However, when Shen Ping heard her son calling her, she just looked back at him, then said nothing and left.

Chu Haotian always felt that there was a little bit of confusion and pain in his mother's eyes.

He knew that maybe his words had hurt his mother's heart! So what is he going to do?

He didn't want to blame, and he knew he shouldn't say that about his mother.

But what about the grievances he suffered?

Inexplicably, he was designed to have a night's sleep with a woman he didn't like, and now he's still under soft confinement at home. Do you still have to accept their arrangements for his marriage?

In the evening, chubai came in to see him. Anyway, it's not about looking at the prisoners. As long as Chu Haotian doesn't go out, Lao Ji and others let others walk around at will. Chu Bai comes in and tells him that he has seen Lu Lingxi this afternoon.

Chu Haotian heard that he probably told Lu Lingxi what happened when he met him. He was a little relieved.

If only Lu Lingxi didn't go back to their home, otherwise she would have no idea how to deal with those troublesome reporters.

She also knew that he was locked at home by his grandfather. He didn't want to leave her alone.

However, when he knew that Lu Lingxi was taken away by Wang Shengyu, he could not calm down.

What happened to that Wang? He's everywhere. What does he want to do? Now that he can't go out, he wants to take advantage of the danger, doesn't he?

There's no door!

But what should we do?

He is so anxious that he can't sleep at night. It's obviously not the way to break out. Let alone he is not the opponent of those people. If he can't escape, he will be more difficult to go out in the future.

Well, what if he admits his mistake first and asks his grandfather to forgive him?

In the past, he never bowed his head in front of the old man, let alone he was right this time.

But, who cares! If you are a man, you should find a way to go out first!

He made up his mind. He thought that he would talk to his grandfather tomorrow morning! He can't go on like this any longer.

However, when the next day came, the Mo family came to the door again, and even Mo Tingting's father, who was in charge of daily affairs, also came. What he did was nothing more than the unexpected incident between him and Mo Tingting.

He was still as confused as the day before.

Mo Tingting that woman, but from the beginning to the end did not show up, no matter how he defended, no mo Tingting face-to-face confrontation, all people will think that something happened that night.

As a result, the two elders almost reached an agreement.

This matter has already started. The things spread through the Internet can't be wiped out completely. Therefore, in order to protect the face and common interests of the two families, the best way is to let them get married.

Or, that's the only way!

When Chu Haotian heard this, he was so angry that he couldn't resist it!

The idea of bowing down and admitting one's mistake disappeared in an instant. It was not only the internal affairs of their family, but also the family surnamed mo. the whole thing suddenly became complicated.

If he is soft hearted, doesn't it mean that he agrees to arrange his marriage with them?

No, absolutely not!

Therefore, he and his grandfather not only failed to reach a consensus, but also became more rigid.

What to do? Are you just waiting to die?

He had to discuss in front of his grandfather and mother, but now he was pressed by the Mo family step by step. Chu Haotian was almost forced to a dead corner, and there was no way out.

However, there is no way to seek help.

Now the situation is not small, some things, even Chu Bai did not dare to help him, his mother will not help him.

Just when he was in a hurry to jump, in the afternoon, a connecting flight came.

Because Huo Mingxiu is here.

Huo Mingxiu and Luo Yanxi naturally knew that such a big thing had happened.

"Oh, how sad we are in Chu, how pathetic!"

As soon as someone came in, he was gloating, which didn't match his cold image.

As he always said this, Chu Haotian would have a few words with him, but at this time he quickly dragged him in, as if he saw a savior, and whispered: "brother, do me a favor!"

Huo Mingxiu a listen, eyebrow slightly frowned, immediately pushed him away from his side.

"Hey, you boy, I'm just coming to see you. Don't hurt me! Do you want me to let you out? I don't have that great ability, let alone in front of the Chu master! If you go out, I may be the one who is locked up here! "

"Huo Mingxiu, you really come to see the excitement. You don't care about your brotherhood. I've lost my sight!"

"Well, it seems that it's wrong for me to come here to see you. OK, I'll go now!""Come back to me!"

Chu Hao's heavenly eye sees Huo Ming Xiuzhen go, and then comes forward and drags him back. His face is more serious than before.

"Huo, do you really care about your brother's happiness and life?"

Huo Mingxiu's lips started slowly and glanced at Chu Haotian. "I've helped you. What's in it for me?"

Chu Haotian was relieved. As long as he spoke, he must have a way!

It is night, Chu Haotian has been listening to the outside movement, until Meng Lei successfully opened the door, Chu Haotian looked down on the ground snoring old season they, toward Meng Lei repeatedly extended a thumb.

"It's Huo Mingxiu's man, Meng Lei. This time, he helped me a lot!"

"Chu Shao, you go quickly! I just put more sleeping pills in their dinner

Listen to Meng Lei's words, Chu Haotian's face shows the color of soy sauce. It's such a simple method. OK!

Chu Haotian quickly went out of the door. He was afraid that driving in the garage would make a noise. What's more, he didn't have a car key in his hand, so he had to walk. He walked faster and faster, and finally ran.

The Chu family's mansion is on the hillside around the mountain and by the sea. This area is full of rich and noble residential areas with backgrounds. There is no taxi coming at all. He stopped panting along the road until he reached the foot of the mountain.

Here, barely out of the control of the Chu family, he just used the mobile phone he took from Meng Lei to call Lu Lingxi.

Heart silently read, must be able to play, must be someone to answer!

Sure enough, Lu Lingxi didn't sleep very well without him. Her mobile phone was beside her pillow, so she woke up as soon as the phone rang, and then quickly picked it up.


Hearing her voice, Chu Haotian's heart beat more violently than he had just run this way. He was so happy that he immediately called out: "rhinoceros, it's me!"

"Haotian, is that you? It's really you... " She sounded more excited than he.

But it's just two days. It's like we've been apart for most of our lives. Then we suddenly meet. We're so excited that we don't know why.

His heart is also soft as water, immediately said: "well, it's me! Lingxi, listen to me first. Where are you now? Is it convenient to come out to see me so late? Or shall I come to you? "

Can we finally see it?

Since Lu Lingxi met Chu Bai and knew that he was locked at home, his whole heart has been pulling. He doesn't know when he will see him, or he won't see him in the future. What can he do?

But now

She was happy and incoherent. "Convenient, I can go out. Where are you?"

Chu Haotian looked around him and thought, "this is it! Come out at once, take whatever you can with you, and go to the railway station No, it's not! Go to the bus terminal in the east of the city and come out immediately. I'll wait for you there. If you arrive first, wait for me there and keep in touch at any time, OK? "

"Well, well, I I'll be out at once

Chu Haotian answered her and immediately ran out of the road to stop a taxi after he hung up the phone. However, it was late at night and the area was quite remote. He waited for a car for a long time.

Finally, Lu Lingxi arrived at the station first.

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