Wen Haojun was very excited, but Wen ran was calm from beginning to end.

But it was this calm that made Wen Haojun more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Sorry Dad is really not... "

"Don't talk about the past." Wen ran took out his hand, the tone is still calm.

For this father, no, it's the adoptive father.

She can't say that she really doesn't have any feelings at all, but the disappointment is for sure.

That night in Nancheng, it was obvious that he had designed a trap for her. How could he say it was not intentional!

Wen ran knew that for him, maybe he was just a pawn.

Wenshan and her mother are the people he regards as his family!

So he went back to B city so long, he never called her, and Wenshan had an accident, he found her.

The dishes came up, warm and tasteless, and they were eating without saying a word.

It's said that I don't care, it doesn't matter, but it's inevitable that I will feel sad.

The meal was warm, but I was very depressed.

After eating, she asked people to pay the bill quickly. Wen Haojun, who was sitting opposite, seemed to hesitate for a long time.

When Wen ran got up, Wen Haojun suddenly stood up and knelt down in front of her. Wen ran, who just got up, was shocked and stayed in the same place.

"But, Dad, please Please Save the Wen family Please... "

Wen Haojun knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hand, crying and pleading.

Wen ran looked at the old man with half a hundred hair kneeling in front of her, and the people around the dining table were also hanging their necks and looking this way, and even some people began to surround her.

At this moment, a warm heart gradually began to prick pain.

This is her father?

No, foster father!

One in order to achieve the goal, even regardless of her face, so hard to force her!

Since I came in, I have been trying to keep calm. Looking at the rough palms holding my hands, I can't help but accumulate a layer of water mist in my eyes.

It was these hands that drove her to the abyss of despair again and again.

She threw away Wen Haojun, took her hand, turned and ran out of the restaurant.

She can feel someone taking photos behind her. Maybe there will be some bad videos and photos on Weibo or the Internet tomorrow.

What father kneels down to his daughter, daughter ignores her old father, leaves and so on

But she didn't care so much. She just wanted to leave.

Suddenly, her forward body hit a hard chest, Wen ran forehead pain stopped.

"What's the matter?"

The next moment, Chu Mo Chen's voice sounded above his head.

The man pressed her shaking shoulder with both hands, frowned, and the tone was full of concern.

Wen ran raised his head, when the man's familiar pretty face appeared in front of him, the tears in his eyes fell down in an instant.

"What's the matter, dear? Why are you crying? "

Chu Mo Chen didn't expect that as soon as she looked up and saw him, her tears came out.

A tight heart, there is a moment of panic.

However, Wen ran threw himself into his arms, regardless of whether it was outside.

Chu Mo Chen embraces her soft body and lets her cry in her arms.

He felt that the shirt at the chest was getting hot and humid, and his hand around her waist tightened. When she calmed down a little, he asked softly, "what happened?"

Wen Ran's face was still covered with tears, but after crying in his arms, his mood had eased slightly.

She just didn't know how to talk to him.

She thought that she really could not care, but when she saw that Wen Haojun's eyes were full of only himself and Wen Shan's, she found that her heart was still dull and painful.

Chu Mo Chen looked at her look a little trance, and was not in a hurry to ask again. He took her waist in one hand and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes in the other. He spoke in a gentle tone: "go up and wash your face first."

After crying in his arms, Wen ran regained some sense and knew that if he came into his office with him like this, his colleagues outside would explode.

Tomorrow she won't want to sit so peacefully in her seat.

"I'll just go to the bathroom and wash myself..."

"Let's go."

Her words just export, be interrupted by Chu Mo dust.

The hand that the man is holding her waist did not put, the speech is very obvious is vice - non - negotiable.

Turning around, Chu Mo Chen's eyes saw Wen Haojun coming out of the restaurant. He came out in the same direction as Wen ran.

Wen ran ready to turn back, was Chu Mo dust to hold down the shoulder, "full at noon?""I'm full." She nodded and didn't notice Wen Haojun coming out of the restaurant.

At noon, she had been eating until she was full and couldn't swallow.

Wen ran followed Chu Mo Chen into the elevator, originally with a male assistant behind him, unconsciously also has no shadow.

Sure enough, all the assistants are human beings. It's better to guess the boss's mind than Ascaris lumbricoides.

In the elevator, Wen ran saw that when he was approaching the company floor, he pushed the man holding her all the time, trying to get out of his arms.

But the man is not moved, put on her waist hand how also refused to put down.

"I'll be right behind you in a moment, and I'll come into your office. You're like this I'm afraid to come to work tomorrow. "

Wen ran looked at him and blinked.

Chu Mo dust looked down at her for a while, this just let go of hand, her that appearance let him have no way to refuse.

After the elevator arrives, Wen ran follows Chu Mo Chen and enters his office all the way.

All the way, she lowered her head, looked at her toes, and stepped into his office with both feet. At the moment when the door behind her closed and opened, the man in front of her suddenly turned and crushed her on the door.

His action was so sudden that he almost screamed out in fright.

Just opened his mouth and was immediately blocked by a warm lip.

She did not expect that her feet just stepped into his office, the man so eager to kiss her.

But his kiss, really familiar, like soon abandoned reason. Wen ran felt that he was easily ignited by him.

Her hands around his neck, fingers in the back of his black hair

If a person kisses you for a long time, not only the one who kisses you will be addicted, but also the one who kisses you.

Wen ran closed his eyes, and his eyelashes trembled. He hugged the man who pressed her in front of him. Chu Mo Chen kissed her for a while, and then released her lips.

Hot thin lips all the way across her cheek, to her eyes to kiss her tears.

"When I see you crying, my heart can't help but feel terrible. So when you want to cry, you still have to cry in my arms. You can't cry alone, you know?"

The man's voice is a little hoarse, but his soft voice is serious. He stares at Wen Ran's eyes, deep black.

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