Boss Wang Shengyu is not happy, frowning and complaining.

"Ah! I said you this woman, how can't chat so? Why is it so difficult to communicate? "

That's a good thing

Lu Lingxi also wants to shake hands with him, feeling the same!

However, for the sake of helping her today, she was not good enough to directly brush his face. This topic could not be communicated, so she had to turn to another topic.

"That After all, it's your sister. Isn't that a good thing for you to do that? "

"Just because it's my sister, I don't plan to announce it to the world. Such a sister..."

He shrugged, a meaningless look, but his eyes clearly flashed a dim, stuffy said: "she and I are not born of the same mother, so, you know?"

Lu Lingxi nodded to show that she knew.

However, he said immediately: "you know what a fart! You think I want to be like this? But born in such a family, what can I do? Yes, this is the so-called fight between the rich and the poor, but the reality is that if I don't beat her today, I will be trampled by her in the future! You must really want to ask, why do you want to kill each other like this? Why can't we live in peace, right? Do you know why? "

"Well Well

"Oh! I know. It's strange to know your intelligence quotient! "

He said, has been sitting on the body, and then opened the door out of the car.

Some people say that the more optimistic and cheerful people are, in fact, there is a dark side hidden in a corner of their heart.

Maybe he was lonely, but he didn't want to be known.

Just as at the moment, he chose to turn around.

Lu Lingxi is depressed. What does he mean? Who on earth can't chat? Since he has been asking and answering questions to himself, why take her to chat with him?

What's the connection between this and her IQ?

Lu Lingxi also followed him out of the car, tangled in the heart.

It seems to be the safest and most reliable to be with him, but she is not related to him. What is it like to be with him?

"Come in! Are you going to take root outside? "

Wang Shengyu had already opened the door one step ahead of her. She looked up at the independent villa he lived in, still hesitant, wringing her fingers and stammering.

"Your family? No Isn't that good? "

"Yes! I don't think it's good either, but who wants you to be reincarnated like me? "

He suddenly came such a sentence, straight Lu Lingxi said confused.

Just listen to Wang Shengyu again: "forget it, I know you can't understand this kind of intelligence. It's nothing to say."

"You What do you mean

"It means who cares about your affairs, but who let you be my mother's daughter again? I promised her to cover you. If you make a mistake, how can I explain it to her?"


"Hello! What's your face? Don't you think I really like you? Just you... "

He looked at her from head to toe and made a conclusion.

"My eyes Oh! How can my vision be reduced to the same level as that of Chu! "

All right!

He never forgets to compete with Chu Haotian.

However, after listening to this explanation, I don't know whether it is a reason or not. To be honest, Lu Lingxi's psychological barrier is also less than a little.

So, with no choice, she finally convinced herself to accept it.

Wang Shengyu seems to be very busy. As soon as he comes back, he hides in his study and doesn't know what to do. However, in his words, now is the best time to help him in power. It's normal to be busy.

The most unpleasant thing is that he told her that he could only stay here obediently and dare to leave at his own risk!

Of course she knows, it's not a time to joke.

But she and Wang Shengyu Although it is fair to say that men and women are unmarried, even if they live in the same house, they can't go on like this all the time. She needs to find a way out of this predicament.

Now the mother is gone, only her baby has become the top priority.

In fact, the happiest day for her was the two months she spent in the small town with Chu Haotian, or Where is she going?

As long as she's not in Nancheng, she won't have to be calculated.

Just as she was thinking about this, the mobile phone in her bag suddenly rang. In fact, she didn't have to go out of her way to see it. She also knew who the call might be and could guess what he would say.

But is it necessary?

Some words can be understood without speaking.

Some words can't change anything.

She hesitated for a moment, but finally took it.

But before she said what she wanted to say, Chu Hao's voice came from the phone. He said, "come out!"Come out?

She didn't understand what he meant for a moment? Is

As soon as her heart jumped, she rushed to open the door. It's not surprising that he would come here. She followed Wang Shengyu. Naturally, he had a way to find out Wang Shengyu's residence.

As soon as she opened the door, the first thing she saw was his dark face.

Chu Haotian walked over and grabbed her wrist and dragged her out. His determination was as strong as his strength. He could not refuse and said, "follow me!"

"Chu Haotian, let go first I'm not going

Seeing that he had no intention of letting go, she had to show her determination in a hurry.

She's not going!

She can't go with him!

Her words, as expected, successfully stopped Chu Haotian's steps. He still held her hand, but slowly turned around and looked at her in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

It seemed that he could not believe what she said, and his eyes were dead in a moment.

He watched Wang Shengyu take her away, but he could only wait anxiously in the hospital.

He can't leave his so-called wife in front of so many reporters and resolutely pursue her steps.

What's more, he really can't wait to know about Mo Tingting.

Later, when the operation was over, the doctor could only say with regret that the adult was very weak, bleeding a lot and needed to rest for a period of time, while the child I can't keep it!

No one is more afraid of hearing the news than he is!

When the child is gone, what can he do to prove his innocence? Is it difficult to rely on him for a lifetime?

He didn't have time to think so much. After the reporters dispersed, he ran to find her, regardless of Li Meng's shouting.

But what he got was

She didn't want to go with him!

Lu Lingxi took a deep breath and looked calmer than him. He walked slowly through the tunnel.

"I'll go with you Chu Haotian, where do you think I can go with you? Isn't what your mother-in-law said bad enough in front of reporters? What am I? Fox, beaver or little three? Do you want me to be satisfied with the fact that I can't see the light? "


He opened his mouth, but could not speak.

The night before he got married, she said that she didn't want to see him again until the mess was cleared up!

Otherwise, where would he put her?

He can bring her only countless names, he promised to her happiness also did not do, he gave her only hurt.

The most cruel thing is that only when he goes far away can the degree of injury be minimized.

"Lingxi, you hate me, don't you? Hate that I can't protect you, can I? In the hospital, if not... "

He spoke heavily, full of weakness.

He thought he was omnipotent, as long as he wanted, there was nothing he could not get!

But now I can't even say a word.

He wants to say that even if Wang Shengyu doesn't appear, he won't let her suffer any harm from the Mo family.

Now in her eyes, will she take what he said seriously?

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