The doctor came out from the operating room, and Luo Yanxi came forward and caught him.

"How is he?"

"I'm alive, but I'm too hurt. I won't wake up until later..."

The doctor's words haven't finished, Luo Yanxi doesn't care what he says. She only hears that the man inside is alive, and sees that the pushing bed comes out of the operating room. She runs to it in a hurry.

"Huo Mingxiu..." She whispered. Even though she knew he couldn't hear her now, she couldn't help calling his name. She held the man's stretcher and followed him back to the ward.

Luo Yi looks at Luo Yan Xi's nervous expression, her heart is more uncomfortable.

Luo Yanxi is so nervous that Huo Mingxiu knows that there is no Chu Bai in his heart, but what about Chu Bai? She turned and walked back to chubai's ward.

"Why are you back? Is the operation over? How about Xiao Xi? " Chubai asked as soon as he saw Roy coming back.

"The operation is over. Huo Mingxiu is OK. She has sent him back to the ward."

Luo Yi bit his lower lip and said, "chubai, Luo Yanxi is very nervous. Huo Mingxiu, I think you'd better not love her!"

Dead silence, chubai did not speak, Roy's words stepped on his painful feet. How can he not know that Xiao Xi's lover is brother Huo!

No matter before or now, no matter how hard he tries, she will only be brother Huo.

It's just that the human brain can be rational, but the heart is difficult to achieve.

He clearly knows, but still can't help but want to care about her!

"Chubai, she's not worth your love. In fact..."

"Go away!"

Before she finished speaking, Roy was shocked by the roar of the man. Her tears rolled in her eyes. When did she, the princess of the Raleigh family, suffer such injustice?

Since she met Chu Bai, she has suffered from all kinds of grievances. From boiling water and feeding medicine to scrubbing and taking care of his daily life, she has never done anything.

But the man couldn't see at all, and he still wanted to yell at her!

But did she say something wrong? A person who doesn't love himself is not worth loving even if he is good, isn't he?

Why can't he find someone to love him?

She turned and ran out, tears rolling out of control from her big eyes.

For a moment, Chu Bai woke up from his anger and realized that his gaffe was just What about the Lois?

He got up and took his walking stick to find her.

In Huo Mingxiu's ward, Luo Yanxi carefully scrubbed his body. Although the doctor had cleaned it during the operation, she still felt it was not clean enough.

She lifted the quilt and wiped him with a warm towel. Her eyes glided over his body. She had never looked at his body so carefully, although they had been intimate.

At this time, the man still didn't wake up. Fortunately, he didn't wake up, otherwise she would be too embarrassed to see him.

But even now, her little face is still floating out of control, but I have to admit that the man's figure is really attractive, which makes her scalp numb.

"Do you like it?"

Suddenly, the male voice really scared her.

"Ah?" Her little face turned red instantly!

"I'm, I'm wiping you."

The doctor killed her. Didn't he say he was going to wake up later?

Huo Mingxiu looked at the woman's small face with great interest, and the corners of his mouth curved out a charming arc.

"I know you're showering me. Come here!" He reached for her with his big hand.

Luo Yan passed timidly and put his hand in the man's broad palm.

"Are you awake? Why are you awake now? " She whispered that she would not stare at him so carefully if he woke up so soon.

The man chuckled, "what? Don't you want me to wake up? "

Ever since he was licked by lions and beasts, his body's ability to repair itself has been extraordinary. It was only how long before the scar on his shoulder was much lighter. He thought that's why he woke up so quickly this time.

"No!" Luo Yanxi quickly explained how she didn't want him to wake up. She wanted him better than anyone else!

Huo Mingxiu grabs her little hand, and Muran uses force. The little woman falls into his arms as he wishes.

"No Your wound She was so frightened that she wanted to spring up for fear of crushing his wound.

But the man's long arm locked her tightly, "it's OK, holding you won't hurt!"

Luo Yanxi's nose was sour, and he crawled on his chest, with the other hand touching his face, "Huo Mingxiu, I don't want you to do anything! You must be good! "

"Well." He hummed, looking up and biting her ear, "baby, I will always guard you! Life or death

Just like the oath of Platycodon grandiflorum, forever!

"Don't talk about death!" Her hand covered his mouth.Huo Mingxiu is low to smile, the tooth lightly bites her palm, how to do, even if the wound becomes this appearance, his body still has a reaction to her.

He clasped her head in his big hand and whispered in her ear, "baby, you haven't answered my question! Do you like it? I miss you now... "

Luo Yan Xi Dun three seconds to understand the meaning of men's words, a small face red to blood.

"Baby..." A man's hoarse voice lingers in a woman's ear, wringing his unique male charm. His lips sweep over her ear ring, and his teeth nibble at her ear beads. "Xi'er, do you like to let 'he' love you?"

She dodged his lips, and his lips swept the tender meat on her ears, like goose feathers, across the itch on her heart. Her whole body trembled uncontrollably, her head retracted subconsciously, but she couldn't help but want to get close to him and expect more feelings from him.

The man's big hand pulled her head over, face to face with him, let her red lips fall on his lips, gently kissing her lips.

Luo Yanxi's hands broke away from his hands, and his arms were on both sides of his body, supporting his body for fear of pressing his wound.

She didn't refuse his kiss. She also wanted to love him and give him all he wanted!

She just felt that all the air in her body was sucked away by men, and her brain was completely cut off because of lack of oxygen, catering to all the actions of men. It wasn't until the man's hand came under her coat that she realized what she was doing?

She turned to break away from the man's lips and inhaled the long lost air. The hot and humid air hit the man's face. A small hand pressed the man's big hand tightly.

"No! You just had the operation! " Now that she has decided to be with him, she will not pretend to be intimate with these lovers, and they have already done it. It's just that he just had such a big operation. How can he do these things!

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