A slap from the old man of Chu came over, and Chu Haotian was slapped solidly.

Although old man Chu was old, he had been in the army when he was young, and his strength was not ambiguous at all. With this slap, Chu Haotian felt numb on half of his face, and then he began to ache.

"Son of a bitch! Tell me what you just said again

Shen Ping took a cool breath. The old man was completely angry this time.

Chu Haotian now where to manage so much, his heart is still not satisfied, but the same words, he did not say the second time after all!

He also knows that it's really

In this case, he did not say it twice, but his determination remained the same!

This time, get this slap, he also recognized, his grandfather, is not to call back!

He tried his best to calm himself down and said in a slow voice: "sorry, Grandpa, please calm down first. Today is not a good time to talk. Let's calm down and talk about it another day! I can depend on anything, but I'm in charge of my own marriage. I know I shouldn't, but Lu Lingxi I must be with her! I just love her, can't leave her, she just died, mother, she now only me, I won't leave her! I can promise anything, but she is my bottom line

After that, he immediately raised his feet and went to the gate.


Chu Nanwei was angry. Chu Haotian stopped for a long time, but he still didn't look back. He said stubbornly, "she has no news from me. She must be very anxious. I want to go back to find her. If you don't want me to leave, you'd better not stop me!"

Is this a threat?

How unreasonable!

The old man of Chu knocked on the ground twice with his crutch. He was obviously very angry. He was out of breath and said, "you It's the opposite! Lao Ji, stop him for me! "

Old season has been waiting outside the door, this time with the old man back to Nancheng, in addition to him, there are two other big men.

When they heard the old man's command, they immediately gathered around and blocked the door to death.

Chu Hao's heart is awe inspiring. He knows that these are not as simple as ordinary bodyguards. All of them have been in the special forces. No matter how capable he is, he can't fight others. What's more, now he is still fighting one against three.

"Young master, I have offended..."

Chu Haotian frowned, not stupid enough to fight with them.

He had to turn his head, look at his grandfather, gritted his teeth and said: "grandfather, do you have to do this?"

Chu Nanwei was always in charge of others. He threatened him even if he was not allowed to, let alone his grandson.

Chu Haotian's temper is hard one point, he is even hard three points.

With a calm face, Master Chu waved his hand and said to the three men, "take him upstairs and lock him up. Don't correct this attitude until I'm satisfied. Don't let him go out. And cut off all the connections between him and the outside world!"


This time, it was Chu Bai who pleaded.

He knew that his grandfather was serious, and it was useless just to ask for help, so he said: "grandfather, I don't think it's right? You shut your brother up at home. What about the company? The company is the painstaking efforts of you and your father, or... "

"Isn't there you?"

Chu Nan Wei was tough this time, and his eyes were awe inspiring. "I don't believe it. Chu can't do without him. Do you really think the earth won't turn without him? How dare you threaten me! Xiaobai, the company has you first... "


Chu Bai wanted to say something more, but it was obvious that Master Chu had no intention to talk to him again.

Shen Ping stops her little son. Now it's no use trying to persuade him.

Chu Haotian was brought to the room.

The moment the door was locked, he couldn't help shouting, "do you have to force me like this? Don't regret... "

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai..."

He clapped the door and called to Chu Bai continuously, but Chu Bai knew what he meant.

What he is most worried about now is nothing more than Lu Lingxi.

For this matter, the family uproar for several hours to stop, chubai and Roy will grandfather and mother are advised to peace, and Roy mother and son arranged, and then out of the door.

He said he would go to the company to have a look

The situation outside the company was as chaotic as expected, surrounded by a large group of reporters. They would not miss any chance to report on Chu Haotian and Mo Tingting.

After Chu Bai arrived at the company, the first thing he did was to find Secretary Li. He got Lu Lingxi's phone number from Secretary Li, and then dialed her.

Chu Haotian is right. Without Chu Haotian's news, Lu Lingxi is almost mad.

When the phone rings, she instantly connects the phone, and an anxious voice comes out of the microphone, "hello...""Lu Lingxi? It's me

"Little white?"

"Well, where are you? I'll find you

Lu Lingxi knows that Chu Bai says that he wants to find her. It must have something to do with Chu Haotian.

After she was forcibly taken away by Wang Shengyu in the middle of last night, he was going to take her to his place, but she didn't want to. He stayed in the car with her all night, and the next day he brought her to his studio.

Lu Lingxi can't help it. She wanted to go back, but there is a reporter lurking outside the house where she and Chu Haotian lived. She doesn't know how to deal with it, and she can't contact Chu Haotian all the time. She doesn't know what to do.

Those photos hurt her eyes, her heart She also wanted to give herself a little confidence, but she found that every minute without him was so hard, she had been holding a mobile phone, and was about to become neurotic.

Then, she can't stand it and starts to think wildly. She has nothing. Doesn't she even want him?

Until she received a call from Chu Bai, she quickly told him the address here and couldn't wait to know the current situation of Chu Haotian.

At the same time, Chu Haotian, who was locked in the room, was also anxious.

He knew that his grandfather was here for real this time. His stubborn temper was as good as his grandfather's. it was mostly like this since he was a child. After every conflict, he refused to admit his mistake. His grandfather couldn't get off the stage, and no one wanted to be soft first.

In the end, most of them came to plead with their mothers, which gradually ended.

But, mother

At dinner time, Shen Ping personally brought him dinner. However, this time, she didn't try to persuade him. She just came to deliver the dinner without saying a word.


"Mom, talk to your grandfather. You ask him to let me out! Mom... " He knew that his mother was the softest and would not abandon him if he begged twice.

From the moment Shen Ping married into the Chu family, she was loved by the whole family. Especially after Chu Haotian's father died, Chu's father also loved her, so he was very protective of her. If she said that, he would listen to her.

Chu Haotian is holding the idea that his mother is his only hope.

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