Seeing that she still hesitated and refused, Huo Mingxiu raised his lips and walked around her to the bedside, picking up his mobile phone and enjoying it. While appreciating, I still don't forget my mouth and mutter.

"Tut Tut, if these photos are posted on the Internet, they will be very popular overnight."


At the moment, Luo Yanxi can't calm down any more. She withstands the pain on her body and runs in front of him. She blocks his way and stares.

"Well, I'll trade with you!"

If these photos really spread, not to mention herself, the whole Luo family will be affected by her.

Seeing her hand her mobile phone in front of her, Huo Mingxiu's smile is even stronger. He also delivers his mobile phone neatly.

In the first second Luo Yanxi got his mobile phone, he quickly found the album, and then "swipe" to press the delete key.

"All right." When he finished deleting his photos, he didn't hear the message from his mobile phone. Luo Yanxi sighed, but fortunately he could catch up.

She returned her cell phone to Huo Mingxiu. "I'm ready. Now you've seen my mobile phone. Can you give it back to me?"

Huo Mingxiu takes back her cell phone with a smile, but raises her cell phone high.

"Although it's nothing right now, it's hard to guarantee that it won't, so it's better..."

"Whoosh", before Luo Yanxi could react, the man threw his big hand out, and the mobile phone flew straight out of the window.

"No..." Luo Yanxi almost didn't jump out with him.

"Huo Mingxiu! You bastard

"Xier, but a mobile phone. I'll give you a better one tomorrow."

The man laughs, takes out his mobile phone, and opens the files inside. In an instant, the photos deleted by Luo Yanxi are restored.

"Well, recently Xi'er's figure is much better than when she just came back."

Luo Yanxi is still distressed by his mobile phone and the messages sent by Hughes. Hearing what he said, she said casually: "what's the material? what? What did you say? "

Waiting for her reaction, a man has been lying back on the bed, holding his mobile phone high, with a smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?" She came close.

When you see those photos of yourself on your mobile phone, you go crazy. "Didn't I just delete them? How can there be more! "

Lift Mou, some male very satisfied looking at her reaction. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. What you deleted just now is a copy. Now what I see is the original!"


Luo Yan Xi Zheng Leng, for a long time, she just crazy like up and down scurrying, at this moment which also can take care of his body ache.

"Huo Mingxiu, you cunning fox, bastard, liar, you..."

She really broke him up now.

She was angry and mad. She wanted to fight him, but she had to take his injury into consideration. She could only force her resentment back. After that, she took a deep breath. Finally, she could only go back to the bed and put away her claws. She looked at the man on the bed like a kitten.

"That Brother Mingxiu, can we talk it over? "


The man's face was very blue. Now he thought of calling him brother Mingxiu? Before is not also a mouthful of a bastard, liar?

"Brother Mingxiu, as long as you are willing to delete the photo, you let me Let me do anything, really Luo Yanxi's face was full of prayer, and she stretched out her hand to make a big bow to him. She almost didn't kneel down and kowtow to him.

Huo Mingxiu leaned on the head of the bed, eyebrow tail light pick, "let you do anything?"

"Yes, yes." Her little head is pounding like onions.

"All right then!" "I'll give you a chance," he said


Luo Yanxi didn't know how he fell asleep in the end. He just felt confused and could feel the man's wolf claw.

His so-called opportunity is going to kill her!

The next day, when she woke up, the bed beside her was empty. She raised her hand to caress it. It was a little cool. If it wasn't for the ambiguous indentation, she would have thought that he hadn't slept here.

The sequelae left last night made her lie in bed and don't want to move. If it wasn't for the arrival of Xiao Lan, she didn't even want to open her eyes.

Xiao Lan seems to have received a call from Hughes and brought many bodyguards to guard at the door.

After eating, and changed medicine, really in the ward stuffy flustered, so Luo Yan Xi let Xiao Lan help himself to turn outside.

The weather in summer is changeable. Just now, it was still sunny. But for a moment, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily.

The rain is fierce, but Xiaolan just went to buy her a drink, and now she hasn't come back. Luo Yanxi can only go back alone.

The sudden rainstorm disrupted people's original steps, and everyone was running everywhere.

In order to avoid, coupled with Luo Yanxi's weak legs, a stagger, she fell in the rain, muddy water washed her dress. People pass by her in a hurry. She can't stand up for a while when you come and go."Are you all right?"

A male voice came from the top of her head. Luo Yanxi raised her head subconsciously, and the rain fell into her eyes, making her eyes a little blurred.

I saw a tall shadow standing straight in front of her, and an umbrella also covered her, blocking all the rain outside.

"It's you!"

Luo Yan Xi's eye pupil slightly opens big, but the man also seems very surprised.

"You are still alive!"

"Why are you here?"

They spoke together, and then there was another embarrassment.

Luo Yanxi didn't expect to meet Huo Xiaochen here.

She grew up in the Huo family when she was a child. Naturally, she knew Huo Xiaochen, Huo Mingxiu's cousin. She didn't have a big impression on this man. She just felt that he was indifferent to everyone on weekdays. Maybe it was because of his health!

His health is not very good, never play with them, always looking at them, cold, and some gloomy.

How could he be in the hospital? Sick again?

In my impression, he did spend most of his time in the hospital, but this idea was immediately denied by Luo Yanxi, because she saw the white flower on his chest!

Huo Xiaochen is so motionless to stand, Mou light is fixed to hope her, for a long time, thin lips just heavy overflow a sentence.

"My father is dead!"

Luo Yan was stunned and looked at the flowers on his chest. Then suddenly, he bit his lips. "I beg your pardon

She couldn't find any other words to comfort him, besides, she didn't know him so well.

Rain "Shua Shua" to slide down from the top of the umbrella, noisy sound, his voice as if from the Antarctic ice low. "My father is dead. Are you all happy?"

Luo Yanxi knows even less about Huo Xiaochen's father. She only knows that he is the illegitimate son of the Huo family. As for the truth and falsehood, she never pays attention to and confirms it.

But in those days, in order to become the leader of the Huo family, his father framed and harmed Huo's father more than once, so the ambition of the wolf can be imagined.

In the end, Huo's father was concerned about his brother's affection and didn't punish him. Otherwise, he would have been a dead man!

Luo Yan Xi's lips move, don't know how to deal with his words.

"Don't mention the past! I think he... "

Do you care?

For the person who used to be so cruel to himself!

Luo Yanxi is not sure, what's more, she is not qualified to comment on anything.

Men are cold hum, black pupil flashed a touch of cold luster.

"Will you forget the past? I don't think everyone will forget it

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