Meng Lei looked at him as like as two peas. His little stubborn temper was just like his master.

"Master's operation can't be finished at the moment, and if master knows that you don't treat the injury, he will be distressed. When he comes out of the operating room, he will be angry!"

Meng Lei can think of the reasons to say, persuade Luo Yan Xi.

Luo Yan Xi this just one step three turn head to the outpatient room walk, but didn't walk a few steps and turn back.

"Meng Lei, go and call the doctor for me to bandage the wound. I won't leave here!"

Meng Lei looked at her insistence on the appearance, can only give up, soon, the doctor was called over.

Doctor this depressed ah, how this is a wound in the operating room!

This time he can learn smart, what words didn't dare to say, sharp of Luo Yan Xi's wound to bandage.

Luo Yanxi's wound is just a glass cut on his arm. The wound is not deep. Just apply medicine.

"Xiao Xi!" A man's voice came out of the corridor.

Luo Yan Xi lift Mou to see saw Chu white and support his Luo Yi.

"Xiaobai, how is your injury? I'm sorry I haven't come to see you When she saw Chu Bai, she realized that she was busy forgetting her friend.

Chu Bai came to sit beside Luo Yanxi, "my injury is nothing, by the way, how about brother Huo?"

Luo Yan Xi Mou color a dark, "he is injured very seriously, still in operation."

"Don't worry, brother Huo will be OK!" He took Luo Yanxi's hand and gave her a little comfort.

Even if he already knew that the person in front of him, no matter body or heart, was the man's, but he still couldn't help but want to care about her.

Luo Yan Xi toward Chu Bai pulled to pull lip Cape, "thank you!"

No matter when, her blue face can always give her the greatest comfort.

Luo Yi looks at the hand that they hold tightly, the facial expression is not very good-looking, come from her now, Luo Yan Xi doesn't even look at her one eye, and Chu white soft eyes make her envy more!

In the villa of Luo family, the more Luo Zi looks at the man who jumps into the window, she knows that he has failed again.

However, this result is exactly what she wants, otherwise, how could he find a way to let her marry Huo Mingxiu!

"Huo Mingxiu is in hospital. He can't get out these days, but Roy is in the hospital. You should take advantage of this time to get pregnant quickly, so that when he dies, you can pay more attention to mother and son!"

Luo Ziyu's face turned pale. These days, she would go to a beauty salon. Of course, she didn't go to a beauty salon. She just went there to hide her eyes and ears.

This is Huo Xiaochen's arrangement. The nurse in the beauty salon will send the tadpole into her body through a syringe. She really didn't know where Huo Xiaochen came from.

However, only she knew that no matter how much he got, she would not be pregnant.

Huo Xiaochen coagulated the woman's white face, "how? Not yet? "

"Well, this method has a low pregnancy rate, and this kind of thing is not what you want."

She finds a reason to prevaricate Huo Xiaochen.

"Yes? It seems that there is only another way. You don't have to go to the beauty salon tomorrow. I'll ask someone to send you the medicine. Just take it according to the instructions. "

Luo son more surprised listen to Huo Xiao Chen's words, so simple? Take medicine to be able to be pregnant?

"Yes. And then what? "

"And then..." Huo Xiao Chen cold hum a, the side of the mouth peeps out the Yin evil smile, "then is his dead time! But Roy is a problem. You have to find a way to get rid of her first

Luo Ziyu was very clear that he was talking about Huo Mingxiu, but now she had no feeling for the words "his death".

Huo Mingxiu's determination to her has already made her a stone heart!

Of course, she has to deal with not only Huo Mingxiu, but also Huo Xiaochen. She wants to use Huo Xiaochen to help her become the head of the Huo family, and then deal with the people she wants to deal with. All those people should die!

"Roy? Don't worry, I'll clean her up. " The corner of her mouth is soaked with a cold smile, and she dares to compete with her for the position of the female leader. She sees that the woman is impatient.

She raised her hand and looked at the bright red nutmeg on her nails. She wanted to think of a good way to kill two birds with one stone!

In the quiet hospital corridor, Luo Yanxi's eyes are staring at the red warning light on the operating room for a few hours. The man's operation is not finished.

"Chubai, it's too long for you to come out. Let me help you to go back and have a rest." Said Roy, taking chubai's arm.

"I'm fine. If you're tired, go back first." How can Chu Bai be willing to leave Luo Yanxi alone!

Luo Yan Xi turns his head to see to Chu Bai, pour is she neglect, how forget he is still a patient now.

"Xiaobai, your injury is not good, you can't be too tired, go back to rest! I'll just wait for him here! ""I'm really all right, Xiao Xi, don't worry." Chubai insisted.

"No! Chubai, you must listen to me this time. Go back to rest quickly! Otherwise, when your elder brother comes, I will tell him how to deal with you! "

When Chu Bai heard his brother's name, his scalp felt numb.

"All right, I'll go back first and wait for brother Huo to tell me."

Luo Yi's face is heavy, how she says doesn't work, Luo Yan Xi says a few words, he obeys.

Her heart like knot a knot in one's heart, looking at Chu white to stand up, she also followed to stand up, hold his arm.

Chu white side head looks to Luo Yi, "Luo Yi, please accompany small Xi!"

"But you need to be supported when you walk!" Roy looks at Luo Yan resentfully.

Luo Yanxi naturally didn't notice Luo Yi's expression, but she saw that Chu Bai's leg was not good enough, "I'm ok, let Luo Yi help you go back!"

Chu white eyebrow Cu rises, tone rare some tough get up, "I a man even the ward all can't go back?"

This is an insult to his male dignity. Why can Huo Mingxiu protect her again and again, and he can't even go back to the ward himself!

Men's thinking is really different from women's. Luo Yanxi can't understand how Chu Bai suddenly gets angry.

"Well, be careful on the way." Luo Yanxi said softly.

Roy watched with dismay as chubai limped to the other end of the corridor.

She knows that he loves Luo Yanxi, but she guards other men and doesn't care about Chu Bai at all. Such things make her very angry for Chu Bai!

"Sophie, no, Luo Yanxi, chubai is still injured. Don't you send him back to the ward?"

Luo Yan Xi a Zheng, "but the operation is not over, his operation is very dangerous!"

"But do you know how good chubai is to you? He called your name when he was in a coma, and do you know how much he hurt? Why can you ignore him for the sake of other men Roy got excited uncontrollably.

If this man loves her, she will cherish his love!

"I..." Luo Yanxi just wanted to explain to Luo Yi that the red light outside the operating room went out, and she ran quickly.

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