It wasn't anyone else who called. It was Hughes.

Luo Yanxi turned his head and looked at the man beside him. He was fast asleep, and there was no sign of waking up.

Generally, Hughes seldom calls her at such a time, if it's not something special.

Sipping her lips, she first pressed the phone to silence, then carefully got up, and slowly took down the hand holding her waist.

Quietly out of bed, Luo Yan Xi holding a mobile phone toward the bathroom.

Just as the door of the bathroom closed, the man who was sleeping in bed suddenly opened his eyes. There was a chill in the dark pupil, staring at the closed door for a long time.

Luo yanxiyi is on the wall. Answer the phone.

Over the phone came the voice of a man who was both evil and anxious.

This voice is very complex, seems to be very angry, and very worried, Luo Yanxi never heard of his tone.

"Do you have to let me go to Nancheng to worship you?"

Luo Yanxi couldn't help rolling his eyes and lowering his voice.

"Can't you say something nice? At least, I've escaped from death, OK? "

"Dead woman, little heartless! You're mad at me! What do you say you have learned in the past five years? And where's your gun? Why not? Did you forget everything when you saw that man? It's so easy to fall into someone else's trap

Luo Yanxi's ears were so shocked that she could only take the phone away a little, but the man's voice was getting louder and louder. She was afraid to wake Huo Mingxiu outside.

"I didn't expect this to happen. It's just a document."

She really didn't expect that sunspot would set such a trap, and that he could get so many people from Huo's family to listen to him.

"Didn't you go out with a brain? Do you think those people are just as diligent as Huo Mingxiu to keep you alive? "

Suddenly, the man's voice, realized that he said the words should not be said, suddenly quiet down.

But Luo Yanxi really heard it.

Does Huo Mingxiu spare no effort to let her live?

But he was the one who wanted her to die!

The man on the other side of the phone frowned tightly. Why did he lose control of his emotions when it came to her life and death? He even said something he couldn't say.

No, no!

She is just a pawn in his hand, she is his plaything, is his revenge tool! How could he be distracted by her.

"I mean, Huo Mingxiu won't let you die at least now! Don't forget, you are a weight in his hand, a chip to hold your brother back! "

The man calmed down and continued.

Luo Yan Xi's eyes are slightly dim, and her lips are pursed. "I know."

"I wish you knew! So now you are beside him, except for him, there are people who want you to die! You can't be so careless. Not only the bodyguard, but also the gun

"I don't need bodyguards. Now I'm in the hospital. Huo Mingxiu has sent a lot of people."

"No! It's all his people, too. You have to let Xiao Lan take people to guard! "

Luo Yanxi only thinks that today this man is more wordy and garrulous than ever before, and her ears are about to grind out cocoons.

"Well, I know. I'll call Xiaolan later."

"And guns!" The man is not at ease ground again exhort.

"Yes, and the gun! Call in the middle of the night. Anything else? "

"Yes! Last time you asked me to check for you, I have something to look up! It's just


Hearing this sentence, Luo Yanxi shocked the whole person, and his nerves tightened quickly, even his hand holding the phone.

"I don't think I'll tell you about your brother. As for your parents' entanglement with Huo Mingxiu, I can't tell you in a word. I'll sort out the information and send it to you. You can make your own judgment! " The man thought about it and said at last.


"Well, there's nothing else. I just want to tell you, don't put yourself in danger any more. I don't want to collect your corpse!"

This was just his advice, but it was actually said.

Luo Yan Xi light "um" after a hang up, the man can't say something nice? Besides, even if she died, it was not his turn to collect her body!


When Luo Yanxi just came out of the bathroom, suddenly she was grabbed by a powerful force, and then she was held in her arms.

Her heart was tight and she struggled subconsciously, but the breath from the tip of her nose and the voice from the top of her head made her voice slowly drop.

"It's frightening, it's frightening to death!"

"What are you doing when you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Huo Mingxiu asked in a deep voice, suppressing his anger."What else can we do? I went to the bathroom, of course. "

Luo Yanxi said while quietly carrying his mobile phone behind him.

However, the more careful she was, the more obvious she was.

The man's sharp eyes swept, and immediately she felt a chill coming on her face, which made her whole body chilly.

"I, I'll go back to bed now."

She can't look him in the eye, and she can't stay here any longer, or she will show her true feelings.

Huo Mingxiu didn't pay any attention to her, but his handsome face was still cold.

"Bring me your cell phone!"

Just as Luo Yanxi's little foot had just taken a few steps away, the voice of the man behind him came again.

His sound is like a time bomb, which may blow up her whole body at any time.

Her small hand holding the mobile phone tightly, tightly, absolutely can't give him the mobile phone!

"Xier, I'll say it again! Bring me your cell phone! "

The man said, has been approaching her step by step.

"No way!" Luo Yanxi shakes his head and retreats slowly.

"Oh, yes? Well, I'm not polite. "

The black pupil of the man's ink dye suddenly reveals a smile of evil. Luo Yanxi is puzzled when he looks at it, until he shakes his mobile phone in front of her. In an instant, her little face turns from red to white, and finally turns into a brown.

"Huo Mingxiu, you..."

"Xi'er, how about an exchange?" Men's good-looking eyes slightly narrowed, handsome face hidden under a do not know what kind of heart.

Almost Luo Yanxi was fooled by him!

She bit her lower lip hard. "Shameless!"

"Well? Ha ha Xi'er, don't say that. At least I haven't sent it out, have I? "

No matter how clever and cunning the lamb is, he can't beat the wolf. He continued with a deep smile: "you give me your mobile phone, and I'll give you mine, so that you can delete these photos!"

Luo Yanxi is in a dilemma at this time. If she doesn't give him her mobile phone, the photos of herself taken on his mobile phone may be sent out by him.

This big pervert! She didn't know when he took those photos. Every one of them made her blush and heart beat. She even doubted whether it was herself or not!

But if you give him your cell phone, in case Hughes sends a message, then

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