"Let go? Why should I let you go? You're just a pawn in my hand now. I'll do what I want to do with you! "

He released a hand has begun to untie her clothes, at the same time, bow, thin lips have bitten her neck, just like a vampire bite.

This woman let him love and hate, that kind of hate, let him hate to the extreme.

"Even if I die, I will not be with you. I will only hate you!"

Luo Yan's angry roar made her neck hurt. She knew that he had bitten her neck. She knew very well that Huo Xiaochen would not let himself go today.

For this man, she sympathized, now, only disgust and hate.

Huo Xiaochen's tip of tongue licks the wound on her neck and raises her eyes to coagulate the hatred in her eyes.

Sure enough, it's more difficult for this woman to fall in love with him than to ascend to heaven. It's just his wishful thinking!

Whether she remembers Huo Mingxiu or not, she will not fall in love with him!

"Luo Yanxi, since I was born, I have never got anything beautiful. Those things never belong to me, only belong to Huo Mingxiu! I thought you would be an exception, but it seems I'm wrong. Do you know how I treat those beautiful things that don't belong to me? I would rather destroy them than give them to Huo Mingxiu! So, you wait to die! How painful would it be to watch your lover die in front of you? "

He got up from her and went out with a cold smile.

Luo Yanxi quickly gets up from the bed. Her brain keeps spinning. What will he do to her?

Besides, will that man come?

Her heart is mercilessly pulling, for oneself, also for Huo Mingxiu!

Suddenly, she heard footsteps and door closing outside the room. She knew they were all gone.

In the dead night, a moment later, the sound of the chain came faintly from the distance. It was the sound of their closing the last iron door outside.

After a while, Luo Yanxi smelled a pungent smell, it was gasoline!


Her heart suddenly raised throat eye, originally Huo Xiao Chen is to want to burn to death her.

Yes, the fire is the most obvious in the middle of the night. In this way, he can attract Huo Mingxiu.

She ran to the door of the room, no suspense, the door has been locked, heavy iron door is not she can open, her eyes quickly in the room flow, in the end how to go out?

Huo Mingxiu has found the fire in the distance. He knows that Huo Xiaochen has gone to the warehouse. He has been waiting. When he leaves, he will go to save people.

This time, except for Meng Lei, he didn't move a member of the Huo family. His father sent someone to monitor the transfer of company personnel. Once he brought people out, his father would soon know.

So this time he found LAN Ke'er, and she selected the elite of Luo family to give him.

"No, there's a fire over there. What should we do? Shall I call the fire engine? "

Seeing the fire, Xiao Lan was worried.

Huo Mingxiu's brow was locked into a Sichuan character, "Huo Xiaochen is going to lead me here. How can people put out the fire? You take people here to meet, and I'll take people to save Xi'er!"

Huo Mingxiu said that he had taken people to run towards the warehouse.

"Master, with so many warehouses, where is Miss Xi?"

Meng Lei rushed to the warehouse near the silly eyes, so many warehouses on fire, they simply do not know where Luo Yan Xi.

Huo Mingxiu's mobile phone suddenly rings at this time. He takes a look at the caller ID and connects it quickly.

"Ha ha, Huo Mingxiu, you didn't disappoint me. You really came!"

Huo Mingxiu's hand clutched the mobile phone to death, whistling out, "Huo Xiaochen, where do you shut Xi'er?"

"Guess what? Go to find it, or your beauty will be gone. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I installed a bomb in it. I don't know when it will turn to ashes. Ha ha, Huo Mingxiu, you can't even find the body. It's a pity that the beauty's embryo will be gone. "

Huo Xiaochen sat in the car in the distance, looking at the light of the fire and laughing wildly.

Huo Mingxiu hangs up his mobile phone, takes out his pistol and breaks the chain on the door. Several people push the door open and run in to find someone, but after looking all over the warehouse, there is no sign of Luo Yanxi.

Huo Mingxiu's eye light sweeps through the warehouse, he is sure Huo Xiaochen won't put Xi'er in the warehouse near him.

But the fire by the wind at night, quickly spread to the next warehouse, the fire devoured a large warehouse.

A cold sweat oozed from his forehead. He didn't have time to look for it one by one.

"Come on, run in different directions!" He gave orders to his men.

Sure enough, his voice just dropped, a place already rang out the gunshot.

Huo Ming eyebrows low pressure, "go that way!"

Huo Xiaochen arranges killers all around Xi'er.

All the people were fighting back and heading for the warehouse where the gunfire broke out, but when they arrived, the warehouse had been set on fire.Huo Mingxiu rushed in quickly, but the killer still stopped them fiercely and didn't allow them to get close.

Luo Yanxi hears the gunfire outside in the room. She knows that Huo Mingxiu is coming.

At that moment, her heart missed a few beats, did he really come to save her?

Didn't he know that Huo Xiaochen had set up a trap?

The temperature around her is getting higher and higher, the walls are burning from time to time, and the strong smoke is gradually pouring into her room. What she can't ignore is the nightmarish ticking of bombs. Her time is running out.

Her teeth clenched her lower lip and quickly tore the sheets in her hand. They were connected one by one, ten meters long.

No matter what grudges they had in the past, at least now she didn't want Huo Xiaochen to succeed, and she didn't want to be burned here.

The next moment, she picked up the wooden chair and knocked it to the ground. She used enough strength, and the chair was so shaking that it hurt. After several knocks, the chair was finally broken by her. She took down a long piece of wood and tied a cloth rope. Then he picked up the things on the table and smashed them at the small window.

With a clang sound, the small window was smashed, and she flew the wood out of the window.

Luo Yanxi happily pulls the cloth rope. The long piece of wood is just stuck on the small window. She pulls the cloth rope up. A wall behind her is already burning, and the fire is spreading wantonly.

She climbed up to the small window and found that it couldn't be opened because of rust.

Her heart suddenly tightens, and the smoke has surrounded her. If she consumes it like this, she will be choked to death by the smoke.

She hung herself on the windowsill, took out the wood and smashed the remaining glass fragments one after another. From time to time, the glass fragments scratched her arm, and blood had been flowing down her arm.

At this time, the wall on this side was on fire. She held her breath and climbed out of the window regardless of the pain

It's so easy to breathe fresh air, but it's full of flames all around. She doesn't dare to stop for a moment. She quickly slides down. Suddenly, the cloth rope in her hand is burned off, and her whole body falls to the ground from the air.

At the moment of landing, she released the power of falling. Looking back at the warehouse, she was engulfed by the fire.

She stood up and looked around. This was the back of the warehouse. The fierce gunfire was in the front of the warehouse.

Huo Mingxiu is still there! She raised her foot and ran forward.

The fire in the warehouse made half of the sky red, and the more fierce one was the man who killed the red eye.

Huo Mingxiu seems to be crazy. He takes up his gun and shoots at the killers. He doesn't even hide the bullets. The killers blocking the door fall down one after another. At that moment, he throws down his gun and runs into the burning warehouse.


Luo Yanxi shouts and rushes to her. For some reason, a picture appears in her head. At the moment of explosion in her memory, Huo Mingxiu rushes to her picture.

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