However, the man did not take back his hand, instead, he used the other hand to drag the woman's whole body onto him.

"I hurt my back."

He hasn't touched her for several days. He really wants to swallow her up.

"No!" Luo Yan Xi shyly exclaimed, "no, your body can't, wait for you, we'll..."

Just now, because of blood loss and transfusion, how dare she let him use her physical strength again? These things can be done when he is well.

"Worried about me, huh?" His lips were pecking at her neck.

Only he knows, although his injury is not good, but his physical strength has really recovered almost.

Luo Yan Xi pursed his lower lip tightly, and the picture that his back was all red with blood appeared in his brain.

Her lips trembled, and her eyes were full of water. She tightly coagulated the man's deep eyes, "yes, I'm worried about you! I was worried about you! You know what? When you were sent to the operating room, I was so afraid of losing you

The man hugs her tightly, it is impossible not to be excited, this is the first time since she came back to admit his feelings for him!

"Baby! My girl! I won't let you lose me, because I'm also reluctant to lose you! "

Luo Yan Xi gently kisses his lips, coaxes the man like a child, "then don't want it today, wait for you, I'll give it to you."

Huo Mingxiu enjoyed the little woman's kiss, his lips gently responded to her, "OK, I won't do it today, but you said you gave it to me! Well, baby, don't go back then! "

He didn't take any further action. He couldn't bear to let the little woman worry. Besides, now his forbearance can get more benefits.

Luo Yanxi's face was red and her whole body was burning. She understood the meaning of the man's words. It is clear that she should take the initiative, but she seems to have no room to go back.

Fortunately, it will be fulfilled after he is ready. Now she can only think like an ostrich. It's just that she ignored the first words of a man. The next day, she realized that playing word games with a real businessman was beyond her capacity.

Roy depressed walk in the garden, grievance tears rolling down, constantly scolding himself, why should like chubai? Clearly know that he loves others, but also like him.

All of a sudden, a woman came across. She felt familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her.

The woman approached her with a smile, but the smile was cold, and Roy subconsciously turned to a fork in the road. But the woman followed.

Roy stopped abruptly and turned to face the woman. "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

The woman chuckled. "It's a joke. Huo Mingxiu's two fiancees don't know anyone. Hello, I'm Luo Ziyu

Luo Ziyu extended his hand to Luo Yi and said.

Roy was stunned for a second before she got used to her identity. She almost forgot that she had promised Huo Mingxiu to play his fiancee for him.

She didn't reach out to shake hands with Luo Ziyu. She just looked at her coldly. She had seen too many fights in the harem on the island. She didn't believe that Luo Ziyu would have any good things if he came to her! She wanted to see what the woman was up to.

"What's the matter?" She asked coldly.

Luo son more hook under lip Cape, take back own hand, face don't have a bit of embarrassment.

"I just came to see you. After all, we are all Huo Mingxiu's fiancees. We'd better get to know each other earlier and get to know each other better. In the future, we will live together under the same roof. We are sisters!"

Roy is disgusted. How can a woman talk to another woman when she hears that her husband has another woman.

Her eyes are deep. This woman can really pretend to be forced. Unfortunately, she grew up watching the living version of Gong Xinji. How dare she fight with her?

Hum! Although she is simple and kind, she is definitely not a bully. Otherwise, on the island, she would not let Yilan bully her to death.

"Are we going to be under the same roof? Why didn't I hear Huo Mingxiu say that we should live together? But don't worry, I'm not a mean person. I'll let him arrange a place for you! "

Her eyes dipped with a smile, pretending to be forced to die! She saw how the woman continued to pretend.

Luo Ziyu's face was really wonderful. She never thought that the girl who looked like a babe doll could say such words.

Give her a place to live? Isn't it clear that she is a concubine?

Damn it! She hasn't settled with Roy yet, but she's putting her in the first place!

She bit her teeth hard and said with a stiff smile, "you don't have to worry about this. If you marry into the Huo family, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Huo family. Naturally, I will serve my parents-in-law."

Can live in the Huo family's mansion to serve the father-in-law's left and right, is the wife! It's not only the Huo family, it's the same with any rich family. Only the outer room can live outside.

Roy's thick eyes covered his low emotion, and sure enough, two words dug out the woman's mind."So it is. I'll trouble you. Huo Mingxiu and I are going to live in his villa."

Luo Ziyu's hand is clenched tightly. She lives in the villa with Huo Ming xiuhan, but she wants to live in the mansion!

This woman clearly wants to monopolize Huo Mingxiu!

Her heart was choked up.

The next moment, she said with a smile, "after that, I will trouble you to take care of brother Mingxiu for me."

Want to piss her off? Unfortunately, she is no longer interested in Huo Mingxiu. What she wants is the right and status of the Huo family and the inexhaustible wealth!

If she wants to keep Huo Mingxiu, let her keep it. Anyway, the man won't live long. Besides, she hasn't achieved her goal today, so she can't fall out now.

"No trouble. My own man, of course, has to take care of himself."

Luo Yi complacently raises head, she does not believe Luo Zi more in the heart will be comfortable, can't help but in the heart secretly smile, see she doesn't suffocate her to death!

Luo Ziyu's smile was stiff on his face. He walked forward two steps and approached Luo Yi.

"I'm an orphan girl. I have nothing else to ask for if I can get the love of brother Mingxiu and marry into the Huo family, but my cousin is not a good master. I'm afraid she will harm brother Mingxiu!"

Luo Yi is a Zheng, she comes to South City and is busy taking care of Chu Bai, have not made clear to the character relation here!

"Who is your cousin?"

Luo Ziyu's face darkened and looked sad, but the corners of his lips brought up a smile that was difficult for outsiders to observe. Finally got to the point.

"My cousin is Luo Yanxi! Don't you know? Ah! My cousin killed his ex fiancee in order to fight with brother Mingxiu. Later she hurt me. Now you are here, you should be careful not to let her hurt you! She's very scheming, and she's born with a lot of water. She not only dominates Mingxiu's brother, but also Chu Bai, who grew up together. Unfortunately, Chu Bai was infatuated with her, but he didn't know that he was fooled by this woman. Do you know, there was a Qin Peng before, who was also her guest of arms! "

Luo Ziyu's eyes were fixed on Luo Yi for a moment. As expected, Luo Yi's face became more and more ugly.

Originally, Luo Yi didn't respond much to her words. Anyway, she and Huo Mingxiu were not real. But when Luo Zi mentioned Chu Bai more, her heart tightened.

Luo Yan Xi is really like what Luo Ziyu said, playing Chu Bai!

But he has been kept in the dark, what else Actually Luo Yanxi has a man?

Luo Yanxi! I won't allow you to hurt chubai!

Limping out of white finally found the garden, far away to see Roy talking with Luo Ziyu, his heart a tight, leaning on crutches quickly walk past.

"Luoziyu! What are you doing here? Come here, Roy He orders coldly, and without waiting for Roy to come over completely, he drags her behind him, for fear that Luo Zi will hurt her more.

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