Wen Ran's words haven't finished, was interrupted by Chu Mo Chen tone Sen Leng.

Slightly also lie on the window looking at, "Ran Ran elder sister, that woman how?"

Wen ran doesn't know how to explain it to Wei Wei, but turns to Chu Mo Chen.

The man who had started the car had no choice but to turn off the car and took out his mobile phone to call someone.

Just listen to his voice coldly ordered a sentence: "come and deal with it."

Then, hang up the phone, toward that side of Wen ran swept an eye: "now can go back."

Wen ran did not dare to say a word, immediately nodded.


The next morning, get up, Wen ran first help Chu Mo dust change medicine, and then go downstairs to do breakfast.

Breakfast is very simple. I cooked some porridge and steamed some steamed buns I bought in the supermarket yesterday.

Wen ran ate a steamed bread with wheat flour. After that, Wei Wei could not eat any more corn flour. She also ate it.

After breakfast, Chu Mo Chen and Wen ran first send Weiwei to kindergarten, and then go to the company together.

She didn't go to the company these days. If colleagues around her ask, she hasn't figured out how to say it.

But now she is more worried about Wenshan.

I don't know where Chu Mo Chen arranged her.

He didn't look very well after he went back last night. She didn't dare to touch his brow all the time.

Now, after a night, I want to ask him again, and I won't be so angry, will I?

After sending Weiwei out of the car and seeing her enter the kindergarten, the car starts again, Wen Ran is thinking about how to open her mouth.

Otherwise, when she comes to the company, she doesn't even have a chance to enter his office.

"If you want to ask, just ask. I've been choking all night. If you don't feel bad, I'll feel bad."

A traffic light, the car stopped waiting for the red light, next to the man suddenly opened his mouth, scared of a warm jump.

Then, she raised her eyes and glared at him. "I know I'm choking hard, and I'm shaking my face on purpose!"

The man looked at her from the corner of his eye, then said with a smile: "it's really a girl who pushes her nose."

The green light came on, and then the car started again.

Wen ran turned to look at him and said with a flattering smile, "where did you arrange her?"

"If you find a house at random, you will not die of hunger or cold."

“……” Warm but speechless.

This guy's talking about the same thing as dealing with a stray dog.

But Wenshan is not as good as a stray dog in Chu Mo Chen's eyes.

Stray dogs will make people feel pity when they see them, but the woman is totally suffering from her own misfortune, and there is nothing worthy of sympathy.

When he got to the company and got off the bus, the man warned Wen ran solemnly, "this is the first thing to do. Whether the child is her own business or not, don't worry about it."

“……” How can she worry about it!

Wen ran did not dare to answer back, obediently listening to the "master" of the lecture.

"I'm a person who can't save people's mind. I'd rather meddle in other people's business when I have time."

“……” Hum! This man is addicted to lecturing!

Why can't she be a relief?

"What I have to worry about is that your relatives don't agree, and it's not me..." It's not that she doesn't agree to enter his Chu house!

If you want to worry, he will worry too!

However, when she thought of the Huo family, her eyebrows frowned unconsciously.

Are they really her biological parents?

Maybe it's because Chu Mo Chen said something to those two people. There has been no movement these two days, and the two people haven't found her.

Wen ran let out a long sigh. She didn't want to see them so soon before she knew how to face them.


To the company, Wen ran first went to the personnel department to find out how much money he would be deducted these days.

As a result, the colleague in charge of attendance in the personnel department told her that she could make up a list of annual leave, which could be regarded as annual leave.

In this way, the salary will not be deducted and the attendance of this month will not be affected.

As soon as she heard this, she immediately filled in the annual leave form and reported it to the department head.

Chu Mo Chen hasn't come out of his office in the morning. Yan Rui has come out several times. Every time she comes out, Wen ran can feel that the corner of the woman's eye will look at her.

Today, Wen Ran is still honestly wearing her usual white shirt and black trousers, which has not changed much.

But when Wen ran faced the woman, no matter how fashionable and beautiful she was wearing, she had inexplicable confidence.

Women look at women, and men look at women are often not the same.

Just like Yan Rui, no matter how harmless and gentle she is, Wen ran always feels very fake.

So, when the man in front of her stares at Yan Rui's gentle mouth in a daze, Wen ran thinks, so fake smile, so good-looking? As for that addictive expression!At lunch, instead of waiting for her tall neighbor next door, Wen ran left early with a female colleague in the finance department.

When she was in the parking lot in the morning, a big boss pressed her body and gave her a very serious warning that she was not allowed to make any "ambiguity" for him in the office.

But wenran felt aggrieved. The neighbor, who might be watching them sitting next door, just politely called her every time he had a meal. How could he be promoted to "ambiguous"!

However, for the jealousy of a president from outside, Wen Ran is still in a little happy heart.

Wen ran and her colleague Wang Ting are going to a new Sichuan restaurant opposite the company for dinner. When they leave the office building, Wen Ran is stopped by an unexpected "visitor".

"Well, can you have lunch with dad?" A sweat dripping Wen Haojun stood in front of Wen ran and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Wenran, is this your father? Hello uncle, I'm Wen Ran's colleague. My name is Wang Ting. "

Although there are few people in the company at present, they are all elites in various fields and talents with high quality. Therefore, Wang Ting greets Wen Haojun with a very polite smile.

"Wenran, uncle, it's not easy to come here. Your father and daughter will have a good reunion. We'll be together next time." Wang Ting said again.

Wen ran looks at Wen Haojun in front of her for a long time, and finally says to Wang Ting apologetically, "sorry, I'll invite you next time."

"It's OK. I'll go first."

Wang Ting left with a smile.

After she left, Wen ran took Wen Haojun to another restaurant. After taking a seat, she ordered some of Wen Haojun's favorite dishes and gave the menu to the waiter.

When Wen Haojun looked at Wen ran sitting opposite and listened to her report about her favorite food, his eyes blurred.

"Ran ran..." His eyes were hot and humid.

"You're looking for Wenshan." Wen ran opened his mouth in a flat tone.

Wen Haojun is stunned, but Wen ran takes the mobile phone he put on the table and enters an address in the memo of his mobile phone.

"She's here now. You can pick her up later."

"Ran ran..." Wen Haojun held Wen Ran's hand with tears in his eyes and wiped his tears with the other hand. "Ran Ran Ran, Dad, I'm sorry for you..."

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