Meng Lei's face froze. "Yes, in the company this morning, didn't the old president come to see you?"

"So? He asked you to keep Xi'er from me? "

Huo Mingxiu's cold voice made Meng Lei shiver. "Master, I'm not hiding anything from you..." His teeth were shaking.

"Yesterday, you said that there was a neon light on the riverside of the warehouse in the suburb. That's Xi'er and Huo Xiaochen, right? Meng Lei, this is the first time you betrayed me

Man's voice is like the flying frost in the December.

"Master, I have not betrayed you! Just yesterday, the old president called me and asked me to hide Miss Xi's affairs for the time being. Tomorrow, I will be re elected. If you fight with Huo Xiaochen for Miss Xi now, it will affect you! The old president didn't say that he didn't care about Miss Xi. I've sent someone to watch the news near the warehouse. As long as we wait for the re-election tomorrow, we can go to rescue Miss Xi. "

Meng Lei tries to explain, he is not not to save Luo Yanxi, on the contrary, now every minute he is worried about her life and death.

As long as the master's position is protected, he is willing to exchange his life for her!

"Meng Lei, do you think you can save her at that time? You don't know Huo Xiaochen very well

Huo Mingxiu's hand became a fist. If Huo Xiaochen didn't deliberately say that in front of him today, he would not know that his father and Meng Lei already knew Xi'er's whereabouts!

"I'm sorry, master! I, I... " Meng Lei is speechless.

"Don't let the old president know that I already know about it." Huo Ming orders Tao.

"Yes Meng Lei nodded in a hurry.

In the warehouse, Luo Yanxi sits quietly on the chair and turns the teacup in his hand. As the day goes by.

Huo Xiaochen walked into the room and stood in front of the woman. Her cold voice floated out of her thin lips. "After waiting all day, he didn't come. Did you disappoint me? It's a pity that you have such a good plan and so many neon lights. Even I think he can't wait to save you! "

Luo Yanxi's fingers holding the cup tightened. "What are you talking about?"

Huo Xiaochen grinned coldly, "what am I talking about? You know very well. Are you in such a good mood to listen to me sing? Is this Platycodon hairpin yours? My men found it by the river. Are you leaving a message for Huo Mingxiu? Luo Yanxi, I really doubt whether you have amnesia! Do you forget your past because of amnesia, or do you choose amnesia because you want to forget your past? Even if you lose your memory, do you have to believe him? "

The man roared bitterly. When his men found that the hairpin by the river was given to him, his head would explode.

Platycodon grandiflorum is the promise of Huo Mingxiu and Luo Yanxi, but now Luo Yanxi is using it to leave a message to the man.

He immediately wanted to understand why she agreed to cooperate with her so happily last night. It turned out that she just wanted to paralyze him and let him take her out!

His hand was holding the Platycodon grandiflorum, and the hairpin broke into pieces in his hand.

Luo Yan Xi looks at the fragment that falls on the ground, gloomy Mou light is introverted. She and Yu Yang escape from the hospital and return to the villa. She takes the hairpin. She remembers that the flower language of Platycodon grandiflorum is Eternal love!

Her tears kept rolling down, which he wore in her hair. That night, she cried for a long time.

No matter how conscious her brain is, what she is doing is the right decision, but her heart is killing her!

At that time, she realized that this man was so important in her heart!

The next day she was robbed here by Huo Xiaochen. Just like Huo Xiaochen said, she pretended to cooperate with him in order to let him take her out.

But after she went out, she knew that she had no chance to run away, not to mention the stacked warehouses. Even if she ran out, there was a lot of confusion around here. There were no people or cars nearby. How could she escape?

She thought that Huo Mingxiu would look for her everywhere when he found out that she was missing, so she asked Huo Xiaochen to light a neon light by singing. Finally, she quietly dropped the hairpin, which he gave her. She thought that if his people found this, he would recognize it, but he didn't expect that Huo Xiaochen's people found it.

"I left this for Huo Mingxiu on purpose." She answered coldly, without denying it.

Huo Xiaochen's face was cold to the extreme, "Luo Yanxi! Is that how you believe him? Do you even ignore your parents' enmity? "

Luo Yanxi waved away the man and suddenly grabbed his chin finger, "Huo Xiaochen, no matter whether I believe him or not, I will not believe you! In Huoshi, he is your enemy. You kidnap me just to coerce him. I'm just a chess piece in your hand. You're using me! I don't ask him for help, do I ask you for help? Tomorrow is the day for the board of directors to re elect the president. The position of president is planned by you and your father. Don't tell me, have you ever thought of threatening him with my life? "

For Huo Xiaochen's words, she did not believe, including her parents! Because she is very clear that Huo Xiaochen is making use of himself. Naturally, she will not believe all of his words.Huo Xiao Chen chilly of wildly smile, "say well, originally you even thought of these.". Unfortunately, you believe the wrong person! He has not come to save you up to now, but you are right. The position of president is so important to me. How can I give up this position! So now it's time to use your life to get him in. The Huo family and the Luo family are deadly enemies. If he uses the Huo family's power to save you, do you think tomorrow's position as president will still be his

He has got accurate information. Director Wang and other directors have defected in favor of Huo Mingxiu. Thanks to his people who have given him such important information, otherwise he will be defeated tomorrow.

But now he still has time to change the ending!

The position of president is too important for him, this woman can only be reduced to a victim!

"What do you want?" Luo Yan Xi Xiu eyebrow a Cu, already felt the dangerous breath.

Huo Xiaochen pulls the corner of her cold lip and holds her small face in her cool palm. "You'll know what I want in a moment. It's a pity that no matter how much he spends on your life, he can't protect you!"

His fingers are dancing on her smooth face. The woman is in his hand now. He suddenly lowers his head to kiss her lips. This is his last chance to get her!

Luo Yanxi turned his head to avoid his lips, and at the same time, he raised his foot to kick the man's key. He caught the man's wrist with his backhand and turned his hand back with his fingers.

When Huo Xiaochen realized the woman's action, he dodged her leg backward and slashed her neck with the other hand. Luo Yanxi can only withdraw his hand to block his hand, two people fight together.

Luo Yanxi didn't expect that Huo Xiaochen's Kung Fu would be so good. In her impression, he has always been a sick boy. He didn't leave the hospital when he was a child. It turned out that he was dormant so deeply.

He has been showing weakness to make people think that he is just a harmless waste man.

Although Huo Xiaochen's martial arts are not as good as Huo Mingxiu's, he is still rich in dealing with Luo Yanxi. After turning around, he grabs Luo Yanxi by the wrist and presses her on the bed.

Luo Yan Xi gasps lightly, and his short breath hits the man's face.

Huo Xiaochen's cold eyes gradually rose with a flash of fire, and his voice was hoarse. "Luo Yanxi, why can't you be with me? You didn't have to die

Even if she gave him the illusion of loving him, he thought that he would not let this woman die. He lowered his head to kiss her again. He wanted to get this woman before she died!

Luo Yan Xi twisted his head, hiding the man's lips, "don't, Huo Xiaochen, you let me go!"

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