Lu Lingxi just shook his head and said to him.

"You go! Don't talk about it. It's not good to be seen

She wanted to break away from his hand. He seemed to lose all his strength at that moment, and let her break away.

There is always a feeling that as long as you let go at this moment, you can't hold it any more.

He knew how wronged she was. Maybe she didn't mean it, but every word she said seemed to him to blame him and hate him.

However, just hate him, he still can't let go!

At the moment when Lu Lingxi's hand pulled away from the palm of his hand, Chu Haotian immediately reached out and took her whole person in his arms.

Lu Lingxi suddenly bumps into his arms. He is covered with his breath and suddenly feels his nose is sour.

This one Long lost hug!

He held her tightly, and when his helpless words rang in his ears, she shed tears.

Because of his deep voice, he even asked her, "you don't want me, do you?"

A lump in her throat made her speechless.

He added: "do you think I'm incompetent, I'm useless, I can't stand up to protect you, so you give up?"

His depressed voice made her heart ache.

But in a flash, he seemed to come back to life immediately. He tugged at her and said, "I can! You come with me! We're together! Whatever they do, I'll bear the consequences. I won't let you be wronged any more. I'll... "

She knew that he had to be very determined to say that.

He and Mo Tingting's marriage, never a matter of his own, but also related to the whole Chu family!

But he said It seems that she is going to put all her eggs in one basket.

She knew why he was depressed and why he was desperate.

She always understood! A man as proud as he is!

He saw his own woman to rely on other men to protect, it must be worse than killing him!

She doesn't blame him. She should know him better than anyone else!

His loneliness, his forbearance, his pain, his everything Pull her heart ache up, she reached out the same hug his waist, buried in his arms said to him.

"Chu Haotian, do you know why I went with Wang Shengyu?"

"Chu Haotian, I have your child..."

Her face was buried in his chest, and her voice was low, but it hit his heart.

Chu Haotian was in a daze for a moment. Then he was in a mess. He didn't even know whether she had really said something just now or whether it was just his auditory hallucination.

He quickly pushed her away from his arms, then held her shoulder tightly and looked her in the eye.

"What? What did you say? "

His reaction can be understood as excitement!

Lu Lingxi felt that his breathing was suddenly rapid, even his voice began to tremble, and he squeezed her shoulder hand more and more hard.

So she repeated, "I'm pregnant! I have your baby

This time Chu Haotian heard it clearly, but he didn't know if he was too excited, or he was always unhappy during this period, so that he couldn't believe that something good would happen.

"Have children? When... "

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that what he was asking was nonsense.

When else? It must have been the time when they were out.

He was still excited. Without waiting for her to reply, he immediately said, "when did you find out? Why didn't you tell me earlier? "

While he was excited, his heart was filled with unprecedented guilt.

What did he do?

She's pregnant with his child, and he's married to another woman!

As long as he remembered that day at the wedding, she cried his name, his heart would be pulled tightly and painfully.

How did she look at that scene and wait until now?

No wonder, she will resent, will be wronged

But why didn't you tell him earlier?

She just looked at him, then dropped her eyes.

He thought that this question might not need to be asked again.

If he doesn't understand why she didn't say it earlier and why she rejected their relationship in the hospital, he resolutely chooses to leave with Wang Shengyu

If he doesn't understand, I'm so sorry for the love she paid for him!

Even if he had said it earlier, it was just more embarrassment for him.

She knew that he had already been caught between her and his family. His marriage to Mo Tingting was inevitable!

It is in order to protect his children that she has to rely on Wang Shengyu's protection.She bowed her head and said in a low voice, "now it's not..."

"Sorry, I..."

He suddenly incoherent up, for this child, he has been looking forward to.

One is to want a child that belongs to both of them. The other is to hope that after having a child, the mother will accept her more.

But I didn't expect that he had children, but after he married someone else.

He didn't know what to say to her except sorry.

At the same time, she was also worried. What did she think of some children at this time?

He became someone else's husband, how to give her an account? Give an account to the child who belongs to them?

However, she soon gave him a positive answer.

She said, "you don't have to say sorry to me. This is my child, too! I want to give him a good birth. "

Chu Hao day listened to her words, originally still hanging a heart immediately return to the original place.

She'd like to have this baby. That's great!

He was afraid that she would say that she didn't want the child to come into the world without name.

The joy in his eyes was obvious.

Lu Lingxi suddenly felt sour in his heart. If there was nothing, if there was only a happy life for the two of them, how good it would be to share the joy together at this moment!

But at this point, she could not say a word to blame him.

All his attention had been focused on the child in her stomach. He reached out and touched her abdomen, but he didn't feel anything different.

He frowned and said, "where is it? I can't see it! "

Lu Lingxi was infected by his concentrated expression and couldn't help saying: "this discovery was earlier than two months ago! It's just a small soybean. How can you tell? "

"Oh Is that a boy or a girl? "

"I can't see it after all..."

He said again, as if he had finally completely digested the fact that she had his baby in her stomach and would be born in a few months.

It's been a long time.

All the time, he felt like a balloon full of air, but the legally recognized marriage letter was like a thin needle, which poked a hole in his body.

The whole body of gas slowly released.

He was as depressed as a leaky balloon, and gradually shriveled.

But when he saw her, when he stroked her stomach seriously, and knew that his child was born in it, he was about to be a father.

All of a sudden, he seemed to be injected with fresh nutrients and blood, and the whole person was excited.

Chu Haotian stares at the stomach that still can't see any clue for a long time, then suddenly makes up his mind, and is firm.

"Come with me! You can relax! As long as you take good care of your baby, I'll try to get that woman to sign the divorce agreement. I won't hurt you and our child! "

This love, he also has very hard to pay.

But in the end, he found that he still owed her a lot!

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