen ran thought of the days when he had just come to B city before. He bought food for her every day. In his mind, he saw a big man shopping in the supermarket. He could not help but raise his mouth.

"You must have killed a lot of aunts when you came to buy vegetables by yourself before?"

Chu Mo Chen Chou eye side eyebrow eyes all smile of small woman, eyebrow picked to pick, "now also same."

Immediately, Wen ran looked around. It was true that many aunts and younger sisters were looking around him.

Wen ran picked up Wei Wei and put her on Chu Mo Chen's cart.

"I don't want a cart. I like to be down there." Wei Wei is bouncing calf not happy way.

Wen ran laughed and coaxed: "it's good to sit on it. You can see far and high. Tell me what you want and I'll take it for you!"

Chu Mo Chen's mouth turned up.

Sometimes looking at women playing smart for you will make people feel inexplicably good.

Weiwei pouts her lips and thinks that only three-year-old children will be put in the cart when they are shopping in the supermarket.

Wen Ran is picking fish in the fresh area. She knows that Chu Mo Chen and Wei Wei love fish, so she wants to pick a bigger one.

Wei Wei and Chu Mo Chen don't like it here. They think it's fishy, so they go there to buy fruit.

"What would you like to eat?" Chu Mo Chen looks at the fruit on the fruit rack and asks Wei Wei.

"Strawberries and grapes."

Chu Mo dust took one by one, immediately, thought to open a mouth to ask a way: "know what Wen ran likes to eat?"

"You don't know, how can I know!"


"I've gone to bed naked, and I don't know what kind of fruit people like to eat?" Wei Wei despised a man.

Chu Mo Chen's face sank with embarrassment.

Then, he took more strawberries and grapes, thinking that their hobbies should be similar.


Wen ran picked the fish over there, waiting for someone to help her break the fish, and then went to pick a spare ribs. Chu Mo Chen is injured. She wants to make a spare ribs soup for him.

After buying food for the evening in the fresh area, Wen ran goes to the vegetable and fruit area to find Wei Wei and Chu Mo Chen. Suddenly, there comes a Sao from the supermarket.

"Come on! Get this woman! The woman steals - "

the supermarket is full of people. It seems that someone steals something. Wen ran slows down curiously and looks over there.

Through the crowd, she saw a woman lying on the ground with her hair scattered on her shoulders. As soon as the woman looked back, Wen ran stopped and froze.


Why is she here?

And steal!

Wen ran, who didn't want to join in the fun, immediately walked over and pushed aside the crowd, "let's go Let's go... "

"Don't press her like that, she's still pregnant!"

Wen ran went forward to want to open the man who pressed Wenshan on the ground. The man in the uniform of the supermarket should be a supermarket worker.

"This woman steals!" The man refused to let go.

"What she stole will be charged to me. This is my sister." Wen ran said helplessly.

Although for Wenshan, she never liked, or even hated.

But after all, she has been treating her as a sister for so many years. Even if she is not her own sister, she can't turn a blind eye to her.

That person listens to Wen ran to say like this, just hesitated to let go. As soon as she let go, Wenshan put a steamed bread in the mouth of Xiang into her mouth.

Wen ran looks at such Wen Shan, in the heart some unspeakable taste.

Is it worth doing this for a man?

Wen ran looks at Wen Shan sitting on the ground and hesitates to help her up.

I don't know if she will mistake her for Jiang Weixin and come forward to pinch her.


She tried to call her to see if she knew herself.

Wen Shan, sitting on the ground, looks up at Wen ran

"Wen ran Wen ran, I beg you, I beg you, can you tell Han Xuan, don't kill my child... "Wenshan suddenly climbed to wenran's feet and hugged her legs.

All of a sudden, the people who didn't disperse immediately gathered around again.

"Wenshan, get up first. Let's talk about anything."

"No No You must promise me! Promise me

"Wenshan, don't do that..."

"Wenran, please! You are also a person who has had children. You must understand that! " Wenshan excitedly interrupts her, and her strength of holding her leg is getting stronger and stronger.

Wen Ran's hand was still carrying fish and meat, so she couldn't pull her away.

Later, Chu Mo Chen and Wei Wei came.

Chu Mo dust a drag to open to embrace Wen Shan of Wen ran.

"Slow down, she's pregnant."

Wen ran sees Chu Mo dust movement some rudeness, even opens mouth to stop a way.

Chu Mo Chen looks at Wen Shan's abdomen, but it's not obvious. It should be less than three months.

The man's eyes sank and he threw Wenshan aside.


Coming out of the supermarket, Wen ran looks at Wen Shan, who is following them. She is in a bit of a dilemma.

But Chu Mo Chen's face was very bad, and she didn't know what to do.

Wenshan should have escaped from the hospital. She would not take her back to the hospital.

"Wenshan, Dad, how can he..."

"He can sell you. Do you think he will take care of me now?" Wen Shan sneers and interrupts Wen Ran's words.

The warm language stops.

I can't help thinking of that night in Nancheng.

"What's more, now the Wen family is almost bankrupt forced by Han Xuan, and Wen Haojun dare not have the heart to leave my baby."

Wen ran slightly Leng Leng, but did not say much.

When she went back to B city, she didn't plan to contact the Wen family. So Wen ran didn't understand the situation of the Wen family, and didn't really want to join the alliance.

"He did that to you. Why do you insist on keeping the child?" Wen ran asked her.

Wenshan touched her flat abdomen and turned to look at wenran, "do you remember the mood when you were pregnant six years ago?"

“……” She remembers.

At that time, she thought she was pregnant with Han Xuan's child, so she was full of expectation, but the result was so unexpected.

But Wenshan's situation was different from her at that time.

"Wenshan, you should know that Han Xuan and Jiang Weixin are going to get married. Will you have this baby..."

"Don't say it! I know I know all this! But I really can't bear it. I really can't bear this child... "

Wenshan seems to be stimulated by wenran's words, and her mood becomes excited.

Chu Mo Chen, who was not far away from the side, seemed to stride forward with uncontrollable temper, and pulled Wen ran, "back home."

His tone was cold and hard. I could tell that the man was not happy.

Wen ran was strongly held by him and forced to get into the car. Just looking at Wen Shan like that, she still couldn't bear it. She tried to say: "can Chu Mo Chen..."


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